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Author Topic: Hot Springs Sovereign  (Read 3467 times)


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Hot Springs Sovereign
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:21:16 pm »
   Any comments?  Price?

   Thanks for all the info!--this seems to be a good, basic tub without a lot of bells and whistles--Anyone have long term experience with repairs?

   Hi again!  Does anyone know if polyurethane foam has cellulose in it?  Termites love cellulose! ???
« Last Edit: February 05, 2005, 05:04:01 pm by catswamp »

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Hot Springs Sovereign
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:21:16 pm »


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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 10:22:53 pm »
Observations from my wet test of the Sovereign......

1)  Was 103 degrees...outside temp was 30 with light snow and a tiny bit of rain...then cleared out and was clear as a million.....both of us found the tub to be a bit tooooooo hot for our tastes.  Of the 45 min spent in it about 20 was sitting up on the cool down bench!

[Its all personal preference but we would probably run the spa cooler for OUR tastes]

2)  The finish on the tub itself was what Eric called Endurol...it was a bit grainy which I didnt mind at all kinda gave you some grip.

3)  One seat was pretty cool it is the one opposite on a 45 degree angle from the head of the lounge.  We both liked this but with the jets on high we both "floated" a bit.

4)  Lounge was nice but was not totally blown away...the motomassage was hard to tell if it was moving up and down as I think it should....but was enjoyable...the best feature was the personal foot jet at the base of the lounge!

5)  The Seven Jets were ok but nothing we would write home about.

6)  4 average sized adults (me at 5'10" and the others shorter down to 5'3" all fit nicely although there was a bit of footsie fighting for the foot jet at the base of the spa (not the one in the lounge because if you are in the lounge you get that one all to yourself!).

7)  Lighting was nice touch....I liked the alternating lights and the fact you could stop on one of them...for us lighting will be a MUST HAVE...kinda makes it nice to have the lights.

8 )  Has a drain/recirculating vent(?) at the bottom so you can drain this without having to siphon my buddy told me....not sure if all come with this but in my mind this would be a must for the water changes.

9)  Glad it has adjustable power on the vents....they were great and powerful at first when we got in but they tended to "blow my skin off" to quote another in the tub...and I myself turned down the jets to get a more relaxing feel.  This would have to be a MUST in any spa/hot tub....power is great but needs to be tailored to the individual.

All in all a very enjoyable evening in the tub!  

What would I like to see perhaps....hmmm.....

a.  If we were to get a "lounge" perhaps some jets under the legs (hamstrings/calves) and under the wrists or hands.

b.  More foot jets for others so you all wouldnt have to fight over the one in the Sovereign.

c.  We both tended to float a bit in the spa....not sure if its because of the angle of seating or the speed of the jets.

As with any spa, this is a newbie speaking here,  there will probably be "favorite" seats and some that are seldom used.  I would tend to think that if you really like a certain feature be sure that you can live with the others.  Sooooo I would want a spa that has the features we want but we realize that some (seats) wont be used as much as others.

Another note....could be the chemicals or water or heat...etc...however I found my hands to be very dry as well as my skin after the soak in the tub.....this one was running ozone not sure of the other chemicals in the regime.

Anyhow thats how the wet test/fun evening went!  All in all a great time....relaxing....did not sway me that HS was 100% the way to go but we will be wet testing many more in the future.

If anyone has certain tubs that may fit our needs based on what we mentioned above please post the models/brands so we can take a look at those features we may like.

I am sure, please correct me if I'm wrong or off base, that the angle of the seating has alot to do with you floating/not floating in the tub.

Take care and have a great weekend!



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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2005, 10:31:07 pm »
The Sovereign was the tub I thought I wanted, until we wet tested. I know my husband didn't like the lounger in the Sovereign (he said he felt cramped), so we jumped into the Vanguard, and loved it. For us, we really didn't like the lounger, but it's all personal preferance. If we had younger kids at home, we would have bought the Grandee.

It seems like, the Sovereign was around $7,000 or so.


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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2005, 10:17:08 am »
  Thanks for all the info.--this seems to be a good, basic tub without a lot of bells and whistles--does anyone have long term experience as far as repairs go? :)


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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2005, 10:22:43 am »
I have sold HotSpring since around 1986 - 1987. They are very reliable, and the company backs me well - which means I can back the customer well.

Have you seen the new Moto Massage XP yet? A double Moto - available on Envoy and Vangaurd.

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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2005, 10:32:45 am »
 --does anyone have long term experience as far as repairs go? :)

We have many customers that have had their HotSpring spas for over 20 years and still use them everyday.  I met a lady at the boat show this weekend that has had her old Indoor-Outdoor (predecessor to the Sovereign) for 24 years and has never had a service call.

Almost all spas are going to have mechanical failures from time-to-time, the Sovereign included.  A big factor in your ultimate decision whether to own one or not should reside in your confidence with the local dealer's reputation for service.

I wish you luck in your search! :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 05:58:30 pm »
 Thanks for all the info.--this seems to be a good, basic tub without a lot of bells and whistles--does anyone have long term experience as far as repairs go? :)

My in-laws had their HS (it was the little one, can't think of the name), for 15 years with no problems. That's why we went with a HS (we also loved it after wet testing). MY BIL also has one and loves his. :)

I think wet testing is the key, though. Whatever you choose, you got to like how it feels when you are sitting in it.

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Re: Hot Springs Sovereign
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 05:58:30 pm »


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