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Author Topic: Manufacturers websites  (Read 4839 times)


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Manufacturers websites
« on: February 26, 2005, 12:04:07 pm »
Do you dealers think the Manufacturers websites are a help or a burden?   I've got a couple of reasons for asking.   One ,so often the Dealer Locater is inaccurate.  And more recently I"ve been looking at the new Dynasty Models at my dealer, (Just browsing)  I think they are a real improvement over previous years.  I'm suprised in the months since I have seen this model that the Manufacturer hasn't updated thier website. I don't think they have in well over a year.  Sure looks like 2003 models on thier site to me.  Developing a website is work, updating an existing website is much less work.  I guess it kind of bothers me when they don't put much effort in an area that I would consider a great marketing tool.   Its not like they are the first name in spas that everyone rushes to.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2005, 09:35:31 am by wmccall »
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Manufacturers websites
« on: February 26, 2005, 12:04:07 pm »


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2005, 12:28:08 pm »
I recently  realized that my little store was not listed on Colemans site. When you plugged in our zipcode the main store in Mandan came up.

After a few phone calls and emails, part of this was corrected, but they have our phone number wrong and still haven't straightened that out yet. :-/

Last I checked Colemans site, the models shown were 04's.

Am ashamed to say...haven't even been to Jacuzzi's website yet :-[

Spahappy :D


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2005, 02:32:59 pm »
As more and more people use the internet for info you would think that manufacturers would employ someone to take care of that end of the business.

When I was looking for a furnace 3 years ago the company that installed the furnace wasn't on the manufacturer's website and I originally had an uneasy feeling about giving my money to someone who was  "not authorized" to sell the product - but this wasn't the case.  Also, last year when I was looking for tubs - I called a dealer who's about 10 miles away from me and they weren't listed on the website. Since I saw the product line I didn't bother to go to the dealer - I only found out by calling him to ask what brands they sold.

I agree, it's a shame some companies don't take that end of "advertising" seriously. It's a great tool to use to see what's out there for any product. I actually went to the Artesian website and they had a negative review on it for about 2 to 3 weeks on a gold series tub - whoever was monitoring that website wasn't doing their job!


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2005, 02:50:20 pm »
Well as a HotSpring dealer I have had one time when I found an error in the Dealer locator which applied to me. I called, and the next day it was corrected. I even got an email telling me to go and see the update and please let them know if it was just right.

Also, the new models do come online a bit late for me, but the reasoning is sound: they don't want to do it twice, meaning that they don't want to put up some flakey drawing or home-brewed snapshot (as I can easily do on my own web site) and then redo it when the professional images come in.

TheTiger River Spas, HotSpring Spas,, Solana and Caldera sites have been updated for 2005 and I just got an email announcing that within the past few days.

And the people who work on the web site and other things relating to the Internet are all awesome people. Most of them are women, but don't even start on any stereotype of male vs female in the technical or creative aspect - this team is awesome, every one of them.

Why, here's the address, in case you would like to check it out....

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2005, 03:32:25 pm »
I like what my manufacturer has done with their site. As a dealer, I receive about a dozen leads a week from their site. Now, not all leads are going to turn into sales, YET. But, some rainy day, when you have nothing better to do than sit home and go on the internet, it is nice to see that there are some nice sites in the hot tub category in there.
Sundance Spas site is updated with the 05 product, Marquis Spas has an interactive site so you can move water around the spa using the diverter valves, kinda neat.


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2005, 04:56:32 pm »
As someone in the business, I can honestly say that websites have a great influence and have the potential to be an excelent marketing tool.  They allow manufacturers to show all of their product lines, as well specs and company and product info.  For dealers websites offer us a chance to reach the market and display products we might not always be able to have in our showrooms.  With more and more people spending more time in front of their computers, listening to satelite radio, relying less on the local newspaper for worldly updates, and watching less TV websites are essential for not only manufacturers but local dealers as well to get their names in the marketplace.  

Websites allow for a lot of flexibility in terms of product display, featuring new products, showing pictures of happy customers, electronic lead generation, mailing lists, etc...  Personally I'd have to say that Watkins does a great job in this department, especially with electronic lead generation.  It's also nice to see that Dimension One has updated their website and given it a much needed facelift.   I like the interactive feature of Marquis' website, very innovative.  Sundance's website is much better IMO now that it's been redesigned.  Unfortunately that cannot be said of their other product line, Jaccuzzi Premium, as the changes made to it have made it less user friendly.  just some thoughts......

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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2005, 09:45:12 am »
As a consumer, I also found them to be a good reference to check back with after my visit. I'm terrible with organization and I lose flyers like crazy.

Besides Dynasty not updating, there was one one other motivation for me asking.  When I visited one dealer when we were buying he handed me a flyer on the model we were interested in, but we were going to have to wait two weeks for him to get in a model we wanted to wet test (a call that never came) I wanted to look again at the other model we were looking at and I thought his website might have that info.  I sent what I thought was a clear email to him about having pictures of what he sells and I got back a nasty, "We don't sell spas on the internet, support your local dealer!" message.   That response and the call that never came turned me off to that dealer, and that brand since they were the only one to carry it.

Now I see a message from an Ohio dealer looking to carry a new brand, and I wondered if that was him. We will see.
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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2005, 10:21:10 am »
Artesian seems to be forwarding their questions to the local dealers for answering. I guess it's good but it would be nice to be answered by the "factory".  If you want to confirm something that a dealer said, it would be nice for the manufacturer to confirm it vs a local dealer who told it to you in the first place.


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2005, 10:41:43 am »
The website for Emerald hot tubs has certainly not done any favors for the company. The dealer locator function works just fine but the pictures of the tubs themselves are far less than attractive. After going to an Emerald dealer and taking a good look at the construction of the tub, I can easily say that they are first rate but you would never know from the website.  Marquis has a good thing going in that you can see the jet patterns by clicking on the Tri-zone Therapy.  


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2005, 12:14:34 pm »
I agree with the Emerald website. It's kind of blah.


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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2005, 07:10:24 pm »
I think manufacturers are starting to realize the way people are using the interenet for this purchase. A great deal of research is being made by consumers prior to stepping into a dealer and these people expect far more than they use to. A poorly designed website with inaccurate information could result in lost sales.

These sites have to be very functional for both consumers and dealers alike and the truly great sites are the ones that combine these functions.

Having accurate locators is a must and if I was a dealer, I would expect nothing less. I know that Hydropool is and continues to put a lot of time and resources into their site and the benefits are really starting to show. Our dealers can download promtoional handouts, get real time inventory on all products as well as a host of other things that our dealers love.

These sites have to be easy to navigate and offer the type of information consumers are looking for as well.
A wordy site with little substance (anything come to mind ;D ) reflects poorly on the company and interest fades.

I consider it the "bathroom" of the dealer; If the bathroom (website) of the company is put together well and is kept in proper working order, chances are the entire company operates the same way. A dealer rep thing I guess... ;) ;D



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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2005, 09:56:40 am »
Master Spas updated their website, complete overhaul for 2005, and it is very nice. Lots more details than the 2004 site. I know they are still working on the Downeast site, but not many changes there from 04 to 05.

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Re: Manufacturers websites
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2005, 09:56:40 am »


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