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Author Topic: Wet Tested Grandee  (Read 4441 times)


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Wet Tested Grandee
« on: January 28, 2005, 05:30:42 pm »
After reading everyone's  praise of the Hot Spring Grandee I decided to wet test it today and I was impressed.  Very comfortable, and deep, I fit very well in this spa.  I am looking at a 2004, dealer has 2 left, neither are floor models.  He is asking $7900 for the tub, cover, lifter, stairs, delivery and chemicals.  How does this price sound.  Tomarrow I am testing the Optima and Euphoria and should have a decision.

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Wet Tested Grandee
« on: January 28, 2005, 05:30:42 pm »


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2005, 06:30:42 pm »
Good price. Jump on it.

I have had Grandee (off and on) since they came out in 1989. I love 'em.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2005, 08:48:57 am by Chas »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2005, 02:37:13 pm »
I hope that no matter what spas you wet test that you are working with dealers who take the time to show how the spa works..how take advantage of certain controls you have in the spa and how they can provide certain types of therapy for you....You might be surprised how while that seems simple and like common sense you hear of many people who jump in with no help from the dealer....
« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 02:37:41 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2005, 02:12:48 pm »
After reading everyone's  praise of the Hot Spring Grandee I decided to wet test it today and I was impressed.  Very comfortable, and deep, I fit very well in this spa.  I am looking at a 2004, dealer has 2 left, neither are floor models.  He is asking $7900 for the tub, cover, lifter, stairs, delivery and chemicals.  How does this price sound.  Tomarrow I am testing the Optima and Euphoria and should have a decision.

Great Price.  We bought ours in october 2004 and paid 8500.00 with pretty much the same equipment.  We love the tub.  It's even better now that we have snow everywhere. :)


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2005, 08:48:26 am »
After reading everyone's  praise of the Hot Spring Grandee I decided to wet test it today and I was impressed.  Very comfortable, and deep, I fit very well in this spa.  I am looking at a 2004, dealer has 2 left, neither are floor models.  He is asking $7900 for the tub, cover, lifter, stairs, delivery and chemicals.  How does this price sound.  Tomarrow I am testing the Optima and Euphoria and should have a decision.

From my research with my local dealer that is a great price!

Make sure that the coverlift is not a crappy one like my dealer was "including" The HS lifter with the gas shock was another $200 upgrade.

Also don't forget about the ozonator in the deal if you are going that route.

Where are you located?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2005, 08:48:59 am by drober30 »


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2005, 09:13:54 pm »
So what did you decide? We were opposite of what you have looked at. Wet tested the Optima, and I just saw the Grandee today (hoping to wet test it this week). The other tub I was impressed with was the Tiger River Siberian. Same size as the Optima, but also has some "shallow" seats, which is appealing for my kids (though they won't be little for long ;)

I got the following pricing, which I hope is negotiable:
2004 Optima $8895
2004 Grandee for $8295
2004 Siberian $6995
All include cover and steps.

For me, if I can get the Sundance dealer to come down $1500 or so, I'll go with the Optima (again, haven't wet tested the other 2 yet).

So let us know what you decided, and why.


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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2005, 08:42:51 am »
Thats a great price on the Grandee.  You will love the size of this tub more and more every time you use it.  You can fit several people comfortably in this spa without everyone playing footsie and it is great to have the extra room when it is just you and a significant other... ;)...I have owned the HS Landmark for 2 years.  It is the exact same size as the Grandee but with a different seating arrangement.  

One other thing I looked at when comparing spas was the amount of water they hold.  To me this gives a good sense of just how big the spa is on the inside(some may say it is not important but to me it was).  I think you will find the Grandee holds more water than most other spas which to me equates to more room and more depth.  I am 6'4" so these things were important to me.

You also can not go wrong with the Watkins company backing your purchase.  If by some chance something goes wrong, the dealer will be there for you and if the dealer is not there for you, the company will be there for you.  

Good luck and wet test the other spas on your list.  If possible, bring another couple along with you for the wet test just to get a feel for how it feels with 4 people in it.  I found that a lot of the 6 person spas could barely hold 4 people without everyone playing twister in the foot well.  

You will find one that is right for you and you will love it.

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Re: Wet Tested Grandee
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2005, 08:42:51 am »


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