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Author Topic: HydroPool Homeshow Shark  (Read 3388 times)


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HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« on: March 04, 2005, 10:48:47 pm »
I went to a home show this evening and the only spa company represented was Hydrpool.  I never saw this company's product and never really consider it to be honest with you.  I decided to check it out.  The booth was staffed with employees from the pool and spa store and a gentleman that worked for Hydropool.  Well to make a long story short, what many of you say about company reps at home shows was 100% correct in this case.

I used my new found knowledge which I gathered from this site and proceeded to ask the salesman and Hydropool rep a few questions on what makes there product different and how it relates to others such as Marquis, Hot Springs, D-1 and Artesian.  To sum it up he basically said everything else is garbage and this is the best spa built on the market.

I found it funny because other people looking at the spas were following me as I asked questions, and they were gaining more knowledge from me than the rep or salesman.  He had nothing positive to say about any other company and just wanted a sale, a sale at the special home show  price.  Which was very inflated.  

To conclude our 15 minute discussion he said you are overly knowledgable about spas, here is a brochure, I am sure you will read it.  When he knew I was not going to take out my credit card and drop $10,000 on the spot for the spa he quickly left me to tend to other people who were making an impulse buy.  This guy was trying to sell anything that was not tied down, what a shark.

Just for my information how are Hydropool spas, because I did not learn anything from this guy.

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HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« on: March 04, 2005, 10:48:47 pm »


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Re: HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 11:02:58 pm »
Hi...Steve here will be able to answer your questions about Hydropools spas.... but about the HOme show it is very diffrent to be at a Home show and be the only spa maker there....Than it is to promote a spa show with many makers and than in the end be the only maker there....


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Re: HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2005, 12:24:04 am »
I don't agree in any way shape or form with the tactics you described that were used by the rep at the show you attended, but in all fairness to the rep, he is there for one reason and one reason only...........to sell spas.  that's what he does for a living.  Most likely he was a hired salesperson to work that particular event for the local dealer.  He may or may not have a direct affiliation with hydropool.  Although I will say that some of the manufacturers have reps that act just as you described.  Thankfully none of the reps we bring in for our local home show and state fair act in that manner.  But please understand that he most likely works on 100% commission, meaning if he doesn't sell spas he doesn't get diddly poo and won't be able to provide for his family, and if you aren't showing any buying signs he's going to move on.  also many of the salespeople who work home shows and fairs will sell different brands of spas depending on which local dealer they are working for at that particular show.  And since this is most likely the case they aren't going to know every little detail about all of the spa brands.


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Re: HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2005, 01:28:13 am »
First off BadBack, I would like to apologize on behalf of Hydropool for the representation that you experienced at this particular show.

As mentioned, homeshows for any product are sales driven and the approach can be more aggressive because of it. That certainly isn't right and in no way do I practice it or condone that sort of sales tactic.

If you have this person's information or business card, I would love for you to forward it to me in a private message as Hydropool the company does not promote this sort of salesmanship for their dealers regardless of the venue.

That said, I would also like to mention that this sort of behavior isn't limited to any one company. People are individuals and not clones and in every manufacturer, there are dealers that represent the company the way in which we expect and sometimes the dealers act in ways that don't emulate the company’s policies which have been clearly stated. Hydropool has taken considerable measures to improve their quality of dealers as every company has and the level of sales personnel is expected to operate at a much higher level than in previous years. Our expectations are higher and so should yours be. If you come across that, leave as it’s the strongest sign you could give as a consumer.

Poolboy brought up a very good point with the type of sales often in place at these shows. 100% commission is not uncommon though I have never agreed with this tactic for this very reason. It promotes a very poor quality of sales people and I certainly don’t recommend my dealers incorporate this strategy into any event sales.

Hydropool is a strong company with qualities and features of the higher end, more commonly known brands often mentioned here. We are a 25 year old Canadian company based out of Ontario and I can tell you that Hydropool will be far better known in North America within 3 years with the strategy and people we now have in place.

If there’s anything specific I can do to answer your questions, please let me know and I hope that this one individual doesn’t give you the wrong impression of what Hydropool represents. Again, please except my apology for this bad experience.

Steve Russell
Hydropool Development Partner
Western Canada

« Last Edit: March 05, 2005, 01:29:48 am by Steve »


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Re: HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2005, 08:51:35 am »
I felt bad for the guy who owns the the pool and spa store, because he did not seem to be as high pressure as the sales rep, but he did go along with him.  I at least knew some of the terms they were using.  For the new perspective buyer it must of sounded like rocket science.  No explanation at all, just why this is the best and what it will cost you, if you at now.  Plus it does have a place to keep your beer, I was shown that a few times.

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Re: HydroPool Homeshow Shark
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2005, 08:51:35 am »


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