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Crestline is a city or town in Ohio, Alabama, Nevada, California and Kansas........ Amazing what I know eh?
how do you feel about RECwarehouse? they are building a location near me...I might check them out. They seem to be low end on consumer needs. Any opinion on them?
My questions to the consumers that read this are;If it came down to 3 products and you were aware of this rating site, would it sway your purchase in any way if only one was best of class?How much credibility do you put into this rating site on a scale of 1-10?Answer honestly as if you went there first and saw it prior to going to any other site.
At first visit I'd rate them about a 5. Those ratings did make me consider the "best of class" worth looking into, I remember actually calling Adventure spas way back when because of it :-/By the time it came down to 3 products I was long-time aware of the the rating site and had re-rated its creadibility a 0.
Great info empolgation, thank you. What and where did you hear that this site was less than credible?
I looked at their ratings at first! Shoot, I even bought the magazine! I figured it was advertising dollars that generated those ratings.The ratings did not change my view of the last 3 I was considering! Only the wet test was the focus, at that point!