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Author Topic: What would cause this?  (Read 3440 times)


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What would cause this?
« on: January 21, 2005, 09:11:47 am »
I had an air pocket in my plumbing lines of my Euphoria (Marquis).  I think, looking back, that it must have started  sometime on Sunday to allow the water temp to drop to significantly.

Sunday -Added water
- 4 people in the tub
- temp 102

Monday -one person in tub for 20 minutes
-temp 102 when entering, but heater never came on in 10 degree weather
-didn't check temp upon exiting because I wasn't really thinking much about it
-face nearly frozen :(

Tuesday -no spa, too darn cold for whimpy me

Wednesday - no spa, too darn cold for whimpy me

Thursday - go out to check balance
-discover overheating message on panel
- water barely steaming in 18 degree weather
- call dealer
-told to clean filters (last cleaned 3 wks ago with little use, but did it anyway)
-replaced filters
-started tub
-stopped tub and covered
-freezing my butt off
-came back out in 2 minutes to discover tub at 83 degrees with no heater working
-noticed a minute later an over heating code again
-called dealer and told to run hose down filter chamber
-did that
-started jets
-heater clicked on
-few hours later spa was at 102

The day is saved!

What would cause this to happen?  How do I prevent it from happening again?  I just keep thinking how lucky I was to discover that it wasn't working when I did.  


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What would cause this?
« on: January 21, 2005, 09:11:47 am »


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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2005, 02:10:59 pm »
I would think the way the Marquis filtration is set up, if you didn't have the proper water level it could happen. You know when whater is being sucked through the filter intakes and it makes that little whirlpool. If you ever hear a sucking sound, that means you are drawing air into you plumbing. It's just a guess, but it's all I could come up with.
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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2005, 05:11:06 pm »
Well, I came home from work today and noticed the over heating code again...spa at 95 degrees.  Marquis thinks my control board is bad and have ordered a new one.  The problem is, it won't be here until wednesday.  Anyone have any ideas about keeping the tub from freezing in the meantime...and how to keep the water filtering?  I would hate to do a drain and fill in sub zero temperatures...plus, I just filled it in Dec.

Thanks in advance,



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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2005, 05:17:56 pm »
Keep the cover on.....I think you will be fine until Wednesday


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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2005, 05:37:58 pm »
I had an air pocket in my plumbing lines of my Euphoria (Marquis).  

-called dealer and told to run hose down filter chamber
-did that
-started jets
-heater clicked on
-few hours later spa was at 102

The day is saved!

What would cause this to happen?  How do I prevent it from happening again?  I just keep thinking how lucky I was to discover that it wasn't working when I did.  


He certainly had you use the hose to flush out some air but the question I have is had you just refilled your spa prior to this occurring?
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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2005, 05:52:32 pm »

He certainly had you use the hose to flush out some air but the question I have is had you just refilled your spa prior to this occurring?

This just gets more and more strange...honestly, I'm going nuts today.  In answer to your question, NO I did not just refill prior to this error message.  I refilled in December (early).  Everything had been fine...or so I thought, until yesterday.

Update: Since I am getting no action out of my spa at all  I was told to turn the jets on a few times a day to keep the water circulating.  Well, I went out there and turned the jets on when a horrible melting plastic smell came from the  pump box.  The spa shut off shortly after that.  I called my dealer again and he is coming out to take a look at it tomorrow morning.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening?  Why would the hose trick have worked yesterday?  I'm tempted to do it again, but since he is coming tomorrow I think I'll just leave it as is.



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Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2005, 10:27:56 pm »

You more than likely have a faulty pump that is overheating. Many manufactures ran into this last year including MAAX, Marquis and Caldera.

It was more prevalent in 56 frame motors and was caused by the motor manufacture putting in windings with less copper. Marquis was on top of it quick and it was less than of issue than it could have been.

That would cause the "smell" that you were getting...

I have also seen electricians not get the terminal blocks tight on the wiring coming into the board cause faulty readings and finally caused the terminal block to melt...

Finally, you could have gotten an air lock from low water that caused the motor to run for a long enough period starving for water that it got to hot and Thermal overloaded. If this happened enough it could have weakened the motor!

PM me with what the dealer comes up with and I will advise you through it as they work on it.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: What would cause this?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2005, 10:27:56 pm »


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