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Author Topic: How long before my tub freezes?  (Read 10476 times)


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How long before my tub freezes?
« on: December 24, 2004, 10:12:00 am »
And the answer is, “a lot longer than I thought!”  Just went through 25 hours without power; last night’s low was 11 degrees, daytime temp in 20s.  It was light breeze yesterday but dead calm/no wind after dark.  The question has come up more than once, “how long do I have when the power goes?”   FWIW here’s what happened with the temp. in my tub.

I did not open the tub cover during the power outage.  After 9 hours of no power I put 3 layers of blankets on top of the cover and covered the whole thing with a plastic tarp.  (reports were that some homes wouldn’t get power for 3 days.)  After 25 hours the water temp had dropped from 102 to 97.

I’m amazed – 5 degree loss in 25 hours through an 11 degree night.  I’m sure lots of factors can impact (wind, age of cover, brand of tub) but I’m pretty happy.  I think I’ll keep it.
Happy Holidays!  

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How long before my tub freezes?
« on: December 24, 2004, 10:12:00 am »


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2004, 10:13:20 am »

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2004, 10:31:27 am »
YYYEEEAAAAA!!!  Now get that power back on, get that tub temp back up and soak in that 11 degree weather while you thumb your nose at the weatherman! 8)
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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2004, 10:57:01 am »
Typically the most venerable spot for freezing is the equipment compartment. That is the area of the spa that is less insulated so that the motors and equipment can breath and run cooler. This is even more prevalent on a deck.

You might have a bit of trouble at re-start with ice chips in the pump so look for that. I have used a hair dryer to thaw things out in the past..

I'm happy yours didn't freeze!


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2004, 12:06:46 pm »
get that tub temp back up and soak in that 11 degree weather while you thumb your nose at the weatherman!

Done  (except now it's 10 deg outside!)  Man, stretched out in a 102deg. pool, surveying the landscape = awsome!  All the trees look like they are coated in an inch of clear glass.  The sun (not a cloud in the sky) shining through all - doesn't even look real. . .!  8)

You might have a bit of trouble at re-start with ice chips in the pump so look for that. I have used a hair dryer to thaw things out in the past..

Yup, I worried about that and the hairdryer is a good tip, I'll remember that.  But when I powered up, the 24hr circ pump seemed to be moving water.  Didn't try the jets until the tub had regained the lost temp (just under an hour)   When I hit the jets, they seemed fine - no surging or strange sounds. . .So I jumped in!


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2004, 12:34:19 pm »
For those shopping or concerned about there tub, consider this: 5 degrees in 25 hours is a big dip, but as the temperature drops, the rate at which it drops will slow.

Based on UTS's description, I bet the tub would go 7+ days before any freezing would happen inside the tub.

As Stuart mentioned there may be trouble near the equipment sooner.

Merry X-mas

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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2004, 12:06:04 am »
 You must be located in my area of the country, which would be the Cinti area. There's been alot of power outages in  this area with the  10 to 18 inches of snow and ice...........Glad everything turned out alright!!


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2004, 05:15:01 pm »
hey Roborph!  I'm actually closer to Wmccall, about 50 miles out of Columbus.  We were among the lucky ones -only 25 hours without power.  I know someone in a rural area up here who is hearing it may be 10 days before they see power.

Last night we had -2 degrees, tonight is going down to about 10 above.  I know that's "just getting cool" up north, but those are rough temps for those still without electric & heat. . .a lot of Ohioans are having a rough xmas.


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2004, 05:52:21 pm »
hey Roborph!  I'm actually closer to Wmccall, about 50 miles out of Columbus.  .

50 miles which way? We ended up being down for 18 hours, tub was 94 when it came back on, will be soaking by 9-10pm.
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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2004, 09:01:15 pm »
And the answer is, “a lot longer than I thought!”  Just went through 25 hours without power; last night’s low was 11 degrees, daytime temp in 20s.  It was light breeze yesterday but dead calm/no wind after dark.  The question has come up more than once, “how long do I have when the power goes?”   FWIW here’s what happened with the temp. in my tub.

I did not open the tub cover during the power outage.  After 9 hours of no power I put 3 layers of blankets on top of the cover and covered the whole thing with a plastic tarp.  (reports were that some homes wouldn’t get power for 3 days.)  After 25 hours the water temp had dropped from 102 to 97.

I’m amazed – 5 degree loss in 25 hours through an 11 degree night.  I’m sure lots of factors can impact (wind, age of cover, brand of tub) but I’m pretty happy.  I think I’ll keep it.
Happy Holidays!  

Funny how this question never comes up when talking about FF vs. TP. BTW - Which do you have?
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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2004, 05:30:29 pm »
50 miles which way?


We ended up being down for 18 hours, tub was 94 when it came back on, will be soaking by 9-10pm.

Glad you're back up with no damage.  You know, all those people out there still without power. . .some of them are bound to have outdoor tubs!

FF vs. TP. BTW - Which do you have?

HotSpring Vanguard which is full foam. . .however, I'm working on a thermo-pane beer cozie design (patent pending  ;) )


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2005, 11:41:46 pm »
I've been in service for 13 yrs and if not to your preventitive measures you probably would be making repairs.Nice job.
You guys will hate me for this. Arctic Spas has been proven to last 5 days min with no power at 35 below with no damage and no help with home owner prevention. Is that cool, Or not?


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Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2005, 12:33:16 am »
You guys will hate me for this. Arctic Spas has been proven to last 5 days min with no power at 35 below with no damage and no help with home owner prevention. Is that cool, Or not?

Where did you read that? That's a new one... ::)
You're just teasing me because of my discussion with stabone last night, right? ;D


Hot Tub Forum

Re: How long before my tub freezes?
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2005, 12:33:16 am »


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