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Bumping my own post because I want people to see the information contained.If I can't bring Cal Spas to the table to resolve my warranty issues, then I don't want others to get caught in the same situation.Yes I did get a POS spa, but I didn't realize it when I bought it.The only "improvements" I see happening at Cal Spas is further expansion of their facility. Obviously not in their product or service.I really think their business plan is to sell one spa to each customer and move on. To hell with reputation and customer service. Who needs it when you're selling disposable tubs.
If you post a negative on eopinions.com or ripoffreport.com they will probably take care of you just to keep you quiet
Thanks Stuart, I'll do just that. I have already filed complaints with the Dept. of Consumer Affairs and the Better Business Bureau. I'm not going to hesitate to add a couple more to the list if it might expedite a resolution.
Stuart,You are so full of it I mean information. Rocket
Take My Cal Spa.........Please
Here's the report I filed at  Rip off Reports.com.http://ripoffreport.com/results.asp?q1=ALL&q5=Cal+Spas&submit2=Search%21&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0Surprised to see so many others with the same complaints.Thanks for the suggestion!