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Author Topic: Quality spa and the luck of the draw  (Read 4686 times)


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Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:32:37 pm »
I was told that it is a wise idea to purchase the highest quality spa you can afford.  That is exactly what we did two months ago.  Unfortunately, we were shipped a complete lemon.  This is when buying a quailty spa became an issue.  Reason being, know one knows how to fix our spa.  Because we bought a high quality spa from a manufacturer that has had very little issues to deal with...and from a dealer that has had next to zero warranty claims, we are left hung out to dry.  The manufacturer does not know what is wrong.  The dealer is at a loss to fix it.   For us, bad news is compounded because neither our quality dealer nor quality manufacturer is willing to exchange nor return our defective spa.  Instead they just keep trying things.  Our electricity keeps pumping...chemicals keep being added...and the tub is unusable.

So far in our brand new tub we've had the following replaced or repaired...

diverter case
2 jets
computer board
two pumps
heater coil (or something like that)

And as of today I'm still getting the original error messages...the tub still doesn't run and now my latest issue is everytime I run the jet cycle my filters float out of their base.  They literally untwist and float away.

My quality manufacterer appears stumped.  My dealer will not return our phone calls (hasn't since day one...only sends his #2 guy to deal with us).  We are in talks with our lawyer at the moment...along with our news channel's call for action team.

This has been a nightmare.  Some would say, "Well at least you bought from a quality manufacturer."  HA!  That and a quarter gets us a phone call to beg for more service.

I wish all of you out there looking for that quality tub well.

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Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:32:37 pm »


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 12:36:19 pm »
Maybe you can tell us what the problems are, and the make of the spa, and some of the experts here might be able to help you out.



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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 12:40:09 pm »
Look at her last 10 posts and you will be enlightened.


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 12:45:40 pm »
..this is most interesting! Your post represents a side that is rarely presented on this forum....

....I can't help but feel that a quality dealer/manufacturer should just replace the tub -- the fact they haven't after all your troubles allows for much speculation....

I'm sure there are others who might be able to shed more light on this...

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 12:48:03 pm »
..this is most interesting! Your post represents a side that is rarely presented on this forum....

....I can't help but feel that a quality dealer/manufacturer should just replace the tub -- the fact they haven't after all your troubles allows for much speculation....

I'm sure there are others who might be able to shed more light on this...


GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!   Honestly, a voice of reason.  That is my exact same question.



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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2005, 01:21:49 pm »
good luck Elle.
Hope the Action Team helps you.


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2005, 01:28:07 pm »
I have had the same kind of issue with a manufacturer, as a dealer. The customer felt the spa was a lemon, numerous repairs etc etc.

The logic they presented to me makes sense but does not satisfy the customer.

The analogy they presented was a house comparison. They suggested that if you purchsed a new house (spa shell and frame) and the appliances (pumps, boards, jets and other parts) failed there would be no benefit to replacing the house, just replace all the faulty parts.

The manufacturer stuck to their guns and refused to replace the unit. We did it at our sole cost, including the crane. It really cost us a lot, put a strain on cash flow but in the end, the customer was satisfied.

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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2005, 01:35:47 pm »
Maybe the tub's location is the problem.  Try singing "Across the field" to it over and over again until the problems are solved. Of course "Hail to the Victor" will just make it worse.   :D

Sorry, can't be more helpful, but I know others here can. Good luck and keep us informed.
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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2005, 01:40:02 pm »
I am sorry to hear about your tub problems :'(

I am not sure as to how I would handle this one.  I guess dealing with the dealer (if they are the ones that handle the warranty on the tub).  I mean I know I would be very very pissed off if my new tub was having so many problems.  I would think the dealer would (should) stand behind you and get this issue resolved ASAP.  If not I guess do what you had mentioned.  Law suite and bad press is not good for any company.  Perhaps if you mention that to the dealer they would get their arses moving on this matter.  

Stay stong and keep on them.  You could always get together a pickit line out front of the dealers place.

Good luck and please keep us posted.


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2005, 01:44:33 pm »
I don't know any dealers that would replace the unit without the manufacturer helping with the replacement cost.  I give you a lot of credit for doing that.  

The manufacturer rarely ever replaces the spa unless it has a structural or shell related problem.  I would not expect them to replace the spa.  Calling your “Action Team” and lawyer will probably just piss the dealer off and delay any repairs that may be necessary.  
I don’t know much about Marquis or I would try to help troubleshoot your problems now.



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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2005, 01:44:39 pm »
That is a puzzler. Marquis is generally known as a quality spa maker though we don't know your dealer obviously. If you're having trouble getting the dealer to call you back have you called the manufacturer directly? If they can't figure it out there maybe theyll agree to take it back to the factory to have it thoroughly reviewed and fixed. This doesn't happen often but it can be the solution when the dealer is stumped.
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Re:  Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2005, 01:46:34 pm »
I am sorry to hear about your tub problems :'(

I am not sure as to how I would handle this one.  I guess  

 You could always get together a pickit line out front of the dealers place.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

You don't know how badly I want to shout the dealers' name out to the world and warn everyone to STAY AWAY!!!  I won't do that at this point because I'm hoping they'll eventually do the stand up thing...even if it takes a little tree rattling to get it to happen.

I feel a bit sorry for  dealers.  The manufactureres really hang them out to dry.  But, again, I wouldn't be nearly as upset about all of this if they would just give me some quality customer service.



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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2005, 01:54:37 pm »

 Calling your “Action Team” and lawyer will probably just piss the dealer off and delay any repairs that may be necessary.  


Piss the DEALER off?  Hmmm, I guess I should just role over and take it, right?  Because calling them repeatedly is not an answer for me.
And for the record...and one person who is attempting to help us (while he never returns calls,  he does show up here from time to time to replace various components and pray that solves the problems) is really trying.  The thing that really irritates me is the OWNER ...the person who was willing to show up on a Sunday to open the shop to SELL us the spa has never returned a single phone call.  NOT ONE.  The poor guy that is trying to help is in no authority to make any decisions for the owner.

Oh heck, enough...I need to go for a run.


Moderator note: Fixed the quote function for this message
« Last Edit: January 26, 2005, 02:14:09 pm by wmccall »


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2005, 02:01:11 pm »
If misery loves company, I have had similar issues with my Marquis tub. I just called a handiman and got an estimate for $180 plus dump fees to take it to the landfill.


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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2005, 02:04:21 pm »
I know of the "Action Team" she is talking about. I can almost guarantee you that if they get involved they will let people in the area know how this whole thing turns out... Good or bad. So, if she calls, there will be publicity...good or bad.

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Re: Quality spa and the luck of the draw
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2005, 02:04:21 pm »


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