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Author Topic: Arctic Tubs  (Read 45306 times)


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #120 on: January 03, 2005, 12:08:38 am »

At least you start to say things which have a greater probability of being true.

Look, my post made all the arctic guys (meaning... you) throw a posting tantrum. Deep apologies.

How about this, address the points and you'll change my mind and maybe other people's minds.  

Or, address points made to you in other threads too.  

Or, make any technical point whatsoever.

Or... not, as the tantrums do add some entertainment.


I don't know that I've told you this but I truly appreciate your intellectual sarcasm and in-depth essays! I've read and re-read several...Your a pretty deep guy and you add a lot to this board! ;)

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #120 on: January 03, 2005, 12:08:38 am »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #121 on: January 03, 2005, 12:25:16 am »
I'm still miffed about the CFL comment.  :-[

Just kidding. I think the CFL is just as good as the NFL European Leauge and almost as good as Arena Football.
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #122 on: January 03, 2005, 05:42:08 am »
The reason us Arctic guy's get so pissy with all you spa guys on here is because anyone that knows building materials and insulation principles understand what are salespitch is all about.  Not everyone is going to agree with the way we do things, much the same as we don't agree with your methods.

This is what I was responding to CFL. Why would you jump me only because I do not want to be lumped into this group Stabone has created to try and justify a sales pitch?


 Is that right? Wow. I'm gonna call the factory and let all the engineers that they should hire you. If you know more than all of the Arctic Salespeople you would be a valuable team member to correct the "BS" that Arctic sells.

 What a ridiculous statement. ::)

I don't think they could meet my salary requirements! But thanks for the offer. Besides I have had out of town job offers before and never excepted them because I like it in Duluth Minnesota.

    My family has been in the plumbing and construction business for over 30 years, and in the pool and spa business for 19.  We service all brands of spas, and pools.  I have been doing plumbing, construction, and service since I was 13. We have 2 retail stores, along with the plumbing business. I know alot about this industry, other than reading an Arctic sales pitch.    

I hope you don't sell for your family business because I get a bad feeling about your attitude from your first post along time ago! You seem angry and arogent and that is a no-no in the sales department of any company.

OK..now we're getting somewhere. So in this single thermal pane design, the pumps are running on low speed 8 hours per day. Would this then not leave 16 hours a day, every day, where the pumps are generating NO heat at all? At -35C, what is preventing this cabinet (which is not a thermally closed ) from letting that ambient temperature in the cabinet? Understanding that you are speaking of induction of heat between the body of water through the shell composite into the dead air space, wouldn't this then result in temperature loss in that body of water if that air space is cooler than the body of water?


Steve I have asked over and over about this 16 hours or majority of every day and the greater heat loss during these non run times, The 20% heat loss out the sides is reduced in many ways and Arctics thicker cover during there "scientific study" to handle the 80% upper loss is an interesting sales misconception that alot won't see and for us to state that there sales pitch is BS albeit true, is it not a great sales idea non the less?
For those who do not see through it shame on them, this is america congratulations Arctic on your sales staff for coming up with this idea. I had it all wrong in the begining saying it was a BS sales pitch, I sould of said it was genius!

I hate being left behind in a pissing match, sorry I wasn't here to keep up with the thread. I responded to a comment made and got blasted by CFL and then Stabone, but it was nice to see a couple of you come to my rescue. But now your all lovey dovey in here so I missed it....dang!!


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #123 on: January 03, 2005, 07:45:26 am »

Just kidding. I think the CFL is just as good as the NFL European Leauge and almost as good as Arena Football.

As a season ticket holder to the Columbus Destroyers, I am offended by that remark.  I believe Coach Speilman owns a hot tub, but I Don't know what brand.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 07:46:39 am by wmccall »
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #124 on: January 03, 2005, 08:06:54 am »

I would never ever consider an Arctic tub.  Why?  Just reading your inflamatory remarks that remind me of all that is wrong with the industry.

And, guess what?!  I do have friends and I do talk to them and we do share opinions.

Your tactics, attitude, behavior, and terribly poor spelling lead me to believe that you are simply another salesman - one with no real knowledge - in fact, you remind me of a typical Cal Spa dealer.

Now keep in mind that I don't really care one bit about spelling - but looking at certain words that you have misspelled - I can only assume it is not a speed thing but rather an ignorance thing.

Happy bashing.

Now, please, go back to your van down by the river.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #125 on: January 03, 2005, 08:55:02 am »
Columbus destroyers???  Didn't they used to play in buffalo?????


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #126 on: January 03, 2005, 10:19:10 am »
As a recent hottub shopper that did consider Arctic spas, and got a lot of information from this site, I'd like to comment.

No one on this site ever told me "Don't buy an Arctic Spa"

There were some blatent "no's" for some other companies.

I was warned about "an agressive sales pitch", and a lack of technical knowledge and information available from Arctic when questions are asked.

Now it may have been my local dealer, but I found this to be 100% true.  Very agressive, must by today, all other spas are junk sales pitch followed by 0 answers to any technical questions.  I do not expect a sales person to know all of the answers, so when I left I was requested that they find the answers I was asking for and get back to me please.  The salesman just kept going on about the "mistake" I was making by not buying an Arctic spa.  He never did get back to me.

I will also tell you that I got this same treatment at 1 other spa dealer as well.  Neither got my business.

To me the answer to technical questions before purchase are a very good indicator of the service I would receive after the sale.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #127 on: January 03, 2005, 10:24:49 am »
Columbus destroyers???  Didn't they used to play in buffalo?????

Yes, This is their second full season in Columbus.
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #128 on: January 03, 2005, 10:54:28 am »
As a recent hottub shopper that did consider Arctic spas, and got a lot of information from this site, I'd like to comment.

Thanks for your comments. You sound like a reasonable shopper. I would go so far as to say that asking technical questions and getting answers is the spa shoppers right, and if you have gone to the trouble to ask them and wait for a followup phone call with the answers, you have done more than many customers.

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #129 on: January 03, 2005, 02:02:49 pm »
As a recent hottub shopper that did consider Arctic spas, and got a lot of information from this site, I'd like to comment.

No one on this site ever told me "Don't buy an Arctic Spa"

There were some blatent "no's" for some other companies.

I was warned about "an agressive sales pitch", and a lack of technical knowledge and information available from Arctic when questions are asked.

Now it may have been my local dealer, but I found this to be 100% true.  Very agressive, must by today, all other spas are junk sales pitch followed by 0 answers to any technical questions.  I do not expect a sales person to know all of the answers, so when I left I was requested that they find the answers I was asking for and get back to me please.  The salesman just kept going on about the "mistake" I was making by not buying an Arctic spa.  He never did get back to me.

I will also tell you that I got this same treatment at 1 other spa dealer as well.  Neither got my business.

To me the answer to technical questions before purchase are a very good indicator of the service I would receive after the sale.

Sorry to hear about your experience. Sounds like you got a uneducated rookie salesperson at both dealers. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking?


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #130 on: January 03, 2005, 02:41:06 pm »
Southwestern-Ontario, Canada


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #131 on: January 03, 2005, 03:02:02 pm »
Southwestern-Ontario, Canada

That wouldn’t be Arctic in Kitchener, that you visited, would it?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 03:16:19 pm by wetone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #132 on: January 03, 2005, 04:17:42 pm »
Sorry,  for my spelling, I am first, not a great speller, second, trying to type as fast as my pecking action will allow.  I grew up doing the manual labor in this industry. We all have our different strenghths'.   Most of you on here would seem as out of place trying to straight edge concrete or replace a pump. As I look pecking on this keyboard, trying to figure out how to use this thing.    I go to doctors' and lawyers' homes all the time to reset a tripped breaker.  And these are very smart people, yet in my world they are not.  Being booksmart, doesn't always make you the smartest person out in the real world.    
      Their are some people on here that probly can throw out more technical info, never spell a word wrong, and use perfect grammar, that would look like a deer in the headlights,  standing in front of tub trying to trouble shoot a problem.   If anyone wants really technical questions answered about Arctic, talk to JP Keirstead on this sight, he gets paid to know that type of stuff.  He is also a spectacular speller, and poet.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 04:19:00 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #133 on: January 03, 2005, 04:33:32 pm »
Your posts are getting less volatile and more a part of the community all the time.

I appreciate your PM message of apology to me and have to say that as the P and V wears out of your system you might become a good addition to this forum.

Most of the people posting here are very informed and very intelligent, you would be shocked at how industry informed many of the regular, non industry customers are here. People like Windsurf and ebirrane would out do many spa salesman on most showroom floors.

BTW, I have been in heated debate with both Ed and Windy that ended in mutual respect. This can be a positive for everyone involved.....

Here’s a tip, type your post in word, spell check it and then cut and paste it to the answer box. It will give you more credibility with your replies.

When you get some down time go back and read all of your past posts and see why many here take offense to you and how you can correct that. So far you seem very willing to mend some to the wounds…..


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #134 on: January 03, 2005, 04:50:36 pm »
I too was impressed with Chad. After he got what he needed to out of his system, he seems like a decent guy.

We exchanged some PM's last night and I basically told him the same thing about earning some repect and being more aware of what he's typing here and how.

I think he felt he could come in here and teach us all a few things not realizing that he was dealing with people that have seen it and heard it all before. The level of intelect on this forum is impressive and it's why i stay here to learn! I'm guessing we'll see a change and I'm always willing to give people a chance to try and fit in. he knows now that if he continues in the similar vein as earlier, he'll be "smacked down" (to use Chad's phrase  ;D ) pretty quickly!

I have given him my cell phone number to discuss my previous questions in more detail as he didn't want to type it all out. Fair enough.

As mentioned before Chad, if you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk and we'll all get along swimmingly ;D!

I look forward to hearing from you sometime soon.

P.S. Would you go on holidays already Stu! 8) ;D

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #134 on: January 03, 2005, 04:50:36 pm »


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