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Author Topic: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale  (Read 5074 times)


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Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« on: February 02, 2005, 08:54:57 pm »
On Saturday, I tested the Marquis Euphoria and loved it.  My wife and I agreed that we would purchase the spa.  We were getting all the usual stuff and an upgrade on the lifter.  Now it came time for the negotiation of price.  
    Having been to the showroom 3 times the dealer knew I was serious and his first offer was for $9500 I thought that was rather highand told him so.  I mentioned all the other spas I tested and told him I could go down the road and get an 04 Grandee for $7900, after 5 minutes he said ok and came down to $8995 not including tax which was another $797.  I was already at the top off my price range but this was the tub I wanted.  I tried to get him to go lower on the price but nothing was happening after another 10 minutes, he just kept telling me this is a better spa with more features.  So I gave in and agreed to the price.  
    I did have one final question about the cost of hooking it up.  He said the electrician they use charges between $1500 and $2000!  I was in shock, I am a contractor and have owned a home once that needed the electric upgraded and rewired and that did not even cost that much.  I left a deposit and said let me sleep on it.  
    The dealer said let me come over and see your yard maybe it would be less than that price I said ok, he came over Saturday afternoon.  While at my house he said maybe if you trench the line yourself, lay the conduit, and snake the wire, I can get you a better price, I, homeowner, would have to supply all the materials.  I said fine get me a price.  He called back on Monday and said the best I could get would be $1100.  That is after I did all the work, the electrician just had to hook it up to the spa and the breaker box.  
    Being a loyal customer I wanted them to do the job soup to nuts but I am not made of money, so I called someone I know who is a licensed electrician and he said he could do the whole job for $500! I know everyone is entitled to make money, but was it necessary for the dealer to make it on both ends, the spa and the electrician.  I guess the markup on the spa was not enough.  
    So on Tuesday I made my decision to not purchase the spa and get my money back and that was no problem, he said he wish he could do better.  
    On wednesday morning I received a call from the dealer stating the owner of the store was upset that he did not move the spa so he is willing to sell me the spa, steps, cover, upgraded lifter, a years worth of chemicals, delivery and ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP all for the amazing price of $9700 including tax.  I said no thanks and hung up the phone.  I was so mad.  The bottom line is he got greedy and let the fish off the line.

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Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« on: February 02, 2005, 08:54:57 pm »


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2005, 09:08:49 pm »
Unbelievable - I am so sorry that the deal went south.  I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason though - so there will be a silver lining here somewhere... keep us posted on when it appears!

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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2005, 09:24:44 pm »
sorry to hear of your bad dealer dealings... it can be really hard when you've found the perfect tub for you but it doesn't come with a dealer you feel good about.

It sounds like you have made the right decision as I too believe all things for a good reason. Good luck on your journey.


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2005, 09:56:51 pm »
You did the right thing.  If he takes advantage of you now, who knows what lies on the road ahead for you?



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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2005, 12:08:18 am »
What!?!  You mean dealers really do gouge people!?

Imagine my surprise.   ::)


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2005, 01:13:30 am »
Sorry to hear about your turn of events. :-[

Just to give you an idea of what I paid for an 04 Marquis Euphoria. And to let you know your gut feeling was right.

Delivery & set up, 6 months of chemicals, steps, cover, (no lifter)  24 LED light, polaris spa vacuum, hard wired indoor control panel,  2 extra filters, 6 kid's toy's.
All electical parts & labor. $8,750 including all tax's.

I love my Euphoria and I am glad I have it. But I am sure you will find the spa and the deal that will make you happy. Best of happy tubbing to you... ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 09:14:30 am »
I cannot imagine that the dealer couldn't assist you in a better way with a different electrician. What did he have to do, the electrician that is, snake the conduit under the entire house? ???
I can tell you this much, if you truly want a Euphoria spa, find another dealer. Marquis can assist you in finding one, let them know of your displeasure with the first one.
If you need assistance, email me, I will help if I can. ;D
Sorry to hear about your problem with this, but life goes on...
There are alot of good products on the market, I am sure you will be hottubbing soon... ;)


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2005, 11:46:30 am »
WOW that is expensive for the electrical work.  Could you not still buy the tub and get your own electrician to hook it up?  That is what I did.  Well my dealer referred me (thanks wetone) and the electrican gave me a good deal..well now that I have heard what some people have paid I can say it was a great deal.   I still can not believe it would cost that much.  That is robbery.


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2005, 12:14:24 pm »
I am a licensed contractor - but I don't play one on TV. I used to do all of our electrical stuff because I could do it so for so much less. But as the years have worn on, I can't do the bending and other movements which are required for that work, and I hire it out or simply put the customer in contact with a good electrician.

The price may be a bit higher that when I was doing it myself, but nothing like the price you quoted.

I would not hesitate to buy the spa if you like the tub and that part of the price. But it sounds to me like this dealer simply doesn't want to do the electrical work.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be glad to do it for you, get some prices.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2005, 08:52:56 pm »
On Saturday, I tested the Marquis Euphoria and loved it.  My wife and I agreed that we would purchase the spa.  We were getting all the usual stuff and an upgrade on the lifter.  Now it came time for the negotiation of price.  
     Having been to the showroom 3 times the dealer knew I was serious and his first offer was for $9500 I thought that was rather highand told him so.  I mentioned all the other spas I tested and told him I could go down the road and get an 04 Grandee for $7900, after 5 minutes he said ok and came down to $8995 not including tax which was another $797.  I was already at the top off my price range but this was the tub I wanted.  I tried to get him to go lower on the price but nothing was happening after another 10 minutes, he just kept telling me this is a better spa with more features.  So I gave in and agreed to the price.  
     I did have one final question about the cost of hooking it up.  He said the electrician they use charges between $1500 and $2000!  I was in shock, I am a contractor and have owned a home once that needed the electric upgraded and rewired and that did not even cost that much.  I left a deposit and said let me sleep on it.  
     The dealer said let me come over and see your yard maybe it would be less than that price I said ok, he came over Saturday afternoon.  While at my house he said maybe if you trench the line yourself, lay the conduit, and snake the wire, I can get you a better price, I, homeowner, would have to supply all the materials.  I said fine get me a price.  He called back on Monday and said the best I could get would be $1100.  That is after I did all the work, the electrician just had to hook it up to the spa and the breaker box.  
     Being a loyal customer I wanted them to do the job soup to nuts but I am not made of money, so I called someone I know who is a licensed electrician and he said he could do the whole job for $500! I know everyone is entitled to make money, but was it necessary for the dealer to make it on both ends, the spa and the electrician.  I guess the markup on the spa was not enough.  
     So on Tuesday I made my decision to not purchase the spa and get my money back and that was no problem, he said he wish he could do better.  
     On wednesday morning I received a call from the dealer stating the owner of the store was upset that he did not move the spa so he is willing to sell me the spa, steps, cover, upgraded lifter, a years worth of chemicals, delivery and ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP all for the amazing price of $9700 including tax.  I said no thanks and hung up the phone.  I was so mad.  The bottom line is he got greedy and let the fish off the line.

Welcome to the wonderfull world of automobile sales...ah, er...... I mean Spa Sales! Your dealer sounds like SO many. Your #1 problem was decidig you would buy the spa BEFORE you negotiated the price, the WHOLE price.  Better negotiating is to let them know that you can go down the road and buy XYZ (and are willing to do so) unless they give you their BEST price. Being a contractor yourself I am surprised that you didn't know that a normal wiring job was only around $500. Either way, sorry to hear this happened to  you. Hope you find a good dealer and get what you are looking for.  PS - $7,900 on a 04 Grandee is a pretty good price...
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2005, 09:01:52 am »
I figured on paying between $500-$800 for the hookup.  The dealer seemed like a really good guy, made me feel really comfortable.  I might have tipped my hand,  he knew I wanted the Euphoria, because I really liked the placement of a few jets for my lower back.  I know the Hot Spring dealer gave a lower ballpark figure on the cost of hooking up the electric.


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Just be glad it is not a Cal Spa!
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2005, 09:45:42 am »
To avoid voiding of the warrantee they insist that it be wired with a 6Awg ground wire (no not the white neutral).

Since everyone who makes 6Awg cable uses a 8Awg ground this means you must use individual wires and encase them in conduit - even on the indor run from the fuse box to the outside exit - a much more expensive proposition.

Balboa says it isn't needed.

My electrician says it isn't needed.

My own EE degree says it isn't needed.

My father - author of numerous books on power supply design and power electronics did not see the need.

Hmm do you think Cal could be looking to void some warranties so it doesnot have to outright dishonor them?


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2005, 09:59:07 am »
You know, that is an interesting point. I always use individual conductors in a conduit to wire these things. The exception would be if #8 is called for (HotSpring does allow the use of #8 in certain applications) but there is already a #6 jacketed cable in place.  This will happen sometimes on a home which had a 50 amp rough-in built in during construction.

Shoppers:  most 220 tubs use a 50 amp circuit, and the best way to prewire that is with a 3/4" conduit from the main panel to the place you plan to have the spa. When buying a new house or having one built, it is very easy to check the box for 'spa prewire' or whatever it is on the contract, and never ask about the amp rating, wire size or how it will be run.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2005, 12:36:20 pm »
If it helps, we bought a 2004 Euphoria last March. We paid $7400 (tax, starter kit, LCD light, and cover lift included-no steps). I think that's a very good price. I'm a Purchasing manager and it took a lot of negotiating to get that price.

We poured our own pad and did our own wiring to meet code. So those cost were only material.

We are very happy with the tub.


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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2005, 02:52:31 pm »
I'm a Purchasing manager  

Hey, me too!!!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me

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Re: Dealer and Electrician Blew a sale
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2005, 02:52:31 pm »


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