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Author Topic: Artesian Platinum Motors  (Read 5408 times)


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Artesian Platinum Motors
« on: February 20, 2005, 12:37:43 pm »
According to the Artesian web site the Platinum series has a motor under every seat for efficient plumbing. Is this more gimmick than anything else?

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Artesian Platinum Motors
« on: February 20, 2005, 12:37:43 pm »


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2005, 01:21:44 pm »
It is no gimmik, they perform quite well. Less pluming, smaller hp motor to move the water. And each seat can be independantly controlled.


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2005, 01:53:00 pm »
I like the therapy story with this system but am concerned about the energy consumption and the amps
that it would take to operate all pumps, the heater, light, etc. at the same time.  Systems with 2, 2.5 hp motors, 5.5 kw heater, light, etc. operates on a 50 amp circuit.  Anything beyond the above, per the law of electricity, would have to have 60, 70, or even an 80
amp system.  As long as the customer knows this upfront and understands the need, not a big deal.


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2005, 05:08:14 pm »
I like the therapy story with this system but am concerned about the energy consumption and the amps
that it would take to operate all pumps, the heater, light, etc. at the same time.  Systems with 2, 2.5 hp motors, 5.5 kw heater, light, etc. operates on a 50 amp circuit.  Anything beyond the above, per the law of electricity, would have to have 60, 70, or even an 80
amp system.  As long as the customer knows this upfront and understands the need, not a big deal.

The concept is if one person's in the tub they only have one pump on, if 2 people 2 pumps ... I guess the question is how often do you have the tub full of people and all the pumps on? I would imagine that if you compare a Platinum class Artesian against a tub that has a 5 HP motor or a tub where you need more than one pump on to give you a vigorous message, then it would be more economical to run.

The Platinum class of spas have 3 HP (I believe that's break HP) motors and claim they draw 4.6 amps to operate. I read either here or on Doc's board that when all the pumps are on the heater is programed to shut down keeping the tub in it's 50 amp rating.


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2005, 05:23:29 pm »
The Platinum class of spas have 3 HP (I believe that's break HP) motors and claim they draw 4.6 amps to operate. I read either here or on Doc's board that when all the pumps are on the heater is programed to shut down keeping the tub in it's 50 amp rating.

That is interesting I have not heard that before...something I never gave much thought to but when you are running a spa that has say 2 true 2.5 hp motors running both running on high speed without the heater....what the amp draw is I know with mine (2) 2.5 hp motors with the heater on it is about 42....


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2005, 05:52:11 pm »

The NEC requires that all circuits carry 80% of their rated capacity. So a 50 Amp circuit can carry around 40 amps so your calculations are correct.

For the Artesian: 5 pumps x 4.6 amps each = 23 Amps and a 5.5 KW heater draws another 23 amps so it would be too high for a 50 amp circuit. I don't know why they don't up the requirements to 60 amps but all their 220 Volt tubs are 50 Amp.



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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2005, 08:23:18 am »
 Perhaps all of those motors working at the same time would keep the heater from kicking in.  I know on our spa, when both of the pumps are on, unless it's very cold (near 0 degrees farenhiet) the heater seldom comes on.  The pumps appear to keep the water from dropping in temperature, and that's with only 2 pumps, going for about an hour.


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2005, 08:48:42 am »

The NEC requires that all circuits carry 80% of their rated capacity. So a 50 Amp circuit can carry around 40 amps so your calculations are correct.

For the Artesian: 5 pumps x 4.6 amps each = 23 Amps and a 5.5 KW heater draws another 23 amps so it would be too high for a 50 amp circuit. I don't know why they don't up the requirements to 60 amps but all their 220 Volt tubs are 50 Amp.


The platium series Artesian runs on a regular 50 Amp GFI, The pump Hp is break horse power. You can run 3 pumps, the heater, circ pump, lihgts and ozone, if the 4th pump is turned on the heater shuts down.
They use GE switchless industrial type motors on the platium class that draw 4.6 amps.
The Laing heater is 4.1Kw and draws 17.1 amps.

picture of the GE industrial type motors in the Platinum series.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 01:20:31 pm by wetone »


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 09:37:36 am »
I can see with 4.6 amp pumps why the Artesian line is so energy efficient. Even though the spa has 5 of them, I don't think you will have all of them on at the same time too often.

I will tell you this,... Hydrotherapy, UNMATCHED, period!

I wet tested this model as few weeks ago, it was unbelievable. Pricy little bugger, but well worth it.
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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2005, 10:47:17 am »
I don't know why they don't up the requirements to 60 amps but all their 220 Volt tubs are 50 Amp.
Sundance has a pretty good idea: they offer the buyer the choice to run in a larger supply. I have sold a few spas over the years because HS can run all systems on a 50 amp breaker, but I am not deceived: I bet Sundance has gotten a few from us because they offer the high-amperage option.

The folks I have dealt with who didn't like the higher-amp option had all gotten very high bids on the electrical work.
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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2005, 10:57:15 am »
The folks I have dealt with who didn't like the higher-amp option had all gotten very high bids on the electrical work.

Hmmm... Wonder why the electrical bids were higher?  When we had ours done the electrician said it was the same price either way we went.  The wiring was the same it was just a different breaker in the box.
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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2005, 11:27:23 am »

Hmmm... Wonder why the electrical bids were higher?  When we had ours done the electrician said it was the same price either way we went.  The wiring was the same it was just a different breaker in the box.

Exactly.  We actually spent less on our 60 amp setup than for 50.  We had to use a Square D QO series breaker.  The 50 amp breaker was about $15 more than the 60, probably because the 60 amper didn't have a terminal for the neutral wire, but that's ok, since our spa doen't have a neutral.  Pumps and heater run 220, and all other components are powered by a 220v transformer.
Other than the difference in GFI cost, I don't see why a 60 amp setup has to cost more.


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Re: Artesian Platinum Motors
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2005, 11:27:23 am »


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