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Author Topic: Arctic Tubs  (Read 45296 times)


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Arctic Tubs
« on: December 08, 2004, 08:53:19 pm »
I know even less about Arctic tubs,compared to what I knew of em 3 days ago.

Where can a person go to get a real education on Arctic Tubs?

P.S. MOD Man.....When you gonna close that Arctic Circle? ;)

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Arctic Tubs
« on: December 08, 2004, 08:53:19 pm »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2004, 08:54:46 pm »

You can learn more there.
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 09:30:15 pm »
Hi everyone, don't jump on me and I have to say I was a little scared to come on here after reading some of those forums.  I have an Arctic Tundra I think a signature , has 2 pumps . It is my second Arctic, and if you want to hear more information I don't think this is the place to get it,  I read a couple of pages on the arctic vs the world forum. The gentleman from arctic however was not the only one side steping questions! And more than a couple times complimented other products, and brands.  Anyway I don't want to be involved,  find a dealer and see these tubs you will be glad you did.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2004, 09:51:09 pm »
How coincidental! Two more Arctic folks signing on for the first time tonight right after stabone signs off with his insulting remarks? We go quite awhile without little to no Arctic representation and shortly after the VP of the company comes out on the low end of a debate we have several pop up within a week!  ??? ???


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2004, 12:10:16 am »
Although you wouldn't be able to tell from number of my posts, I have been frequenting this site daily for over six months.

I purchased an Arctic Summit Signature Series tub in August. Much of the information on which to purchase was based from this site.

I do not post often as I have more questions than answers -  and many on this forum provide sensible information and usually answer any interests I might have before I need to ask.

I do not wish to get involved in any debate but for the record:

In my very short time owning my tub I have been happy. It is hot when I get in and stays hot when I'm not. My electric bill is respectable and my neighbours think I'm the best thing since sliced bread.

There is no Arctic support found here on this site. This does not alarm me in the least. I am a Canadian who wanted to purchase a tub built in Canada. I tested/researched Hydropool, Polar, Beachcomber seriously. My wife and liked the Arctic better. That's just our opinion. I do not feel like the dealer in any way sold me some hype. They were professional on all levels. My wife and I expect to continue sitting under the snowy limbs counting the stars and enjoying our tub.

I would also like to point out that even though the Arctic guy was often misguided, he wasn't the only one being unprofessional.



How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 12:35:33 am »
if you want to hear more information I don't think this is the place to get it

Actually, this is a great board on which to get information.  The problem with stabone is that he didn't realize that many people here have gone through many engineering debates in the past.

People on here are either:

1) Dealers
2) Hot tub geeks
3) Shoppers

Most posters, I would wager, are 1, followed by 2, followed by 3.

Stabone went into the Arctic pitch and got very insulting and  was buried with the same vitriole he spewed.

Search these forums to get substance on the following items:

1) Circulation pump or not?
2) How to support the plumbing
3) Type of bases
4) Methods of filtration
5)  Full foam bversus thermopane insulation
6) Types of thermopane insulation
7) The fallacy of # jets and HP ratings
8 ) Adequate (and overkill) R-factors.
9) Energy efficiency and operating cost
10) chemical usage and maintenance ease

Arctic, as I have heard, is an OK tub with a big price tag and an over-the-top sales pitch, which is required to sell an "ok" tub at a large price.

Some suspicious claims I've heard from arctic people on this forum:

1) Their single filter provides "the equivalent of" 900sq ft of filtration at 1 micron and must be replaced twice a year.
There are several problems with this, from claims to actual usage if the claims were true.

2) Arctic does not need the heater to heat the water.  Arctic, like many tubs, recycles pump heat back into the water. This claim is true, it is the uniqueness of the claim which is bogus.  Additionally, it is not possible to control how much heat radiates up and it becomes difficult to keep the temp steady (this is called heat creep).  This is especially difficult in the summer.

3) Arctic plumbing uses better flex piping. This piping is heavier and requires more support, which, based on discussions in this forum, does not exist.

4) Arctic insulates the cabinet, not the shell and this is a good thing.   This can cause the shell to pull in, provides no good support of plumbing or shell,  and makes pump motors run in a hotter environment, which is bad for them.

5) Arctic  equipment is not kept out in the cold. Arctic equipment runs in the heated inner air space which causes more stress on the equipment.  To prevent motor burnout Arctic cuts slits in the cabinet to allow air in, which, oddly, eradicates their thermolock design.  Since the equip is INSIDE the heated area, you must vent the heated area, which will destroy the heated area on cold and/or windy days.  Most manufacturers foam and insulate the SHELL and leave the hot-running equipment in a vented area for a reason.

6) The Arctic fiberglass base is the best out there
These bases can fail for several reasons because of what they are made of.  Microcracks are caused by sliding and moisture seeping up from the base (concrete, wood, peblles, whichever).  There are much better bottom-base materials to be used here.

7) Arctic uses the best covers around, and that saves you money .  After the first 2 inches of foam you get very little extra insulation benefit.  Worse, heat doesn't "rise" (hot air does, which is different than heat).  Heat leaks to where it is cold, like down into that cold fiberglass bottom, or out through those vents that the equipment needs to operate.

8 ) Arctic tubs are built like a polar bear.  This is true.  Go gut a polar bear, crawl inside, and you very may well recreate the Arctic experience.

9) Arctic tubs runs more efficiently than competitors .  Bunk. A study was done which showed Hot Springs and Arctic being very efficient.  This was done to put Arctic in league with a FF, established dealer.  To be brief, the test did not target many of arctic's weaknesses, especially with regards to wind which would greatly affect the thermolock via the equipment ventilation slots.  Arctic does not claim to cost less money per month to run than any other tub.

10) Arctic filtration is the best.  No.  A single filter clogs very quickly, especially one with only 1 micron holes in it.   Since Arctic does NOT use no-bypass filtration, as the filter clogs (which happens pretty quick at 1 micron) water will more easily bypass the filter.

11) There is no 11,  Spinal Tap be darned.  If I've lied above, others will point it out right quick.

There are many other points to be made regarding ozonators, heaters, shell design, jet placement, warranty honoring, it's just too late to go into it.

All my info comes from reading these boards and just a few months of hot tub nerdy research.  I'm not a dealer.

"Fight Arctic Sales Pitches -- Get An Education"

No doubt people own arctic spas and enjoy them.  Most probably, they have never owned a more mainstream spa before, either.  The problem isn't the tub. If someone wants to overpay for a so-so tub there are much worse ways to do so.  But don't go dropping $11k (can't remember if this was the retail price or not)  for a tundra and think you couldn't have gottom something nicer for $7k.

The problem is the misconception by some dealers that Arctic is a religion.  Worse, it is a sales pitch which uses "proof by analogy" and "pseudo-science" to trap people unfamiliar with hot tubs.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 12:40:10 am by ebirrane »


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2004, 01:14:05 am »
This is by far on of your best posts! Informative, to the point and well thought out! Thank You.....


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2004, 08:22:03 am »
I agree.  Bravo, Ed.  I especially liked your comment on point #7 (covers).  


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2004, 10:17:07 am »
 ;D Thank you!

But, also, thank yourselves.  This is information that has been gleaned from listening, and discussing, these items with all of the very knowledgable people on this board.

We can all be nerdy about something, but what made me nerdy about hot tubs was the good and honest technical discussions that occur here.  

To imply that there is not much information to be gained here because many refute the Arctic sales pitch, well, that just got the ol' fingers typing!



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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2004, 10:54:43 am »
Ed, I have take exception with #3. Arctic does use different hose. They use Torsion FlexPipe. I dont think anyone has disputed its existence (I for one have seen it). The debate is over Arctic's claim of superiority of this hose. The comment has been made "If this pipe is so much beter, why isn't anyone else using it?"

« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 10:55:25 am by HotTubMan »
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2004, 11:07:25 am »
If anything after 2" of insulation is sufficient, why do so many companies foam fill their spas?  The claim I keep hearing is, "it is more efficient".  That would seem in contravention to one of their own's comments.


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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2004, 11:18:48 am »
Ed, I have take exception with #3. Arctic does use different hose. They use Torsion FlexPipe. I dont think anyone has disputed its existence (I for one have seen it). The debate is over Arctic's claim of superiority of this hose. The comment has been made "If this pipe is so much beter, why isn't anyone else using it?"


Oops, I didn't mean that the piping didn't exist.  I meant that someone (stuart maybe?) had said that this type of piping is heavier and required more support and that the support for the piping did not exist.

Many thermopane tub manufacturers place foam on the piping in part for insulation, and in part for support.

But if this is incorrect, please let me know and I'll modify the original post.



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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2004, 11:21:22 am »
You are missinformed.  Our Warranty is shown right on our website.  We are hiding nothing.  Ask any customer, or dealer, we go to great lengths to meet our warranty commitment.

So James, being in the upper echelon of your company I have to ask, does Arctic condone the lack of professionalism that has been portrayed by those that have been posting here lately including one that says he's a factory rep? Here, I will give you some examples;

Stabone left us with the closing comment of what he did best.
what I do best selling spas and pumping chicks!

nelg states that he is a factory rep so I assume with that title he “represents” the company?

on: Dec 8th, 2004, 11:04pm nelg PM’ed me with this message….
With a name like Stuart, you must be gay, am i right?
Just a thought.

Sounds like a first class professional!

There where several other comments from Arctic people that were volatile, harsh and childish however the moderator deleted most of them.

(In that light, Moderator, this is not an attack on Arctic nor is it in any way meant to be disrespectful towards Mr. Keirstead. I simply would like the company’s view of how they have been represented over the last few days! I think this is an important post for that reason and something they should even answer directly to you!)

Again James, please tell us your perspective of this representation and if it is the tone of the company in general or just uncontrollable salesmen and Reps?



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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2004, 11:21:58 am »
If anything after 2" of insulation is sufficient, why do so many companies foam fill their spas?  The claim I keep hearing is, "it is more efficient".  That would seem in contravention to one of their own's comments.

I understand where you coming from there JP, but I think you know the answer. No one is claiming that 10" of insultion is needed. Yes there is a diminishing return after x", I beleive it varies from one insulation to another (3-4"). After that the benfits that FF'ers claim are not energy efficiency but noise dB, plumbing support etc etc.
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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2004, 11:28:15 am »
If anything after 2" of insulation is sufficient, why do so many companies foam fill their spas?  The claim I keep hearing is, "it is more efficient".  That would seem in contravention to one of their own's comments.

That isn't quite the difference between full foam and thermopane.  To be short, FF says the solid block of foam supports the piping and makes the tub quieter and vibrate less. TP says foam on the pipes and shell is all you need and extra air cavity space makes maintenance easier. When done right, both have energy efficiency in the ball park.  FF is harder to dig through if you have a leak (through some techs say it isn't a biggie) TP may leak more because the piping hangs more (Through most TP people say it doesn't happen).

The problem with the cover is that the heat doesn't escape through the 2 inches of foam, it escapes through the sides where there is just a thiner lip of vinyl/leather/whatever.

Make a cover out of 4 FOOT thick foam and you still have the same thin flaps around the edges.  Well, the extra weight would probably help with the seal, but putting some weights on the tub would help with that, too.  Hey! Maybe that's why all the Arctic people are standing on the tub! To get a better seal on it by pushing down on the "lid"!  

Now, if someone made a cover that dropped all the way over the spa, that would be something different.  It could be "the spa garage".  If any of you market it, give me props.  ;D

But Arctic's claim that the extra 2 inches they stick on their cover makes a difference is very suspect.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 11:35:20 am by ebirrane »

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Re: Arctic Tubs
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2004, 11:28:15 am »


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