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Author Topic: Arctic Tubs  (Read 45321 times)


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2004, 03:32:37 pm »
"All my info comes from reading these boards and just a few months of hot tub nerdy research.  I'm not a dealer. "

 Personally, I enjoy reading this forum and all the negative information that the fellow posters provide. As most of you know, when shopping for a product if the competitors are all slamming one specific product, it is for a reason. And I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain to any of you what that reason is.......
 I sell the Arctic spa
 Besides, I have 10 buddies coming over tonight to celebrate New Years.  We are going to drink some Crown Royal and then having a dance/cabaret on top of my Arctic Spa cover. ;)

I have to ask what is it with you Arctic guys with this us against the world mentality and also your arrogant self inflated product superiority....I think from what I have read you make a nice product that has some strengths as well as some weakness as do most others....But again it all comes back to the attitude that seems to be common among Arctic sales people....do you have do a chant or something on a daily basis I mean really why is it so consistent among est you folks.....I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope that some day soon you and your ten friends will have a better place to dance than on the top of a spa cover....who would want to do that anyway....

PS, By the way where in this great state of Ohio are you?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 05:39:00 pm by wmccall »

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2004, 03:32:37 pm »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #76 on: December 31, 2004, 03:54:27 pm »
 Mendocino, considering you have over 500 posts on this forum it surprises me that you would ask the "us vs the world" question. I suggest you re-read this entire Arctic Tubs thread again if you want that answer.
As far as self-inflated, obviously I am going to back the product I sell...just like everybody else does. I have never once said it is the greatest spa in the world and the rest are just "bunk" (as the catchphrase goes). I believe in the Arctic design and will support it when I see it being ripped apart. I will also defend the outrageous claims that are constantly being labled on my fellow Arctic salespeople. Just as you would for yours....I would hardly call that "arrogant self inflated product superiority".

I wish you a Happy New Year as well. As far as the dance on the cover, I guess I'll have to tell you that I was just being a little sarcastic. I'm just trying to fit in. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 03:58:04 pm by cflrules »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #77 on: December 31, 2004, 04:55:58 pm »
All these points stated above are exactly why I came on this web site in the first place. Not to get in a battle of my tub is better than yours. I think we all, as dealers and owners  have or should have a certain amount of pride in what we sell or own. But I can not believe that I was so brutally pounded by everyone on here for my "lack of knowledge" and then I read this riff-raff and it is praised. I guess you are accepted on here if you only say what everyone likes to hear. If that is what gains you respect on here than I am glad I am very disliked on this site.
 Because I am an Arctic guy, and I will just side step questions anyway, and the ones that are answered are countered by things like, "it can't be better, no one else uses it",  when you do things different, you have to use different materials.  Alot of these materials like reflex torsion hose, forever floors, self-supporting shells. Are things that other manufactures don't need to make a good tub, so why would they use it if what they are using works for how they build their tubs! Full foam tubs use insulation to support there shells and piping, most other thermal panel tubs use insulation and other materials for extra support for piping and shells!! Arctic chooses not to use insulation for support, but rather a shell and pipe designed not to need support,  I read on hear, concerning reflex piping," it weighs more, and needs more support", is that claim backed by anything or is that your opinion?
  Because it is so much easier for you guys to take a material and say this is why its bad, "fiberglass floors can crack, there are better materials",  I am going to have to ask you Ed to explaim these claims you make!!

  Just for starters, explain your claim that by not having insulation on the shell, this can cause even warmer temps in the air space, than others that use insulation on both shell and cabinet?  How does that work??
 At what temp does it become to HOT for motors, glue joints, and other components on a spa to operate in. And do Arctic air space temps exceed that temperature.

 How is a floor that has 4 to 5 inches of insulation, that the tub sits on, and the bottom is sealed  going to loose heat, or get moisture damage? Boats, hot tubs, jet skies, are all made out of fiberglass, and these products are submerged or filled with water. Remember Ed, it is so over heated inside an Arctic air space that it can't be damp inside, and the outside of the floor could be submerged in water without damage.  

   Arctics don't have heaters, and run their pumps all the time with no control on the water temps!! Again Ed this "heat creep"  you speak of would only occure if that were true. During filter cycles on low speed the pumps do create heat that HELPS maintain water temps, to aid the heater. James is much more knowledgeable about actual temps that are produced from the pumps. Hopefully he will help me in this department. Also in warmer climates we use vented summer doors to prevent this "heat creep".  Arctic does not claim they don't need or use heaters, only that they recover more ambient heat created by the equipment that can actually be used to maintain water temps. Which cuts down on heater use, not the need of a heater all together.
   I want to wish everyone a safe and happy  
                          NEW YEAR!!!!
                  (TONIGHT, WE DANCE!!!!!!)
P.S    Also, my name is Chad, I am 27, and my stores are located in Ohio!!!


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #78 on: December 31, 2004, 04:58:54 pm »
My neighbour had an Arctic spa and one of his cover cores broke. They are not impervious to damage though the sales pitch would leave you to believe it. He sold it after 2 year of outrageous operating costs and constant repairs. Overpriced units at best.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #79 on: December 31, 2004, 05:20:36 pm »
   Also, my name is Chad, I am 27, and my stores are located in Ohio!!!

Chad, I would like to suggest you call Corporate and ask them to do a better job for you.  Especially their website.   I live in Columbus, Ohio which as I'm sure you know if right in the center of the state.

As moderator I try to stay out of arguments about brands, especially ones I have never seen.  If there was an Artic dealer near me I would make the effort to stop and take a look.  And if I was in the market again, or for the first time back in '03  I would have used the dealer locater on many spa sites I learned about here.

Some of those locaters are inaccurate (Beachcomber comes to mind). Artics is just plain dumb.  I input my zip code and the only thing it tells me is that there are no dealers within 40 miles of me.  I guess if your store is 41 miles from me, we are both out of luck.  I'm lucky to live in a nice sized metropolitan area but If I go out of my way to look for an Artic and they put up roadblocks, guess who I am avoiding?   I would bet a fairly large number of people buy spas from companies more than 40 miles away.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 05:22:03 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #80 on: December 31, 2004, 05:28:25 pm »
Thanks for the heads up, I think they do that more from a service stand point for both the dealers and customers. It needs to be more like 100 miles, or just show where the closest dealer is no matter how far, I have never heard of this, I will check it out.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2004, 05:38:18 pm »
Thanks for the heads up, I think they do that more from a service stand point for both the dealers and customers. It needs to be more like 100 miles, or just show where the closest dealer is no matter how far, I have never heard of this, I will check it out.

100 is more my thinking as well. Now if Artic had more than say 5-10 stores in Ohio maybe they would want to limit the distance so people don't try to get one dealer undercutting another.  But as you say, the closest  dealer might be better.
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #82 on: December 31, 2004, 06:50:44 pm »
I was going to stay out of this fray but....I just can't!

I'm amazed that in almost every post by an arctic supporter there is an underlying hostility and snideness!

I have debated many times the points of the spa, company and pitch that concern me as an industry professional and yet it always brings a childish rant by someone on the Arctic side. The most hospitable exchanges I've had have been with James Kierstead a VP with the company.

I have been personally bashed and insulted by company reps while trying to voice my opinion and experience.

On almost every forum Arctic is starting to take a very aggressive stance and presence that I feel is coming from the factory level as a strategy yet the tone of most of the posters is very volatile.

Every company takes their criticism at one time or another and for the most part has someone giving a strong opinion or point in favor of the company but few get as ugly as the arctic debates!

Funny, I bet you can find more comments about drinking, partying, degrading women and childish hostility from the Arctic side than just about any other company represented on the forums.

It would be in the Manufactures best interest to curtail some of this in the future for their own name....

BTW, if you go back and read some of cflrules past posts you will see some good info and even some informative exchanges related to the industry so I know it's not the ONLY form of posting that they do....


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2005, 12:05:31 am »
Stuart, you sure run your mouth alot, then have the nerve to cry about being bad mouthed and insulted. Stop it you sound like a little girl, and personally I have taken more on this site than most, and I will keep taking it.  Grow a pair or stop running your mouth on these topics on Arctic,  I'm not on here to make friends, or blow sunshine up all your turd cuters.
 The bottom line is that you guys are lying on this site, and making claims about a product and company that I really care about, and yes we are different.  We have an unbelievable group that is growing in size everyday, Arctic is like a family, from the owners, employees, dealers, and even owners. We are a group all striving to be the best,  and I for one am not going to appoligize for that.  



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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #84 on: January 01, 2005, 12:42:17 am »
Chas, I just want to know how you do as much bad mouthing and then can say that, about Arctic guys, I have read the forums. Stop preaching to me, I never hear Arctic guys crying like you guys do. We disagree, very strongly. You are one of the rudest people on hear, and I believe were posting pictures, in a personal attact towards me the first day I was on this site.  I am going to talk some smack on here, don't dish it if you can't take it!!  


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #85 on: January 01, 2005, 12:47:22 am »
Easy now stabone. Chas is with Hotspring. You must kneel before him before you can slam him. He's in the "click" and you ain't. Makes no difference from there on.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #86 on: January 01, 2005, 12:54:15 am »
That "click" on this site, try to run anybody out of here that doesn't agree with what they say and try to dominate this site, and limit it to only dealers with their opionions giving consumers info. Well, I am going to say what I want, and if these jack-cracks want some, then they can just bring it!!!


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #87 on: January 01, 2005, 01:39:04 am »
 Chas,  from the second I started on here I have been attacked. For my product not what I said, after being attacted,  I start attacking others on here and I have appoligized for some of my comments. How is making false statements about a product, because you don't like the company professional, anywhere but on this site? I am not going to back down to you or your  buddies on this site. So if you don't want attacted don't attack me. Practice what you preach, and maybe you will get some respect from me. I might be an a-hole but at least I am not a hypocrite!!!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 07:34:19 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #88 on: January 01, 2005, 02:28:14 am »
I'm sorry if I attacked you. I know I got a bit off in the early part of this thread, and I went back to remove the posts, but they had already been 'moderated.' I was glad.

I'll try to do better.

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #89 on: January 01, 2005, 04:51:51 am »
The reason you and your Arctic buddies get so much heat here is.. it seems that the reason you are here is to stir things up to make some wild statements, shoot some insults and than bail....I would be hard pressed  to find when any of the Arctic guys offered anything constructive on any thread outside of Arctic...And like every question ever posed to a Arctic person they go unanswered mine is where do you all get together at because you seem to come in a small herd...Slinging BS kicking woman and small children who get in your way...Do you guys ever think about trying just offer some help or input outside of using the Arctic name...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 11:16:45 am by Mendocino101 »

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #89 on: January 01, 2005, 04:51:51 am »


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