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Author Topic: Why my cover failed  (Read 6850 times)


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Why my cover failed
« on: February 27, 2005, 12:55:16 pm »
I think I had a revelation today (or finally saw the obvious).  I have mentioned previously that one side of my cover became waterlogged and I had to have the insert replaced.   I was perplexed that one side would fail and not the other if the root cause was outgasing.

Now, I believe, and will welcome your opinions, that the problem goes back to day one of installation, specifically improper mounting of the lifter. (The tub is nearing its second birthday) Many of you thought a good cover should last longer. I'm sure the problem built up over time, but was caused by a bad installation and my lack of knowing what to look for.   The only problem I have ever had with my dealer was when they got busy and hired a different crew for a delivery. (I believe my delivery prompted them to expand thier delivery personell.)

Anyway, the idiots who did our install mounted the bracket for the lifter on first, mouting it flush with the rear of the tub. (I think this is a covermate I) When the bar that rests on top of the cover is in place, it is nowhere near the hinge of the tub.  I never really paid much attention to this until Steve and Doc started talking about the coverlift saver we saw originiate here. I reasoned I couldn't use one of these devices.  Below is a picture of one side of the lifter with the cover closed.

See what I mean?  Today I did a rare thing for me and only opened one side of the cover so I could just relax in the lounger.  As I was sitting there I noticed how much pressure this must put on the insert over time and could cause it to break. Also  when I lift the cover, it slides down on the bar to its resting position. Again, over time I have to think this has had a huge negative effct. See photo 2 below.

I think I will have a talk with my the owners of my dealership. (I consider them friends at this point, and know the young nice kids who work the counter have no real authority.

The cover did make it through warranty, but the problem was caused by improper installation.  On the other hand, when the heavy cover broke my lifter and they replaced both the lifter and cover insert (at my cost) The Tech, who seems pretty competent asked me if I wanted him to move the brackets so it would fit right. But I didn't want 20 extraholes in the skirting that I might have to plug somehow.

Since having a heavy cover damage the skirt once, I have decided to go with an under the spa mounted lifter in the spring, but I'm temped to ask them to come out at some compromrise expense and move the existing lifter.   Thoughts?

I'll take a closer look at it, but I don't think the arm can be made longer to sit in the crease.  I think I will take these photos in to see my dealer.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2005, 05:21:09 pm by wmccall »
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Why my cover failed
« on: February 27, 2005, 12:55:16 pm »


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2005, 01:24:10 pm »
Simple fix is to expand the outside tubes of the cover lifter they are self tapping screws. These lifters are fully adjustable . Worst case you might have a screw hole showing on the side bars.


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2005, 05:26:32 pm »
Simple fix is to expand the outside tubes of the cover lifter they are self tapping screws. These lifters are fully adjustable . Worst case you might have a screw hole showing on the side bars.

Thanks, I didn't know that.  Until I check, I'll see if there is room enough to expand the bars out farther.  I hope so, that will hold me till spring.
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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2005, 05:31:49 pm »
It certainly has been installed incorrectly Bill but as Tubber mentioned, these are are adjustable and should be done without a problem.

I don't know how this would cause damage to the foam as the cover will slide as it's being removed and sit in the correct position once lifted off. It will however add additional strain on the hinge as it will impact the seam as it moves upwards as opposed to gradually lifting off correctly. A Cover Saver will work on your application.

I would certainly get your dealer to adjust the side arms so the center bar sits just back from the center seam. Make sure it's not right over the seam as you need the first half to fold over the bar easily.

PS In taking a closer look at your picture, you might not have the adjustment to extend those arms which would require moving the entire bracket. If that's the case, you will have holes in your skirt (the spas skirt I mean though you may have some in yours too ;)) and they will need to repair those or offer some compensation as it was installed incorrectly initially.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2005, 06:00:46 pm by Steve »


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2005, 06:37:21 pm »
I think you should ask for a new spa.

Just move the thing. It's totally on wrong, but if you simply moved it a couple of inches you should end up with two or four holes to plug. What I mean is: slide it over one or two screws and use the existing screw holes but in a different hole on the bracket. The top bar should be about 1/2" back from the center of the hinge.

Plug the holes in the siding with silicone - 'bronze' or somesuch might come close to the color of your siding.

Then put an ad in the paper and sell it. I know you wanted to upgrade this year anyway...

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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2005, 06:42:36 pm »
I believe that if you extend the arms toward the actual fold, you can put screwsin the holes which are not being used and cap them with the black caps that were included originally with the lift. This way, you would have no holes showing at all.
I am sure that your dealer would even do this for you, if they installed it improperly in the first place.
It is an easy fix... ;D


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2005, 04:05:16 pm »
I concur with Chas....Sell it and buy a real spa!  FYI...Hot Springs is the #1 seller,and over-all,the best spa you can get for your money. :)

Lastly....how bout a plexiglass cover...the new 1's they selling? I hear they are enjuneard like a 1 sided mirror....as they let the heat in during the winter,and bounce the sunrays away during summer.


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2005, 11:36:30 pm »
Why are they giving you the "biz" about your spa?  What kind is it, if I might ask?  (I ask 'cause it looks similar to mine!  ;D )


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2005, 02:18:41 am »
I concur with Chas....Sell it and buy a real spa!  FYI...Hot Springs is the #1 seller,and over-all,the best spa you can get for your money. :)

I am just wondering if this is tongue in cheek or something you really feel...You are Caldera owner ...Yes?......do you not feel as good  about your spa now as you once did....


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2005, 06:12:52 am »
Tongue in cheek :)  I actually feel the same,if not better about my spa,which is a Caldera.  Will be 2 years next month.  So far it has been great!  I look forward to 5+ more years of enjoyment with my spa.


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2005, 09:11:41 am »
Why are they giving you the "biz" about your spa?  What kind is it, if I might ask?  (I ask 'cause it looks similar to mine!  ;D )

They are giving me the "biz" because its me and they can.  Its a Dynasty Excalibur and for therapy and comfort it is top notch.  I've only had one legit problem that was taken care of by the dealer. The problem with the cover was from improper installation by a private contractor 2 years ago, and my ignornace allowed it to become a problem.   The last time out the dealer's tech did offer to move the cover bracket for me, but I didn't want to see the holes.

My only thoughts about replacing it were based on the fact that my dealer wanted to give me 90% of the price I paid toward a newer model.  They have made some changes to the tub in 05 that I think are good changes.
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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2005, 09:13:14 am »
I think you should ask for a new spa.

Just move the thing. It's totally on wrong, but if you simply moved it a couple of inches you should end up with two or four holes to plug. What I mean is: slide it over one or two screws and use the existing screw holes but in a different hole on the bracket.


I definitely see what you mean, I'll take a closer look at that when the weather breaks. (Not this week, I have one more ski trip to make.
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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2005, 10:59:46 am »
I think you could try the Cover Saver and not have to extend the lifter bar.  The Saver should allow it to open without sliding down....at least that's what mine does though mine has no more than an inch to slide....I wouldn't think having it not slide an inch or not slide 6 inches, as it looks in your case, would make any difference.  BTW, I like my CS....it has been flawless thus far.   :)
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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2005, 11:03:36 am »
Bill you don't have to move the brackets, just take out the 3 screws on both side arms that have the little black plastic caps on them, slide the center tube to be even slightly back from center then with your drill gun reinstall the self tapping screws.

I am having a bit of a problem seeing if the screws are there at all in your pictures which would not only cause this problem but would let the lifter twist and be harder to open.

If you need some of those self-tappers PM me with an address and I will  toss some in an envelope along with an instruction sheet on the lifter install and mail them to you.

BTW, if you put a straight-edge along the back of the spa and then measure from the center of the pivot hole to the straight edge you should be right about 4 inches.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2005, 11:07:27 am by stuart »


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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2005, 12:18:38 pm »
Bill you don't have to move the brackets, just take out the 3 screws on both side arms that have the little black plastic caps on them, slide the center tube to be even slightly back from center then with your drill gun reinstall the self tapping screws.

I am having a bit of a problem seeing if the screws are there at all in your pictures which would not only cause this problem but would let the lifter twist and be harder to open.

If you need some of those self-tappers PM me with an address and I will  toss some in an envelope along with an instruction sheet on the lifter install and mail them to you.

BTW, if you put a straight-edge along the back of the spa and then measure from the center of the pivot hole to the straight edge you should be right about 4 inches.

First sign of warm weather I will investigate this further.
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Re: Why my cover failed
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2005, 12:18:38 pm »


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