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Author Topic: Service Techs, Question How do you  (Read 7058 times)

TubbinSoon, now we be tubbin

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Service Techs, Question How do you
« on: February 07, 2005, 10:38:04 am »
How do you tighten up the pump discharge union nut or collars? I have a 2" discharge line and the nut is of even larger diameter. It is on the wrong side of the pump, that is it is on the spa side not the outside where I can get to it. Is there a special wrench or tool to get behind the various interferences? There is not enough swing room for regular pipe wrenches and I don't like to use pipe wrenches on PVC fittings anyway. The way this leaked it was never tight or it doesn't have the O ring inside the coupling. The leak started during the initial fill and there was only about 12" water in the tub. Do I have to design, build, and market my own wrench? The nut has cogged teeth and it came with teeth marks from factory.

I bought this from the factory and am doing the install myself except for final electrical by contractor. I filled it, tried to fix the leak, valved it out, and did the bleeding, what a mess, and got it going on the other pump.

Factory service guy coming this week. I am thinking Joe Blow doesn't want to buy direct like this and do his own startup but other than the hauling I can take care of most of this. So for those of you who recommend buying from the store with full delivery and startup I now agree but I am not Joe Blow. You really don't want to buy from one place, and deal with service from the factory but I knew that and hope that I am saving money in the long run. How much? Probably $1500-2500. I'll do the whole story one day. Aggravating? Sure, but I am cheap?

Got to get past the details and give mfg chanch to do his thing. Webetubbin half way.

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Service Techs, Question How do you
« on: February 07, 2005, 10:38:04 am »


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 11:48:35 am »
How do you tighten up the pump discharge union nut or collars?  Is there a special wrench or tool to get behind the various interferences? Do I have to design, build, and market my own wrench?

Before you do anything, review your warranty. Some warranties stipulate that any work done by anyone other than a factory authorized technician will void your warranty.

You are correct in that you should not use a pipe wrench on these fittings, and certainly very little force is recommended. (You think access is bad to turn the threaded union, try replacing it after its been broken.)

The first thing your service technician should do is shut the blade valves to isolate the pump and then uncouple the jet union fitting from the pump. This way he can visually inspect the o-ring or replace one if it is not present. (Theres no point in attempting to tighten a fitting that doesnt have the o-ring- there will be no seal no matter how tight you get it.) After the o-ring is properly lubed (teflon, not petroleum jelly.) and seated, the union can be coupled again. Use of a strap wrench is acceptable, but the fitting was designed to be a quarter turn past hand tight.


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 11:53:50 am »
Yes! Spa tech is 101% correct. Don't use a wrench to tighten before you verify the oring is in correct position. If the oring is there but has been pinched, don't try to reuse it.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2005, 01:36:18 pm »
ya, what you said. I think it is O ring issue. Re the warranty; I called first and told them the union nut had teeth marks on it from the factory. (somebody saw this and tried to fix it there!). When I talked to factory rep had asked if I could tighten it up and I told him I had nothing to fit that would swing and told him I did not want warranty issues by trying pipe wrenches on PVC. Talked to some of the shop techs (mechanical and electrical industrial shop) and they said chances are O ring problem. They all suggested strap wrench.

So, I figured I am covered with factory because I called them first and then talked with them this morning.

I had closed the gate valves or the new porch would be flooded by now. It was really leaking!!! Maybe I can find/fix this before service guy comes. I don't mind doing it if I can beat the waiting. I have no patience. Can you tell?


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2005, 02:41:54 pm »

You are correct in that you should not use a pipe wrench on these fittings, and certainly very little force is recommended. (You think access is bad to turn the threaded union, try replacing it after its been broken.)

Which leads me to a funny story (its funny now).

A neighbor who I previously had barely known got a spa and a friend was doing the electrical. They filled it and there was a small leak at the pump fitting. I have a special wrench so I didn't hesitate to jump in as I've done this a time or two. My friend the electrician of course had to jinx me by saying "be careful you don't overtighten that" which of course led me to roll my eyes and say "I KNOW that". Well I swear I only turned that nut maybe 10ยบ (I wasn't really trying to turn it much but was just trying to make sure it was tight) and the fitting snapped in 2 and boy did it drain that spa quickly. They both saw me do it and tried to convince me the nut must have had a crack to make me feel better (the o-ring and seating surface looked fine) but I felt like a clutz and of course had to get him going again ASAP as he was thinking it would be going soon. Fortunately I had another spa friend who had a couple special "split" nuts he actually fabricated for this rare occasion which saved me as it made for a 5 minute fix once I got it.

220, 221, whatever it takes!

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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2005, 09:39:53 am »
BTW, we are trying to loosen now, not tighten so we can look at the O ring. Dang, broke the Sears strap wrench with left hand and no leverage trying to loosen. Got the nut off finally with other unmentioned tool. The pump and union are out of alignment by 1/32 to 1/16" and the gate valve at union is up against frame. This makes it almost impossible to start threads by hand, tighten by hand or do anything to correct. Pumps side won't move and discharge side won't move. Time to throw in the towel and let the service guy tear his hands up.


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2005, 05:42:57 pm »
Hmm, sounds like the spa never really passed water testing...

I'd be inclined to try unbolting the jet pump from the floor of the equipment bay to see if that would give your the play that you need to mate the union fitting. Perhaps that will be just enough to align the 1/16 discrepency.

Still doesnt explain why they sent out a spa that couldnt hold water though.

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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2005, 09:25:46 pm »
Yessir! That is also what I tried. Loosened the foot bolts and in fact that is what I did when the nut was tight all the off the   pump threads. It did help me get the last few turns by hand. Problem with this idea is that the suction side is looking real good I would have to loosen it up to see if we could improve the alignment. I don't have anything to change the foot height. Adding all that up and the tech is coming Thursday, I threw in the towel. (to mop up the water that spilled out the pump housing when I broke the union loose).

Must be tricky aligning two sides of a pump and moving the pump screw up the other side. So, you have to bring the pipes to the pump and that is what is crumbed up. They will have to trim some foam to get wiggle room. Probably have to take pump out and cut the union out and replace it too.

I really don't think it was water tested or if it was the strain on the nub could not hold the misalingment during handling and it let go. The heater sensor was not making up on the board either as one vital pin was splayed. Living right I assume since it came back in place without breaking off. Then I had heat. So, no heat and a leaker too.


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2005, 11:24:29 am »
OK, so I re-read your previous posts but couldn't figure something out: WHAT brand of tub did you buy?



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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2005, 11:46:07 am »
   From what I have read so far, I think the union was crossthread from the factory, and if it had wrench marks on it probly over tightened.  If that is the case you may have to cut the union nut off and use a split nut, if the threads are damaged on the wet end, you may also have to replace the wet end of the pump.  I would tell the service tech that is coming to bring those things just in case!!!

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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2005, 11:55:08 am »
Wondered when someone would ask for the brand. I was waiting for the tech to fix the leak and to bring the steps.

I didn't want my impatience to get the sevice and sales groups not wanting to take a call from irate customer.

Service guy came today, fixed the problem in a few minutes, adjusted some settings on the main board, turned on the third pump mounted on the side and primed it. He had a great attitude, knew what he was doing and took care of everything other than one pillow that had a snap that was not snapping and holding. New pillow coming next week.

His comments were same as mine. Wished they had programmed the board right and connected the #1 pump discharge piping without a strain on the union. But he fixed all quickly and now I can see what this thing will really do.

It is a Barefoot 88. Made here in town and parts and service are about 1 1/2 mile away. My thinking was and still is that buying a factory tub and taking a chance on saving cross country shipping and taking care of delivery and setup myself would be a chance I would take to save some money. .

If the initial setup and alignment had been done right at factory I would not have had the worry and waiting.

The 88 has three main pumps, one circulation pump, oz, a waterfall (why? I don't know but was not an option, they don't seem to do much) and LED light.

The Mfg is Hawkeye and now the long term test begins.

I'll have to try it some more and report on the features I am finally able to use.  We were having fun with just the one pump going for two corner seats.  This is our first tub and we or rather I being the tester and buyer tried lots of brands at the stores, home shows, parking lot sales etc. We don't have all the bigger name brands here. No Marquis, Catalina, Artic, Artesian, Hydropool, LA, and I looked at all LOCAL dealers shops and tried most of the wet tubs. I also called dealers within 75 miles to see if there was something to tempt me to drive that far.

The fun begins now!


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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2005, 12:40:29 pm »
If you're within a couple miles of the manufacturer I don't think you'll have much trouble finding someone local to help you out. Sounds like you'll be having a fun this weekend, don't drink and dive.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

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Re: Service Techs, Question How do you
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2005, 12:40:29 pm »


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