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Author Topic: Can I get your advice please?  (Read 8245 times)


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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2005, 04:09:32 pm »
Well, the Soothing Seven are located up high. But most of the HP models now have an inverted v with two spinners down low. Acutally, that's two large jets down low, and you can pop spin nozzles into them if and when you wish.

Soothing seven:

Here is a link for the "jets" page on the HotSpring web site.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2005, 04:09:32 pm »


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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2005, 04:59:33 pm »
Here is an example of why everyone should wet test.  Chas really likes the Soothing Seven Jets that HotSpring uses.  For me they are a big waste of time.  Chas talks about relaxing, I want a vigorous message and move not only from seat to seat, but I move my body in each seat to get every part of my musculature covered.  If the jets are so powerful that they move me out of the seat, then I brace and push back against the flow to get the maximum effect.  I like that, which is why I still like the Caldera  better than my new Envoy.  Marquis is very good for me, too, because of their powerful jets.  Everyone is different.


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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2005, 05:09:07 pm »
There are really nice features on ALOT of good quality spas. Isn't what we're all looking for is a great massage? Whether it be soothing seven jets, fluidix jets or even the moto-massage. If you want real control of your jet system, wet test an Artesian Platinum Series Spa. This massage is totally awesome. No kidding, I've been in them all, there is nothing like it.
My favorite in the line is the Piper Glen, 5 adjustable flow pumps that will massage or pummel you, depending on the day you use it. ::)


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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2005, 05:58:10 pm »
Hottubber, I did take a look at the Artesian Spa website. Thier spas do look awesome. I like how the jets are low in the seat to hit that low back area that kills me.
The bummer thing is the nearest dealer is about 70 miles away. I would love to wet test one but not very handy to drive an hour and a half.
What is a fair price to pay for the Piper Glen?


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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2005, 07:21:07 pm »
Here is an example of why everyone should wet test.  Chas really likes the Soothing Seven Jets that HotSpring uses.  For me they are a big waste of time.  Chas talks about relaxing, I want a vigorous message and move not only from seat to seat, but I move my body in each seat to get every part of my musculature covered.  If the jets are so powerful that they move me out of the seat, then I brace and push back against the flow to get the maximum effect.  I like that, which is why I still like the Caldera  better than my new Envoy.  Marquis is very good for me, too, because of their powerful jets.  Everyone is different.

It makes sense Bill as Beachcomber offers similar marketing with their jets and generally smaller HP pumps. That said, very few complain about the lack of pounding in these spas and if anything, I would suggest that you represent a smaller % of the spa buying community when looking for a very aggresive massage.

They have lost sales due to this as I'm sure HotSprings and others have but I find that the Tim Taylor Therory of what a spa should be is often misrepresented.

I'm glad you have the perfect spa for you Bill as that's what it's all about. And it's also the reason why there's no such thing as THE BEST when it comes to any one spa company and there's countless other options out there.



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Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2005, 08:08:44 pm »
there's no such thing as THE BEST when it comes to any one spa company
Well, yeah, except HotSpring....

Had to. Just had to.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Can I get your advice please?
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2005, 08:08:44 pm »


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