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Author Topic: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub  (Read 6385 times)


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Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« on: December 27, 2004, 10:36:34 am »
I hope all of you had a GREAT holiday!!!

Now that the major holidays are over and my "required" projects are nearing completion, it's time to think about my tub project.

As some (all?) of you may be aware of I put a deposit on an Artesian Island series Cayman back in October and am going to be doing this project in the early spring.

I was planning on sinking the tub onto a mini deck below the main deck and having the tub about the same height above the deck as the "step" inside the tub; I'm assuming about 18" high (I haven't measured the step height yet). I was planning on putting the tub in the right outside corner about a foot away from the edges.

My dilemma is that originally when I thought this through (I guess not 100% through) I had the control panel facing the right side (looking from the house) the deck "because that's where the equipment is". And like this I can easily change the filters when needed. I figured that this also would be easy to get to the equipment if needed.

The problem is with this configuration is I wouldn't be able to get to the controls when I chlorinate or shock to start up the jets. The tub will have a 24 hour circ pump and ozonator; the filtering times for pump 1 only run the ozonator when these tubs are equipped with the circ pump.

Am I creating a nightmare if I was to turn the tub 90 degrees and have the controls facing inside the deck. The main deck is going to be between 42 to 48 inches high (ground slopes away from house) and the deck for the hot tub is planned to be have about 18 inches of the tub showing above the main deck. How often does someone (a repair tech or myself) need to get to the equipment area? Is this something that I'm worrying too much about or should this be a concern?

One option is I could put the tub on top of the deck but we were planning on possibly enclosing the whole deck with a screen room and the height of the ceiling may be restrictive for getting in and out. Another option is to not enclose the tub and have it sitting on the deck but with bugs in the summer and possibly shoveling snow and the wind in the winter this is possibly our least favorite option.

Please, any help or advice IS APPRECIATED!!!

Thanks to all in advance!

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Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« on: December 27, 2004, 10:36:34 am »


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 11:18:22 am »
Go crawl under the deck and see what's it's like. Think about doing that in snow or rain.

I am a fan of having a large removable section of decking so a normal person can get to the equip without having to crawl in mud or under a low deck to get the job done.

As to a screen room: You will most likely use the tub more if you are not pestered by bugs, and keeping the snow off the lid sounds absoluetly wonderful to me!!
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 11:58:09 am »
It is always my preference to give easy access to the equipment compartment.  However, if you spa is at the corner of your deck and not surrounded, if worse comes to worse, you can still drain it, move it out to perform service.  

I also like Chas' idea... Make a drop-out panel at the end of the deck where the equipment is.  Not difficult to do when building the deck and will save you a possible headache later.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 12:38:19 pm »

Your scenario, crawling around under the deck, is exactly what I thought of as I was thinking about  rotating the tub 90 degrees. I do like the idea of a trap door and I'll see if it can be done (Building codes and more importantly if the wife likes the looks - LOL).

Do you have any ideas on trap door construction based your experience? Is it a framed section that's just bolted to a larger framed section?


Actually once the tub is in place, there won't be any easy way to move the tub IF it's enclosed in a screen-room. I thought about that and the only way to remove the tub from the deck is to partially disassemble the screen-room then the deck - not something I would look forward to.




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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2004, 01:01:45 pm »
I recommend a framed section.  You could have it bolted (but not the most convenient), hinged or just extend a couple of two-by- fours from the frame that slide in under the existing deck.  If you position them correctly you should have a slide-out that would still be quite stable and easily removeable.  If you want it a little more secure you could put a couple of center draw latches or rotary draw latches either on the side facing the spa, or just under the deck frame.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2004, 01:33:26 pm »
I have removable deck sections at the main equipment side of the spa.  I frequently check out the equipment compartment.  Mine are framed in with drop in sections about 18" x 30" each.  When they are in place, you can barely see that they are there.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2004, 02:09:24 pm »
We have built a "lift-out" in many situations, you simply cut some boards shorter near the required access and mount joist hangers to cross members where you can build a "mini deck" that simply seats in the joist hangers without screws on the lift out side.

Hope this makes sense.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2004, 03:36:12 pm »
I have my tub sitting on a deck (6x6 posts with 2x12 boards ten inches on center) that is about three feet off the ground. My main deck surrounds the tub so the top of the shell is even with the main deck floor. I had to take out all the top panel screws all the way around the tub but service is quite easy since it does sit so high, with the main deck even higher.

I left almost three feet of main deck around the tub, makes it easy to walk around and room for candles, beer, beer, towels, beer...

I have the joist hangers screwed in so I can unscrew the decking and the hangars and move the tub if need be, had to once as I left ONE screw in the front panel and didn't want to break the panel to remove it.

I have pics but not the knowledge to actually post them. I do know how to email them if you are interested.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2004, 05:17:26 pm »
Thanks for the info!

I never thought of a trap door or drop in panels. I think it's a great idea and as long as it passes code requirements,  I think that's the road I'll take.

Thanks again!



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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2004, 08:22:40 pm »
Vinny I was in the same situation you are.   We have an existing deck that was about 45 " off the ground.  Ground slopped away from the house.  I built a new deck beside the existing deck for the hot tub.  The new deck sits lower then the existing one, 22" off the ground to be exact.  I put the tub directly on it with out sinking it in so it sticks above our existing deck about 18".  I really like this option for various reasons.  You can go from our existing deck and step into the tub or sit on tub lip and swing your legs over into the tub (nice and safe) or you can go down to the lower deck and go in that way.  Also you can access the pumps if needed and I don't have to crawl under a muddy deck if there is a probem.  I also choose against sinking the tub for safety reasons.  People mentioned that if you sink it in flush someone could accidently fall in , or people (mainly kids) or animals could run accross the cover, causing damage to it.

I tied to include a picture but was unable to.

How you you include pictures in your postings ???


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2004, 10:54:12 pm »
The main reason for sinking it into the deck is to enclose the tub with the screen room. As I had mentioned, enclosing the tub has to do with the bug issue in the summer and snow and wind issue in the winter. The rough estimate I got for the screen room includes glass windows and it was a pleasant surprise as I thought the cost would have been without windows.

After my original thought of sinking the tub came the thought of just letting it sit on top of the deck and use stairs to get in. But if the tub is inside the screen room and it is the far corner I may only have about 92" of head room. I'm 6' and assuming the stairs raise you 18" to get in, we're looking at 90" - I'm thinking too close to the screen room's ceiling.

I have a 6' wide window in the kitchen and I am planning on having the tub sitting somewhere outside this window. At 36" tall the tub would be higher than the window sill and I really don't want it sticking above the sill as you look out the window - which is why I was planning on sinking it. I'm trying to make a 93"x93"x36" cube seem as unobtrusive as possible - maybe this is impossible!

Another thought was just putting the tub off to the side and add another door to the screen room to access the tub but I'll need to remove the cover, start the pumps during sanitizing and replacing filters so I need some sort of deck around it.

I think that I'm going to see if this drop in design or  some variation will pass code requirements in my township. I do plan on using a lumber yard for my deck material and they seem to have a computerized design service for their customers. I've talked to the township inspectors already and it seems that they will take these plans from the lumberyards as good plans, so I'll see.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2004, 08:27:22 am »
Vinny, I ordered a Caldera about 2 months ago and at the same time had a company do an addition on my deck where the tub is recessed just like you are doing with a removable panel. They are also adding some benches. They are starting the project on about the 3rd of Jan. Ill take alot of pics as the project goes on and maybe you can get some ideas from that. Mine is also going in the right corner. Is there any particular pics or angles that you want more detailed pics of?


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2004, 10:09:03 am »

I do appreciate this as I am building the deck myself along with a very knowledgeable person (actually he's building it and I'll be the grunt - LOL).

If there's a way to get a detail on the trap door / drop in panels to show my friend what I'm talking about - I'm sure he would be able to see what I'm looking for with some pictures. Any and all photos will be appreciated!

My email address is vinnynj57@yahoo.com.

It's funny, I had it all planned out with everything working out nicely until I was reading a post and realized I would never be able to get to the controls to turn on the jets to sanitize the tub without getting in.

I'm sure glad there are forums like this to get help when I make stupid mistakes!




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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2004, 10:20:24 am »
I'm sure glad there are forums like this to get help when I make stupid mistakes!

Sounds to me like you haven't made any big ones.... yet....  
;) ;) ;)

I can't find any pictures of a drop-in section, but tell your buddy that it can be a section of decking which is built sort of like a pallet and simply drops into joist hangers.  I have done it with hangers,
and also simply by resting it freely on the beams at either end of the removable section. You will not have to open this very often, so it's ok if it takes two people to get it out. You want it strong enough to not feel a difference between this section and the rest of the deck when walking on it.

Hand holes are a good idea: I have simply cut some ovals and smoothed them a bit. If you put these between the boards you only have to put a slight indentation on each board and it's just as workable but less noticable.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2005, 10:30:31 am »
I would appreciate some of the pictures you guys took of your decks with the tubs so I can get some ideas.

please e-mail them to mellow1725@aol.com

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Re: Questions about designing a deck to hold tub
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2005, 10:30:31 am »


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