I was looking at another sites phourm....and read this...For all of the troubles folks have had with this company...

...it seems to me they would be less vocal touting all of there outstanding contributions to the spa industry....here is a some of what was said.....
"Cal Spas Has added two other series: Duality series that features 5 b.h.p. 250 gpm. Motors and are 110. The Infinity series will blow you away with all the options. We also have an inground series, and we have revamped our Aquatic series as well. This brings the total to 79 models, 400 configurations, 4 million optiions. So yes there is a company that has new NOTEWORTHY options for 2005."
"All those configurations and options make it very difficult to control Quality. I think spa makers that do this sacrifice Quality for a percieved sales advantage."
That statement does not pretain to Cal Spas. We are growing faster than any other spa company to date, and we are able to do that with precision and accuracy, much more than the years past that would explain why the factory in california is adding 1 million more square feet to our facilities. We offer so much more than any company to date and growing. There is another company that over came the negative feedback that company is Wal Mart.
Like WAL MART we offer products that others can't.
If you would like to see our full product offering feel free to visite our web site
www.calspas.com and see for yourself.
Happy New Year