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Author Topic: Arctic Tubs  (Read 45325 times)


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #90 on: January 01, 2005, 08:05:03 am »
Seems to me that any thread that reads Arctic is the same old BS. Absolutly the worst "Sales Pitch" in the industry today.

OK, Arctic guys, did I say a lousy tub in there anywhere? If your blind to what's being said by the masses you will create your own mediocre future. Hire a new executive sales team, maybe the outside sales guys aren't that bad?

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #90 on: January 01, 2005, 08:05:03 am »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #91 on: January 01, 2005, 02:01:00 pm »
The reason us Arctic guy's get so pissy with all you spa guys on here is because anyone that knows building materials and insulation principles understand what are salespitch is all about.  Not everyone is going to agree with the way we do things, much the same as we don't agree with your methods. I think that is understandable for both sides. What is so BS is that you guys won't even acknowledge some of the features that Arctic offers that are good.  If there is ever going to any peace amongs Arctic and others you are going to have to get over yourselves and accept some facts.

    1) Stop trying to fight that are covers are not better than yours, it's a fact.  I think everyone agrees that after 4 to 5 inches of insulation the rest is just taking up space. So save your overkill comments for the next guys that comeout with some 8 to 7 inch taper cover. It's not only the thickness, but better foam, and that they are molded not cut like most other cover to help prevent taking on moisture. They are not just some crap cover that is thick, to look good for consumers. What is wrong with accepting that!

2) I cut every spa I trade in or haul out for people in half. I have never seen a shell even close to the thickness of an Arctic. The reason other tubs, whether full foam or thermal panel don't build thicker shells is that they use other materials for support. We don't so we build a thicker shell. Whichever way you think makes a stronger, longer lasting shell is the best in your opinion. We choose to believe that a shell that doesn't need extra support is better.  If you are to bitter to see the advantage of that, especially in non FF design??        
    Those of you that make the arguement that we don't spend the money to spray the extra foam on the shell, should check out the difference in the cost of material along with labor time, of making thicker shell as opposed to spraying foam. You will truly understand how ridiculous that arguement is.

    The forever floor, is strong, fully sealed, and impervious to moisture. What is bad or false about that. We sold Jacuzzi for 15 years and there has never been a floor on those comparible, from 50 yards there are some plastic floors that look similar, but for overall strenghth there is nothing comparible. That I have seen, and my business services all brands, I have not seen every spa ever made, so this is from my personal experiences only. But I will say my list includes most of you self proclaimed "big boys" in the business.

 My point here is if you don't like the filtering, jets, shell design, etc. You have that right, but not give respect for features that are solid, not even better in all situations. Instead of that most on here try to twist things to make these feature sound like negatives, and that is why most of you on here just sound like jealous kids. Prop what needs propped  and smack what needs smacked!!  And I can live with that!!!!

« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 05:07:07 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #92 on: January 01, 2005, 05:54:00 pm »
 I am not going to back down to you or your butt buddies on this site. So if you don't want attacted don't attack me. Practice what you preach, and maybe you will get some respect from me. I might be an a-hole but at least I am not a hypocrite!!!

Just your mannerisms would turn me off in regards to the product you push/sell.

Does Arctic Corporate teach these selling practices,and do they encourage this lack of professionalism from their employees?  If I had to place a small wager,I would venture that you and J.A. are related.

(I find it hard to believe that Arctic is aware,and/or pays you to act the way you do)


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #93 on: January 01, 2005, 06:50:56 pm »
Autoplay, like I said to the others, stop crying, I don't care about your feelings.  I wish someone would pay me to come on here and run a little smack, I don't insult anyone that doesn't insult me.  Chas, and I made or appoligizes.  I have a problem with those on here that take their shots, then cry when they have to take a little. And stop it with the idea that Arctic has anything to do with indepent dealers like me, and what I say.  


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #94 on: January 01, 2005, 07:55:59 pm »
Stuart, you sure run your mouth alot, then have the nerve to cry about being bad mouthed and insulted. Stop it you sound like a little girl, and personally I have taken more on this site than most, and I will keep taking it.  Grow a pair or stop running your mouth on these topics on Arctic,  I'm not on here to make friends, or blow sunshine up all your turd cuters.
  The bottom line is that you guys are lying on this site, and making claims about a product and company that I really care about, and yes we are different.  We have an unbelievable group that is growing in size everyday, Arctic is like a family, from the owners, employees, dealers, and even owners. We are a group all striving to be the best,  and I for one am not going to appoligize for that.  

I’m glad that you’re posting on the forum! Your snide and obnoxious comments substantiate (not using too big of words am I?) everything that many of us question about the whole Arctic program!

Let me explain something to you, I don’t come on here and just tout the brand that I sell nor do I childishly attack other brands without substance behind my comments!

I feel that as an industry professional that I have the responsibility to help where I can and advise where I’m experienced. I can’t tell you how many evenings I went back to my computer to make sure someone on this forum who was working through an issue had a resolve before I went to bed. I have tried to be there even by phone and walk people through freeze ups, chemical maintenance issues and even service problems.

I have interceded with factories both that I sell for and that I actually compete with on behalf of a customer with a problem on these boards, I’ve personally called dealers to talk to them for customers in their area to help negotiate a deal or fix a customer service issue and I’m not an anomaly, many people here do this Chas included (remember him, the other guy you slammed on this topic). We don’t get paid, we don’t make money on the service advice we give, and we don’t get a sale even on chemicals by being here. What we do get is the satisfaction of knowing that we added positively to the industry by being fair, honest and helpful…

You see just bragging about your experience and what product you choose to push on the general public isn’t enough! If you’re going to set yourself up as an expert then have a goal to make a positive difference in the spa experiences of people frequenting these forums!

You brag about how thick the shell of an Arctic is compared to other brands or how great the cover is yet ignore or bash questions concerning filtration and sanitation of your spa.

Maybe you haven’t been in the industry long enough to have experience with other brands but I have! I’ve been fixing spas for as long as you’ve been alive and in the industry full time for almost 17 years. Here is a secret for you…..I have yet in all of that time to see a fiberglass shell crack because it wasn’t thick enough! That’s out of thousands of spas!

So Chad, you keep slamming me and others on this forum and making your idiotic comments about “chicks” and “butt buddies” so that you can make our point for us on the slanted philosophy and attitude in the Arctic sales pitch that goes against what most of us believe our industry to be.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #95 on: January 01, 2005, 08:31:22 pm »
I can vouch for what Stuart says because he has answered my questions more than once on this forum Its not just about who has the best features its also about dealers who go the extra mile like stuart so Stabone you could learn alot from dealers like Stuart I wish my dealer was as concerned about me like he has been


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #96 on: January 01, 2005, 08:51:12 pm »
I don't think I mentioned shells breaking at anytime, other than actually cracking. There are problems that a weak shell can cause. But my point was that if you use other supports you don't need a thicker shell.  
   Shells that flex and give can cause leaks around the jets, from the movement around the seal, I have fixed many leaks on jets on the flat leg areas on loungers, and other places that receive alot of weigh  and movement from users. Not to say, that is the only reason for leaks, but I do find alot in those areas of tubs.  
   My point is for how we build a tub  it works for us, for how your tubs are built that works also, again my original point on this board was to clear up some misconceptions about how our tubs are built, but you guys don't want to listen, and some of it is justified, I will give you that. So whenever you decide to be a little more open minded, and a little less defensive, and we at Arctic tone down are approach I think we can carry on a reasonable discussion on this board.  
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 08:52:07 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #97 on: January 01, 2005, 08:58:01 pm »
I    My point is for how we build a tub  it works for us, for how your tubs are built that works also, again my original point on this board was to clear up some misconceptions about how our tubs are built, but you guys don't want to listen, and some of it is justified, I will give you that. So whenever you decide to be a little more open minded, and a little less defensive, and we at Arctic tone down are approach I think we can carry on a reasonable discussion on this board.  


That is most reasonable thing I have read that you have said...I hope it holds to be true...


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #98 on: January 02, 2005, 06:15:59 am »
The reason us Arctic guy's get so pissy with all you spa guys on here is because anyone that knows building materials and insulation principles understand what are salespitch is all about.  

I know one hell of alot more about building materials and insulation properties than probably any Arctic sales guy and your right! I do understand the sales pitch, it's BS!!!!

I have been in the mechanical industry (yes insulation also) with one of the largest plumbing, heating, pipe fitting, boiler maintanence, insulation and construction companys in the nation for more than 25 years.

And whoever told you that insulation does nothing after 4 inches is 100 percent wrong.

Wake up stabone. Take what your saying out of the Hot Tub industry into real life and then see how much "sence" it makes!!


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #99 on: January 02, 2005, 07:14:12 pm »

I know one hell of alot more about building materials and insulation properties than probably any Arctic sales guy and your right! I do understand the sales pitch, it's BS!!!!

Is that right? Wow. I'm gonna call the factory and let all the engineers that they should hire you. If you know more than all of the Arctic Salespeople you would be a valuable team member to correct the "BS" that Arctic sells.

What a ridiculous statement. ::)


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #100 on: January 02, 2005, 07:21:25 pm »
 BTW, I would love to see how this forum would react if an Arctic Salesperson made a comment like that.... :o

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #101 on: January 02, 2005, 07:28:19 pm »
BTW, I would love to see how this forum would react if an Arctic Salesperson made a comment like that.... :o

Probably quite well. First he said "probably any sales guy," which does leave room an exception. Then he backed up his statement with something, his credentials.

Do you see the difference in in not stating an absolute,  and then backing it up with some kind of evidance?
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #102 on: January 02, 2005, 07:39:40 pm »
 Yes, I understand the difference....the point I'm trying to make is that is that a statement like that made by an Arctic member would be ripped to shreads...even it was backed by evidence. IMO, that is how this forum seems to work.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #103 on: January 02, 2005, 07:49:04 pm »
  I just think it is so funny that you guys, change your story on insulation, and how much is needed to properly insulate, 4 to 5 inches is not enough to retain heat around the perimeter and floor, and yet is is overkill for a cover.
  My family has been in the plumbing and construction business for over 30 years, and in the pool and spa business for 19.  We service all brands of spas, and pools.  I have been doing plumbing, construction, and service since I was 13. We have 2 retail stores, along with the plumbing business. I know alot about this industry, other than reading an Arctic sales pitch.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2005, 08:08:43 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #104 on: January 02, 2005, 07:52:56 pm »
   1st, describe the insulation design, of an Arctic, and what is false in how it is presented.

 That is what I would like to know as well....
« Last Edit: January 02, 2005, 07:54:18 pm by cflrules »

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #104 on: January 02, 2005, 07:52:56 pm »


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