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Topic: white flakes in tub (Read 17368 times)
white flakes in tub
December 03, 2004, 09:18:09 am »
Hello everyone! I have a question for anyone that can help. I have had a hot tub for about one year. Tiger River Siberian. Thanks to the help of everyone here I made a purchase afer much research. I am now having problems. When we first bought the tub in the first week I had a rash, but our maintenance has been constant and it went away. About 4 months ago we noticed white flakes... they were terrible. No smell, clear water, and the flakes were not particuliarly slimy. Went in to the dealer and they sent someone out. Coincidentally?? the tag from the top of the cover right on the seam appeared to deteriorate and they concluded that was the cause for the flakes. so to be safe we shocked drained and filled and degreased filter. Again about a month later white flakes, Drained changed filters and shocked again. About two weeks ago my daughter and I had a rash. We figured it must have been the hot tub and have been staying out. Well yesterday again, white flakes and to me the cover seems much heavier. (water logged??) So of course I'm doing research now and the service guy is coming out again. Chlorine level is good, ph is good, water is clear and no smell. Just these white flakes that I have been using the skimmer to get out. Almost feel like paper... and the thought of mold is driving me nuts. I just can't imagine what the problem is. We bought this just over a year ago... and it was a floor model. We keep it clean and maybe go in two to three times a week. We check it daily..and keep the cover off for at least 15 min a day and there is an ozonator....I just don't understand what the problem can be.. When the flakes dry they are thin film...and yellowish. Any ideas at all? Could it be it was a floor model? The service dept thought maybe silicone that lined the pipes but concluded it was not. The tub is outdoors and is a 4-5 person tub. Any help greatly appreciated. All the internet research I have been doing seems to point to mold or bacteria but there is usually cloudy water or a foul smell... this has none of that... Thanks for any help, Dawn
Hot Tub Forum
white flakes in tub
December 03, 2004, 09:18:09 am »
Senior Member
Posts: 1518
My 2.1 cents, eh
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #1 on:
December 03, 2004, 10:13:14 am »
Unfortunately I do beleive it is a mold. This mold is known as white algae. I happens in the plumbing where there is inadequate sanitization/circulation.
I know you said that you maintain your chlorine level, and I beleive you. Is there a chance, through the use of diverter valves, that some of the jets (and therefore part of the plumbing) was not used for a signifigant period of time(more than a week or two)?
If the answer is yes, I will give instructions on how to kill this. If not my best guess is scale but it sure sounds like white algae (a mold)
Homeworks Financing Representative
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #2 on:
December 03, 2004, 10:38:24 am »
I suppose there is a chance, I run the jets daily and I have the option to change jets, and certainly try to rotate but certain ones are favored. Like the lounge chair. This has just been an ongoing problem, and how is it that the chlorine and ph would still be good.
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My 2.1 cents, eh
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #3 on:
December 03, 2004, 10:44:49 am »
This stuff, just like algae will use chlorine and become resistent to certain levels of chlorine. I wish I could view a sample of it to be sure. Have you tried touching/manipulating it? If it is what I am thinking off it will be a little hard/brittle on the outside soft and mushy on the inside.
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Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #4 on:
December 03, 2004, 10:59:26 am »
One easy thing to try:
Superchlorinate to 10 ppm or better, leave the lid open for at least an hour with all jets on and the diverters in the middle position.
Turn off power, pull both filters and clean them. Use a hose to syphon out the filter area to remove any of the flakes which fall from the filters. (That's also why you turn off the power - to keep the flakes from traveling while the filters are out).
Replace filters and return to normal operation - if the chlorine level drops overnight, shock once more and rinse filters once more.
If it is water mold, this will go a long way towards getting rid of it.
Unfortunately, you may have to repeat this more than once.
This can happen to anyone - I don't think it was due to the spa being a floor model. I sell thirty to fourty floor models per year and haven't had it happen.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #5 on:
December 03, 2004, 11:00:13 am »
I have touched it... It is a fine flaky film... really not slippery if you slide it between your finger tips and does not desinigrate if you rub it between your fingers. I have to believe it is in the pipes or works of the tubs..cause the flakes can be larger or smaller.. when they dry they are yellowish... thats the best i can tell you. The water is clear and there is not a foul odor at all. We use clean suits when we get in...and it is not heavily used. And if it is mold... I have personally noticed the cover has gotten heavier and I read one article that if the cover is waterlogged.. mold can be in that possible?? I can take pics..if it helps..
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Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #6 on:
December 03, 2004, 11:51:44 am »
I haven't encoutered mold going into the water from the cover, but I wont say its not possible.
Yeah, I pic may help.
How many pool/spa retailers are there near you? If your dealer cant identify it, I would figure out who the oldest/,ost knowledgable water care dealer is in your area and take a water sample containing the flakes.
I am just a lilttle hesitant to suggest the white algae treatment procedure because I cannot see the flakes live and it may be wise to consult Watkins before doing it to make sure you aren't voiding anything.
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Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #7 on:
December 03, 2004, 11:59:45 am »
Just a thought.......
If the tub was a floor model and being used, it may be that your filter is old. What happens over time it the pleats break down and start to flack apart over time.
Try draing the tub, replace the filter then start it up again and see if this fixes the problem. I have noticed in my store over the past 20 years that nothing lasts forever, paper filters included......
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #8 on:
December 03, 2004, 12:08:49 pm »
Its a great thought... we bought an extra filter right from the start and I have been alternating filters. I am certainly prepared to buy a new filter I just don't want to put a new one in there... suck up these flakes and have them in the new filter. Maybe I will at least try soaking this filter again and degreasing it again.
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Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #9 on:
December 03, 2004, 01:40:47 pm »
Give the superchlorination a shot - you sure have nothing to lose, it's a normal part of tub care anyway.
But do rinse out the filters during the shock. If this is water mold, you will have a bunch of it in the filters after you run them for an hour, and you will want to get it all out of the system so the chlorine can work on whatever doesn't get into the filters.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #10 on:
December 03, 2004, 01:51:06 pm »
thankyou, i have been working on it already... Your right I have nothing to lose. I did the chlorine and it has been running and open. I even unzipped the cover to see if it looks ok in there..and it does. Hopefully it will do the trick. I guess maybe I'm just not running the hot tub often enough. I run once a day but I know some other hot tubs that kick on by themselves every so many hours... Live and learn... Other than this problem... I'm loving the tub! Thankyou everyone, I'll give you an update
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 6481
Hot water is Cool.
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #11 on:
December 03, 2004, 01:53:18 pm »
I don't thin running it daily will help, it's mainly keeping a bit of chlorine in that will prevent this. I don't know why, but once you get this you will be prone to getting it again - that is, if this turns out to be water mold.
I don't know if the tub keeps some of it in some nook, or if it comes into the tub from something in the area. I would think the latter is most likely the case.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #12 on:
December 03, 2004, 02:47:48 pm »
Chas, assuming this is water mold. I took out the filter, and there are lots of flakes in between every fold and I have been washing it over and over again. there is no way I'm going to get it all.... do i put it back in and assume the chlorine will get most of it? Do I put my second filter in? but then I have a second filter that has the mold in it? What do you think?
Senior Member
Posts: 1518
My 2.1 cents, eh
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #13 on:
December 03, 2004, 03:35:29 pm »
Here is how I recommend dealing with the mold:
Add an isane amount of chlorine, ie 10 times normal shock. Circulate with the filters in for 2 hours. Make sure the cover is off the gases will harmnthe cover. Drain the tub and repeat at least once with the filters out this time. Soak them in a cleaning solution.
If after starting the tub up after the second shock'n'drain you see any of these flakes shoot out a jet, repeat once more.
Homeworks Financing Representative
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #14 on:
December 04, 2004, 08:43:38 am »
ok, this tub has been super chlorinated, and it ran most of the day yesterday. Checked it this morning and there are still white flakes. I added more chlorine and have it running now. I'll start draining it later this afternoon, I just don't feel like I'm getting the flakes if it sat all night and they are still there
Hot Tub Forum
Re: white flakes in tub
Reply #14 on:
December 04, 2004, 08:43:38 am »
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