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Author Topic: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD  (Read 18903 times)


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ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« on: February 12, 2005, 05:36:01 pm »
OK.  We are hot and heavy into the research and wet testing on our quest for a spa.  Thanks by the way for all the great info. We just wet tested the Marquis Euphoria today, HS Grandee and Tiger River Siberian yesterday and Sundance Optima/Cameo a few weeks ago. I think we are going to pass on the lounger models...can't get comfortable no matter what brand.   (All 04 models).  We're going to try and hit Caldera and Dimension One As soon as we can.  (Still need to find a dealer that has the 05 Vanguard in the Philly area that we can test).

 A couple questions....The Marquis dealer, very nice and knowledgeable,  told us that  their models did not have the headrest because the ozonator deteriorates them over time...similar story from Sundance dealer, but they did have headrest  and the ozonater was an option at Sundance.  What are your opinions on this about the impact to the headrests?  What does it cost to replace the headrests? How long do the headrest last if you have an ozanator?   It seems from all the past  posts that having an ozonator in your spa would be a good thing.  

The Marguis dealer also recommended the EZPad for a foundation vs concrete.   Any thoughts on this?   Website  is www.ezpads.com.

Thanks for your insights!

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ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« on: February 12, 2005, 05:36:01 pm »


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2005, 08:10:07 pm »
I think concrete is a much better option but if that is too much trouble then the EZ pad is a decent option as long as your ground is level and firm.

Ozone can/does affect pillows but I'd refer it more as fading them just as it does the bottom of the viyl cover. i always explain theis to people so they understand the fading is normal with ozone and it never seems to be an issue. I wouldn't amke pillows a major deal either way. I retrofitted some newer pillows to my 5 yr old spa last year. they've faded but I knew they would and its not too bad and I like having a pillow. Just my opinion of course.
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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2005, 04:49:40 am »
I have no idea why they would recommend the ez pad over concrete....as for the pillows....they are fine if you feel they are important....the whole spa environment will not do them any good and that is why they are excluded from most warranties...if they are important to you...you can always get the ones that are weighted with sand and you take out when not using the spa....You are looking at most of the better spas out there......


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2005, 09:34:45 am »

Is that like Smarty Jones? Only kidding...

The Marquis brand of spas is very good quality. The reason for their discontinuation of pillows is that no manufacturer covers the pillows under warrantee. Marquis wants to have the MOST comprehensive warrantee in the industry, and they do. They cover everything form "bumper to bumper" for 5 years.
Re-take a look at their spas, they are very well made. As far as ozone, Marquis has the Frog System built in, in addition to a factory installed ozonator. Beautiful! And they are competitively priced also.
Good Luck...


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2005, 09:59:44 am »
My spa is two and a half years old and the pillows are still in great shape, even with ozone.  I expect that they will need to be replaced sometime, but they are not a big ticket item.


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2005, 11:21:33 am »

The pillows in your spa will be in the range of about

$200.00 to replace. I have a little bit of a problem

having to spend that amount for pillows every 3 to 4

years, because you will need to do that then.

Now, $200.00 every 3-4 years is not that big of a deal,

but for those D/C customers that are on the edge

regarding price, they may not be able to swallow it.

PS, I do like my pillows in my own Optima. I'm just

making a point. ;D


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2005, 12:10:42 pm »
Thanks for the feedback on both of these subjects. I think when we do get the right spa, we will probably go with the concrete, just need to get the configuration right in the backyard.  

I guess the Marquis dealer showed me a worstcase on the headpillows to solidify the point of not having them and the strength of the warranty as Hottubber stated.  

Still on our quest and we'll keep you updated.  

thanks and great info as we consider this important purchase!

And yes, like Smarty Jones....SmartyMose!!


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2005, 12:25:27 pm »
Pillows deteriorate with or without ozone! I find it strange that the Marquis dealer would say it was due to ozone when Marquis and D1 are the only 2 companies rated with a low enough off gas to operate the ozone while the jets are on high! That would mean that there is not enough O3 to affect the pillows...

I like an EZ pad for the simplicity of install and the fact that I can move it with my spa. I agree that concrete is more permanent and stronger but you pay for the convenience of being able to pop that spa pad in place in 15 minuets, no forming, no permits, no waste and no concrete mess!


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2005, 12:36:20 pm »
I have no idea why they would recommend the ez pad over concrete...

Possibly because they sell ez pads, and make money off of them.  Also possibly for the reason Stuart listed.
I know of 2 ez pad installs, and both of them are on their 3rd Minnesoat winter and are in good shape so far.
They're made by the company that makes Rhino Liner truck beds, so they should be of good quality.



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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2005, 12:43:26 pm »
There is another option that is similar to the ez pad ...I think it is simply called the spa pad or something it is interlocking plastic and from looking at both I like it better....I think it would hold up better over time....no way for it to break down...it locks in place with what looks like a dogs milk bone...anyone out there seen or have used this before...


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2005, 12:49:45 pm »
I've seen them, not familiar with them though.
Hopefully, any product advertised as a spa pad is up to the task.


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2005, 12:52:55 pm »
Marquis and D1 are the only 2 companies rated with a low enough off gas to operate the ozone while the jets are on high!


can you confirm this claim? When I was having trouble with my Marquis ozonator I was told directly by folks at Marquis that the ozonator will not run with the jets on high or on low and that is in fact how mine currently behaves.

This happens to be my one disappointment with my Marquis - I was under the impression that the ozone did operate with jets on.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2005, 12:02:45 pm by empolgation »


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2005, 01:50:58 pm »
I like the EZ Pad. Ever since Sunstar Ent. sold the

business and the new owners implemented a Rhino

Linings coating, they have been great. I've even had

situations where the old EZ Pads were cracked and

falling apart. The new company backed me on them.

They didn't have to, but they earned my business

because they did. The other company that makes them

that are plastic are from Confer, they sem to be ok but

there are 4 to 6 plastic squares that make up a pad,

can you really get them all level?


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2005, 11:40:24 pm »

Possibly because they sell ez pads, and make money off of them.  Also possibly for the reason Stuart listed.
I know of 2 ez pad installs, and both of them are on their 3rd Minnesoat winter and are in good shape so far.
 They're made by the company that makes Rhino Liner truck beds, so they should be of good quality.


I make about $25 on an EZ Pad in order to keep the price reasonable enough for the customer to not just put in concrete. The benifit to me is also the ease of install for the customer..It makes it easier for the customer to buy a spa.

BTW, by the time we deliver it with the spa we make nothing...guess that kinda blows the idea that I support it because it makes me money...but then if it does help sell the spa it does help make me money..


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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2005, 11:59:28 pm »
just wrote a check yesterday for a caldera niagra, an due to this post i asked about the pillows. the niagra has 4 . 2 small $25 each, 1 medium size/ $30, and the large collar is $40, and he rep sez, yes they will fade in 2-4 years or so.... not bad when you figure in the time.......

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Re: ozone vs headrest and EZPAD
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2005, 11:59:28 pm »


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