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Author Topic: Scents???  (Read 2734 times)


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« on: February 25, 2005, 11:12:42 am »
My wife was told by a friend that she should try a scent in our hot tub. We have a HS Vanguard.

She was talking to the friend and happend to mention that if she sits in front of the jets for any length of time she gets dried out skin there. So her friend suggested trying a scent as it had helped her skin.

The problem I have is that I'm proud of the fact that my water is crystal clear after almost 3 months, with no foam at all. So why mess with things?

Has anyone tried the scents and did it mess up the water? Any suggestions on what product to use?

Hot Tub Forum

« on: February 25, 2005, 11:12:42 am »


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Re: Scents???
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2005, 11:43:04 am »
The majority of the spa scents on the market WILL NOT affect your spas water chemistry.  You will want to clean the filters a lil more often, but overall they add to your spa experience.  In-Spa-Ration makes some great smelling and long lasting scents.  They also have a lot of variety in their product offerings.

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Re: Scents???
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2005, 11:47:07 am »
I've used scents in the water, and to be honestI wasnt particularly impressed with them. Not for any harmful reaction to skin or anything, but I just didn't think that the smell lasted very long, or was very strong.  I just used the pour in stuff from the bottles, (being very technical here!!) While we could smell it when it was poured in, and for a (very) short time afterwards, the scent soon dissappated.  

Having said that, the hot tub is, afterall, outside, so a light breeze  could soon take the scent away.....plus, you dont smell something as strongly after you get used to it.

I also found that after using this, I was left with a scum line round where the water line was.  Agagin, I'm not sure if this was def caused by the scent, but the only time it happens is when we use it.

Hope this is helpful



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Re: Scents???
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2005, 11:59:09 am »
ps - didnt have any probs with the water chemistry either. The only time I get foam is when I let the bromine get too low,a nd then someitmes it goes a bit ..well....foamy! :D :D
« Last Edit: February 25, 2005, 12:01:35 pm by saz »


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Re: Scents???
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2005, 12:12:05 pm »
I think the scents are great.  You can get so many different types for men/ladies.  I find they do no effect my water chemistry at all.  The ones I use are called made by Spazazz.  I also find the smell lasts the duration I am in the tub (about 1/2 hour)  Sure the smell does weaken but you can still smell it.  This is based off about 1 table spoon put in.   They really do add to your experience in the spa.   Not sure if they help your skin or not.

I would recommend at least trying them.  


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Re: Scents???
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2005, 12:17:10 pm »
There are other products to add to the spa to address sckin dryness that are not scents per se.  
I don't use any of them, so I can't comment on a specific product.  
I'd hope that any product specifically sold for spa use wouldn't have a detrimental effect on water quality if used as directed.


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Re: Scents???
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2005, 08:52:16 am »
hey Nicker,
I'm gonna look out for that product. Cant really remember what the product I used was called - I got a pack of 8 small bottles with different scents free with the tub, but I agree with you that it does add to the whole hot tub experience. I was just disappointed that my scents didnt seem to last.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Scents???
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2005, 08:52:16 am »


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