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Wondering if most or all service access areas are located underneath the controller. Reason for question is I am looking for spa to be installed in a narrow (width) area, I have plenty of room for service access if location is on either end but questionable on the side. Seems like most pictures of spa's I see on-line have the controls on the side of the unit. Hope this question makes sense. P.S. Â In case anyone might have any reccomendations, I am limited to 6 feet of installation for the width of the Spa. Just wet tested the Sundance Cari today, it was impressive. Unfortunaely I realized that the service access was in a tough location for my purpose.dg
If there is a Beachcomber in the area, you could look at the 530. Dimensions are 70"x86"If you purchase the tub with the protec option, you can have the equipment put on the end instead of the side.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can also order the Beachcomber to have 'remote' equipment, meaning that if it helps to have the equip. pad a distance away from the tub you can. I understand they close all four sides of the tub and run the plumbing down to several unions which you can connect to.