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Author Topic: HELP GREEN WATER  (Read 4261 times)


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« on: February 01, 2005, 07:52:00 am »
  We did not use our spa for 2 days last week and Sunday went to get in the spa and had a green tint to water.  We are using HotSpring Frest Water (Nature2)-SpaGuard Spa Shock, and as needed SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate.  Water has been clear until this happened.  We have put in double amount of Chlorine  and have shocked.  Took water sample to dealer Sunday ph was a little high.  They told me to shock again put in more chlorine and 1 oz ph-.  As of yesterday water still has a little green tint.  What has caused this to happen???  We do not have a ozone system in our spa.  I was reading in the SpaGuard web site they have Enhanced Spa Shock, should we be using that instead of just the regular Spa Shock?  I did read the regular Spa Shock was to be used with ozone systems.  I asked my dealer about this said we don't need the Enhanced Spa Shock.  (They only sell it in packs not in larger containers)  We just changed from Baqua and never had green water, was very happy with new water until this.  HELP !!!!   Thanks, Lynnette   ??? ???
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 07:53:33 am by lynnette »

Hot Tub Forum

« on: February 01, 2005, 07:52:00 am »


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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 11:43:31 am »
I've been having a similar problem, and as one wise member of this board suggested.... when sanitizer reacts with the "stuff" in the tub, it some times turns a green tint.  It should be gone in a couple of days.  

I find that mine did leave, but I do need to keep on top of the sanitizer levels.  

I will be bringing in a water sample anyway to test for other minerals like copper, etc.



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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2005, 01:12:43 pm »
Hi Lynnette

I have a vanguard and am using Baqua and have had a couple of bouts with greenish water.  

Do you notice any different smell to the water?

My experience seems to lead me to think that it is a filtration issue and cleaning the filters seems to clear it up quicker.

Maybe even cleaning the circ pump filter a couple of days in a row.  (I am assuming that you have a HS with a circ pump)

Good luck



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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2005, 07:59:22 am »
   Yes. we have the Caspian Tiger River which has the 24 hr cir pump.  We don't have a seperate cir pump filter that I know of, only main filter.  The water is still a little green but getting better.  I stopped last night and picked up a few packs of enhanced shock going to try that today.  When he used Baqua never had green water just a lot of foam and cloudy water.  Nature 2 has worked great until now.  I also asked about getting a ozone system, they tell me we don't need one.  Does anyone recommend a ozone system ??  Thanks for info hopefully water will be clear soon.  Lynnette  


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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2005, 08:30:06 am »
Hello Lynnette, I own the HS Landmark.  I think cleaning your filter daily until this goes away is a very good idea.  I have used dichlor the whole time I have used my spa with no problems.  I do have ozone and I recently  switched to N2.  You most likely did not add enough dichlor after your last use to hold you over for the few days that you did not use your spa.  I try to test my water every other day even if I am not using the spa.  It really only takes a second and it helps to prevent problems if your dichlor level falls a little low.  I think once you get a handle on your new regiment with the N2 and dichlor, you will not have any more problems.  I definitely found a lot less foaming since I have been using the N2 cartridge.

Good luck and be patient.  It will come around.

And if that doesnt work, get rid of your green shell and get a blue shell...Your water will always look blue...LOL
« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 08:45:46 am by Perk1 »

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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2005, 08:30:06 am »


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