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On a totally unrealted note, well, I'll make this hot tub related. Do any of you dealers have family working for you? I will never again, as much as I like this establishment, hand my credit card over to an 8 year old again. Family businesses are fine, but lets be real here!
Wow Bill - you gonna be OK?
we were talking about a new Hotwings place called the “Wing Stopâ€
This year we took a trip to Mecca, otherwise known as Buffalo and I believe the Wing stop was a particpant in the National Buffalo Wing Festival. Most places are even better than they are at these events, so I'll expect a full report later.
Stay home, relax in the spa, Watch Regis till the ball drops and then go to bed. Â
I know I am not the "Wing King", the "Wing Queen", or even the "Wing Princess"
You have to understand, if the salad menu is not as large as the entree menu she thinks it's unhealthy!
Happy New year everybody.....15 mins to ball drop.D
Lori, I thought you were the "Princess of quite a lot."Spa related. Raise the pH or something...