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Author Topic: Opinions about Envoy Spa  (Read 6369 times)


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Opinions about Envoy Spa
« on: February 05, 2005, 06:51:17 pm »
We need your opinion...
Debating between a Hot Springs 2005 Envoy, or the Grandee. Your thoughts? Also, anybody have the music option. We're told $2000 extra for the music. Is that about right? And is it worth it?

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Opinions about Envoy Spa
« on: February 05, 2005, 06:51:17 pm »


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2005, 09:05:03 pm »
My dealer told me I could add the audio at cost for $930 hope this helps


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2005, 10:23:09 pm »
My dealer said $1500 at time of purchase. I heard the spaudio in the HS vanguard and NO WAY is it worth even $500 IMHO.

If possible it would be much better to invest in some higher end outside speakers.

On the other hand I listened to the Sony system in the Caldera and was really impressed with the sound. Believe it or not the sales person told me he would not waste his money on it.  Just can’t win...

So... I put a deposit on a 04 Grandee tonight. I have seven days to decide. I'm debating between the 04 grandee or the 05 vanguard. The difference in price is $300 OTD.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 10:04:47 am »
My dealer recommended against the Spaudio.  As much as it costs, I just can't see it.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2005, 12:44:05 pm »
I sure have mixed feelings about it. I sell quite a few of them, and the folks who get it seem to love it. I have had one person who is not happy with the way it's working, just one. We may very well end up trying something else for that one family....

But everyone else loves it. Some of them say things like: we have wanted to put speakers out in the yard for years and just knew we never would." So getting the Spaudio on the new tub took care of it for them.

Others have said they love the way it seems as if you're in the music.

Still others like the Feel of the Music, or the fact that it seems almost like wearing a good pair of headphones without the cans.

And others like to have every bell and whistle but most likley don't use it after the newness wears off.

But one thing I know - it's a unique thing!

I will put one on my new spa if and when my wife and I ever figure out what we are going to do with our yard.

News-flash: I had an old 'Classic' tub in my warehouse, primed and ready to go into my yard for an 'extended water test.' I was expecting to have it in place when we got home from vacation... well I sold it the day before we left.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2005, 01:58:50 pm »
We need your opinion...
Debating between a Hot Springs 2005 Envoy, or the Grandee. Your thoughts? Also, anybody have the music option. We're told $2000 extra for the music. Is that about right? And is it worth it?

I just received a 05 Envoy and LOVE it!! I looked at the Grandee. (very nice spa too) I think the Envoy is very versitile. All seats have different jet styles and a lounger.
I did not opt for the Audio option, I have speakers installed  on my deck that opperate from my surround sound main receiver in my house.
I'm sure you will be happy with either Spa, I guess it comes down to .....if you want a lounger or not.

Good luck.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2005, 04:22:55 pm »
This opinion is about the SpaAudio feature.  When I wet tested the Vanguard, my dealer asked if I wanted to bring some cd's or listen to music.  I told him no, so I can't tell you about it specifically, but I like sitting in my back yard listening to the world around me.  The birds, the squirrels, the birds and squirrels fighting, etc.  If I need music, I take my xm boombox outside and enjoy, but that is very rare!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2005, 05:23:00 pm »
Thank you all for the opinions...please keep 'em comin! :)

We're going to wet test the Envoy next week. The showroom model has the stereo feature, so we'll be able to try out the "feel of the music" as Chas calls it. The Grandee would be a dry test, but reading your comments has us leaning towards the Envoy anyway.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2005, 12:35:18 pm »
My concern would be how loud it is in the neighbourhood. I know when the kids listen to their music and adjust the volume to get over the operating noise of the tub, it carries quite far and can be annoying.Now if it was my music it wouldn,t seem loud at all. ....bob hol.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2005, 04:43:15 pm »
We have the Spadio in our Vista.  We have had the spa since last March and had some problems with the Spadio because we were using it for hours.  There were some overheating problems during the summer.  Our dealer kept working on it until it was fixed.  Now we plug my Ipod into the Spadio and enjoy the music for hours.  It is very simple and much less noise than separate speakers would be.  While the Spadio was not working we tried outside speakers and prefer the Spadio.  We have not tired of it.  There are some nights we want quiet, and there are some nights we want music.  Even though we are truly enjoying ours, I believe it is very pricey and you should try to get a better deal.


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2005, 05:20:47 pm »
I can't comment on the Grandee, but I have a 2005 Envoy and it is a pretty nice spa.  I had a Caldera Geneva Utopia before and must say that I miss it and liked it better overall.  The Envoy is very good though, no question.

As for the music system, this is a personal decision.  I only spend perhaps 20-30 minutes at time in the spa and for me it would be tough to justify the expense for such limited usage.  I do own a Bose Wave boom box and have brought it out to the patio once or twice.  Normally, though, I like the sound of the water feature and find it quite soothing.




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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2005, 10:35:04 pm »
Gee Bill, we were considering the Caldera Geneva Utopia, but only dry tested it. Of course both the Caldera and HotSpring dealers say they're the best, but someone else said the HS Envoy might be considered the Cadillac, while the Caldera being more a Buick. Does this analogy work for hot tubs?

As far as the SpaAudio goes, we too think it's very expensive. However if it sounds good during our wet test, maybe we'll try to negotiate a better deal. We really would like to have the music available when we want it, and it sure seems convenient to have it built in. And I'm glad to hear it works with the iPod, Beach Lover...we were hoping it would!


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2005, 10:51:44 pm »

I just received a 05 Envoy and LOVE it!! I looked at the Grandee. (very nice spa too) I think the Envoy is very versitile. All seats have different jet styles and a lounger.
I did not opt for the Audio option, I have speakers installed  on my deck that opperate from my surround sound main receiver in my house.
I'm sure you will be happy with either Spa, I guess it comes down to .....if you want a lounger or not.

Good luck.

I have the same set-up,as far as outdoor speakers. Mine are wired to the surround system/amp in my living room. I originally hooked them up for use around the pool/lanai.  They are more than adequate for my needs.

My opinion,do what makes you happy :)

(keep in mind,the more exotic something is,the more problems you're likely to encounter,down the road)


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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2005, 10:51:02 am »
Of course both the Caldera and HotSpring dealers say they're the best, but someone else said the HS Envoy might be considered the Cadillac, while the Caldera being more a Buick. Does this analogy work for hot tubs?

That type of analogy works, if its true. I'm sure they each think they're the top brand and they're both quality spas, why not wet test both so you have a comparision!
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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2005, 12:56:29 pm »
>both the Caldera and HotSpring dealers say they're the best, but someone else said the HS Envoy might be considered the Cadillac, while the Caldera being more a Buick. Does this analogy work for hot tubs?<

Interesting.  There are knowledgable people who contribute here who have explained that there are slight differences between these two brands.  Both are made under the same roof by the same company, Watkins.  The dealers here in West Palm Beach, make no such claims about one being better than the other.  Both dealers say the HotSpring and Caldera are of the same quality, but have different features.  Having owned both, albiet my time with the Envoy is only a few weeks, it is my opinion that they are of the same high quality.  You would do well to resist a sales pitch.    

You really owe it to yourselves to wet test both.  They perform differently in terms of jet placement, strength, and so on, and they feel different.  Deciding which is best for you must be subjective and reflect your preferences.  I would be glad to answer any specific questions you may have.  Truthfully, though, these are both top quality spas from a very reputable manufacturer.  You can't go wrong with either one.  BTW, you might also try to find Sundance, Jacuzzi, Marquis and a few other equally good ones for comparison.



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Re: Opinions about Envoy Spa
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2005, 12:56:29 pm »


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