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Yes, I understand the difference....the point I'm trying to make is that is that a statement like that made by an Arctic member would be ripped to shreads...even it was backed by evidence. IMO, that is how this forum seems to work.
I just think it is so funny that you guys, change your story on insulation, and how much is needed to properly insulate, 4 to 5 inches is not enough to retain heat around the perimeter and floor, and yet is is overkill for a cover. My family has been in the plumbing and construction business for over 30 years, and in the pool and spa business for 19. We service all brands of spas, and pools. 1st, describe the insulation design, of an Arctic, and what is false in how it is presented.
Its difficult to take you seriously when you proclaim that the "CFL rules".
First of all, I don't think anyone has bought an Arctic, thinking that it is not equipt with a heater. Nor have I heard anyone from Arctic claiming that we don't use heaters.
Only, by recovering heat from the equipment, and not blocking it away from the water by insulation, we are able to use the surface area of the whole shell to transfer that heat towards the water. Because of this we can seal the air space, unlike other TP design that needs to vent the air space, because the heat from the equipment is trapt by insulation on both the shell and cabinet.
I have never had any customer feed back with trouble opening a cover, most try out the cover and lifter, while shopping. My mom is little, and takes the cover on and off all the time, some for my sister and girlfriend.
Steve do you think that an Arctic cabinet is not sealed?
Go ahead and get to your point about the other manufactures, that use self supporting hulls??
I set filter cylces, on my tubs for 2hrs at a time, 4 times a day. 8 hours total.
Alot of people don't know this, but the water in an Arctic turns to gold, any woman that gets into one transforms into a supermodel, and they clean your house while you are at work!!! I just wanted to tone it down a little, talk with you later Steve.
I'm still miffed about the CFL comment.