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Author Topic: My Marquis Saga Continues  (Read 3466 times)


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My Marquis Saga Continues
« on: February 25, 2005, 08:12:45 pm »
As many of you know, I've had many problems with my brand new Euphoria.  During the time it took to get the issue resolved with my dealer, I wrote to my credit card company and withheld the payment until we could come to an agreement about the tub.  Well, long story short, they (dealer) finally fixed the ongoing issues with the tub and it is in perfect working order (actually better than what it was when shipped from the factory).
Meanwhile, my credit card company charged the tub back to the dealer who in turn called us immediately.  This is the FIRST time we have spoken with the actual owner of the dealership since our initial purchase back in November.  Interesting what it takes to get some people to take our call...but anyway...They want to replace the tub with a brand new one.  They have read through the documents (the tech guy was good at keeping us documented) and they can understand why we pulled the payment and they want to make things right.  Laugh!  Where were they when we didn't have a working tub?

anyway, my issue now is....the tub works great...they want to give us a brand new tub.  Should I keep the one that was initially so problematic but now works with almost all new components, OR should I go with a brand new tub and pray that it arrives without issues of its own?
My dh thinks we will kick ourselves if we don't take the new tub and something else goes wrong with this tub.

Thanks for all of the help you've given me.  I look forward to your responses.


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My Marquis Saga Continues
« on: February 25, 2005, 08:12:45 pm »


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2005, 08:22:29 pm »
Wow! Tough choice. Generally, I have heard good things about Marquis, and I have to believe that you got a one-of-a-kind baddy. You should get a fine tub the second time around: the chances of getting a second tub with problems has to be tiny.

But on the other hand, you have a working tub now - and lots of little headaches could come up just due to moving two large items in and out of your yard....

But this is all speculation, YMMV !!
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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2005, 08:33:52 pm »
hummmm the use of the word Saga hardly seems appropriate....You had problems with your spa and as unfortunate as this is....They did in fact take care of you....Now that you spa is up and running fine they want to give you a new one....Not many company's out there are going to step up like that...Again it is truly unfortunate that you had the trouble and headaches that you did....but it seems from all of your troubles the ultimate to goal was make you happy....and that they  have stood behind the product quite well....Actually this a great a example of why I am proud to be a Marquis dealer...
« Last Edit: February 25, 2005, 08:39:56 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2005, 11:52:34 pm »
I be tempted to take the new tub. I don't know, a lemon is a lemon, and it may act up again. Probably just a fluke, so if it were me, I'd take a new one.

It's interesting that the owner didn't step-up to the plate and call you until the credit card company was involved. It's is an interesting saga...

Funny how when they aren't being paid, they want to resolve the issue...quickly! LOL


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2005, 12:33:35 am »
It depends on the nature of the issue as to whether a new one is a wise choice. What would be best for you would be if they gave you something like a 45 or 60 day window to decide and that way you could get some more assurance that your current spa is working properly and at that point if all is fine I'd say keep what's working.
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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2005, 05:07:23 am »
From what you have reported what you got is a rare lemon. I would go with a new one with a warranty starting on the day you get it. And who knows... the 2005 version is coming soon...


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2005, 08:09:03 am »
Since the dealer repaired your tub and Marquis is standing behind their product, I would talk with the owner of the dealership and explain that you appreciate the offer and you would like to keep the original tub WITH THE OPTION that if the original tub gives you any other major troubles that you can get the new tub.

I think this would set up a better relationship between the two of you. He and Marquis are being fair and likewise you are being fair! I see it as a win - win situation.

I'm not a dealer, but I have found that unless you really need to "beat up" on someone, you get more from people if you treat them fairly.

Just my 2 cent!


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2005, 09:09:11 am »
hmmm, what a dilema...but t least you have two good options to choose from.
just to add my two penneth in, i would probabaly go for the new tub...if for no other reason that empolgation said, which was you get a complete new warranty with it. It might just be one of those things, but if it's been that difficult to get things sorted out originally, what happens if, god forbid, somethign goes wrong again?


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2005, 10:12:28 am »
I would see if you could work something out for the new model that is coming out mid year.  If you keep this one and something else goes wrong with it, yoy will wish you traded it in.


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2005, 11:48:07 am »
Just an additional thought to the others you have gotten. Anything about the first tub you might do differently now, aside from the problems?  Maybe the color isn't what you thought you would like? Could be a rare second chance if you need it.
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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2005, 12:15:18 pm »
I'd keep the spa you have as long as the warranty stays in tact on it.

This isn't like a blem that Marquis wants or feels they need to pull out of service. By giving you the option of keeping the tub, tells me they feel the spa is a sound spa and not a lemmon.

Not many people get these choices ( to keep a good new tub or choose a brand new one ) I'd feel confident in what you have as long as your happy with it.

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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2005, 01:43:30 pm »
Just an additional thought to the others you have gotten. Anything about the first tub you might do differently now, aside from the problems?  Maybe the color isn't what you thought you would like? Could be a rare second chance if you need it.

No, we love everything about the tub.  We still feel that we purchased the best brand for our family.  We are just on the fence about having it replaced or sticking with the original.  If we replaced it we would want everything to stay the same colorwise.

I appreciate all the thoughtful advice.  You've all really given me something to think about.  I really like the idea of keeping this tub with the option of replacing it if anything  else goes wrong with this one.  I would need to get that in writing.  :)


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Re: My Marquis Saga Continues
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2005, 01:43:30 pm »


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