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Author Topic: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard  (Read 14776 times)


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2005, 05:06:54 pm »
Chas thought the price increase for the 2005 Vanguard was around $400.  My husband and I hope to purchase the spa within the next two months.  
In regard to the 2004 Vanguard.  Our dealer in Ohio is having a sale on them this weekend.  He is taking off $1,200 dollars which brings the base price to $7,400.  I am not certain if that is much of a deal or not.  :-)

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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2005, 05:06:54 pm »


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2005, 05:18:36 pm »
He is taking off $1,200 dollars which brings the base price to $7,400.  I am not certain if that is much of a deal or not.  :-)

Chas and others can certainly tell you plus I'm pretty sure Lori has one and can give feedback but they would need to know what comes with that price (lifter, steps, chems, etc.).
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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2005, 06:31:27 pm »

May I ask where in Ohio? I haven't visited the local HS dealer here in quite a while,  I'm a habitual browser when it comes to hot tubs.

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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2005, 07:34:05 am »
Chas thought the price increase for the 2005 Vanguard was around $400.  My husband and I hope to purchase the spa within the next two months.  
In regard to the 2004 Vanguard.  Our dealer in Ohio is having a sale on them this weekend.  He is taking off $1,200 dollars which brings the base price to $7,400.  I am not certain if that is much of a deal or not.  :-)

I would think $7400 would be a great deal.  I paid $7600 for my 2003 (in 2003) and absolutely love it!!!

Besides, Chas said to give him some leeway on the estimated price increase!  Different areas of the country are priced differently (obviously, look what I paid for the previous year's model, in my area)!

Have you wet tested the 2004 or the 2005?  I would suggest it!  I don't mind having one pump (plenty of power for little ol' me) and I use a Hydro-Pulse face plate on one of my moto massage jets, and I am in heaven!!!  I haven't experienced the dual moto jet, but I would highly suggest WET TEST both and let that help you decide.

Plus, when you think of the "long run" what is an extra $400 or $600 now?  After a week of whichever tub you choose sitting in your back yard, and you have soaked every night, you will forget how much you spent!  (I have to check the review section every now and then to remember what I paid!)

;D Good luck!  Have fun!  And did I mention...wet test!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2005, 11:07:21 am »
Man, my local dealer in Vancouver, WA was trying to stick me for $8,800 for the 2004 floor model, it sounds like you are getting a great deal.


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2005, 04:34:00 pm »
The price of $7,400 on the 2004 Vanguard included only the delivery, setup, and chemicals.  Additional options and sales tax are not included in that price.
The dealer in Ohio that we have visited is located in North Canton.  They are known for their outstanding service department.  It is called Ohio Pools and Spas.  
Thanks again for the great feedback!


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2005, 06:54:20 am »
I thought I might tell you, my price did include some extras.  I got ozone, a cover lifter, starter chemicals, steps, and a box of goodies (a floating drink holder, some aromatherapy liquid, a relaxing music cd, and a couple of floating candles).

I bought on a "no sales tax" weekend.  I know they are usually for school stuff, but the town I bought in wanted to try and keep some of the business here instead of in Texas, where they have a "no sales tax" weekend sale every year!  

Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2005, 12:57:31 pm »
I think our 2004 Vanguard was aroung $8000-$8200 (I can't remember exactly). This included tax, set-up, steps, coverlifter and cover, ozone, and some chemicals. Also, ours was a floor model, so I think they knocked off $400 or so. I also just love the color...pearl white with grey.

I don't know if this is a good price or a bad one, but I love my Vanguard. For us, it was the perfect fit. If we had kids at home, we would have gone for the Grandee.

If the new model is $400-$600 more, I'd get the new one. On the other hand, we are pleased as punch with ours, so either way, I think you will be happy. I do know one thing...We will never ever go without a spa. It's amazing!


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2005, 10:31:01 am »
I would like to thank everyone for the input.  Thie website is just great!


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2005, 10:39:03 am »
My husband and I will be taking delivery of our 2005 Vanguard on February 26th.   It will be going on a concrete base.  Our electrician has finished his work and we are all set to go.
I have a few questions.  Please keep in mind that I am a novice.  Should I take a water sample to our dealer before the spa arrives?  Is it better to use hard well water from our hose or soft water when filling the spa?  One person mentioned that he read it is best to fill, chlorinate, let the pumps run for a few hours and drain.  Is this necessary when filling a new spa?  Also, are there any advantages to using bromine over chlorine?  Our Vanguard has the Freshwater ozonator.
Thanks in advance for your advice!  


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2005, 11:16:33 am »
My husband and I will be taking delivery of our 2005 Vanguard on February 26th.
Yay!! Party time! I know you'll love it.
 It will be going on a concrete base.
Generally the best way to do it.
Our electrician has finished his work and we are all set to go.
Prewiring or doing part of the job in advance makes great sense.
I have a few questions.  Please keep in mind that I am a novice.  Should I take a water sample to our dealer before the spa arrives?
Yes - if your dealer offers this. I usually only do this if you are going to use Baqua, but it's never a bad idea. You may find some metal issues or other things which the dealer can help you with as soon as you fill.
Is it better to use hard well water from our hose or soft water when filling the spa?
Most warranties mention never filling with soft water. Some folks here on the board fill with soft water and then use various chems to bring the water up to the hardness level recommended by the tub maker. I am of the opinion that you should go by what the tub maker says, and most of them say to never fill with soft water. Adding a portion of the volume of the tub in soft water can help if you test and find that your well water is unusally hard. To do this, simply fill the tub to about three inches below the normal waterline, and then top it off with soft water. That - surprisingly - is close to 25% of the volume of most tubs.
One person mentioned that he read it is best to fill, chlorinate, let the pumps run for a few hours and drain.
No. HotSpring uses clean, chlorinated water to water test your Vanguard, and a simple chlorine shock at start up is all you need. Balance your pH and TA, then toss in 2 dry ounces of Dichlor. Then change the water at the end of the first month. This is called "Chas' Law," and helps newbies a lot.
Also, are there any advantages to using bromine over chlorine?
Go with Dichlor and MPS - which are part of the Freshwater III system you dealer can help you with. Simplest, least expensive, and you can't use Bromine with the N2 cartridge anyway.
Our Vanguard has the Freshwater ozonator.
Which includes the N2 cartridge I just mentioned - which is not compatible with Bromine.

Enjoy your new tub - my best advice is to keep it as simple as you can. Most long-time tub owners find a pattern of care which does not take much time, and is based on about three items:

Test (kit or strips)
Balance (pH and TA)
Sanitize (Dichlor is the cheapest and most powerful)

Also: you will need to have some de-foamer on hand while you and your tub get to know each other.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2005, 11:31:18 am »
One last thing you didn't mention - drain and refill after the first month! It makes a big difference in keeping the foam down. All you would be surprised at how nice new water is!

I have had mine for about 3 months now. I have only missed about 3 nights of soaking, and that happend this month! The next night I get in and wonder how in the world I would miss a night of soaking.

One thing that is surprising to me, most of the time I soak without the jets on. It is so nice to just soak and carry on a conversation with the wife.

Another thing I would do, get an extra filter and to swap it out. I have heavy use on my tub (kids use it too!) and find that I like to clean the filter every week or so. It keeps the water nice and clear!


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2005, 05:47:49 pm »
Thanks so very much for all of the good information.   I have printed out your tips and will refer to them when the spa arrrives.  


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2005, 10:23:13 am »
We would love to buy the 04 Vanguard, but are at the end of our budget (the rest of the back yard was waaaaaaaay over budget).
This is the real reason I do my best to have folks put the spa in first and then build the yard around it. Of course it's also true that as you sit in your spa looking at the yard, you tend to become motivated to complete the task, you often come up with wonderful ideas to make it better, and if you are doing any of the work yourself, you MUST have the tub to relax your back after a hard day at it.....

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2005, 01:59:54 am »
Here are a few ideas to battle the foam.  Do not use detergent when washing suits,  the soap will stay in the suit and can eventually cause foaming.  If yu notice you are having foam, take your filters out and spray them off real well w/ a highpressure nozel.  I have found using Natural Chemistry's Spa Perfect once a week helps w/ foam as well.

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Re: 2005 Hot Spring Vanguard
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2005, 01:59:54 am »


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