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Topic: Home Theater (Read 15336 times)
Ultimate Member
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #15 on:
March 18, 2005, 04:03:03 pm »
Thanks, I'll give that a look.
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #15 on:
March 18, 2005, 04:03:03 pm »
Junior Member
Posts: 48
Re: Home Theater
Reply #16 on:
March 18, 2005, 11:20:38 pm »
Just wanted to echo something Johnvb posted
Home Theater Spot is a great place to get info and really research a purchase. A lot of great folks just like here.
A direct link to the forums
It can be a little tough to get to the forums from the main page.
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In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: Home Theater
Reply #17 on:
March 21, 2005, 09:26:43 pm »
WOW....thanks for the info....
My wife and I are putting in a Home Theater in our "game room" that is in our house being built....
They are starting the foundation today! Never realized just how awesome a 120" screen can look with a decent projector...I was absolutely in awe!!!
Brewman let us know how it works for you and perhaps we can share some tips and stuff from our setup!
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4092
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #18 on:
March 22, 2005, 08:33:09 am »
I'm about 90% complete. I just put the finishing touches on my screen, it's ready to hang up. I had to order a component video cable for the projector, since I couldn't get a long enough one locally, and I'm waiting on a drop tube for the projector's ceiling mount. The cable came in yesterday, and the tube is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be watching movies by the weekend.
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In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: Home Theater
Reply #19 on:
March 22, 2005, 09:35:23 am »
Are you running cable/satellite to the projector as well? I would like to run cable (hd programing and non HD programming) to it. How are you dealing with compression of non digital 16:9 programming? What type of projector are you using?
Thanks....this is a new realm for us as I havent purchased audio equipment in about 7 years!
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4092
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #20 on:
March 22, 2005, 12:07:40 pm »
I have the InFocus SP5000, which is in the bottom of the 3 tiers of HT projectors that Infocus markets.
The upscale projectors are way out of my price range.
(Their flagship PJ lists at $30K!)
The projector is an LCD style, with a native resolution capable of playing HD broadcasts. I think it's 1280X720.
I do intend to run cable to the projector, but I have not contacted our cable company yet to get this set up.
There are only a dozen or so HD channels available on our cable. But it's a start.
I'm not sure how the projector will handle the non HD cable stations. I'll have to play with the projector's settings to see what works best.
I am hoping that Direct TV launches their HD satelites as promised, which should force their competitors to start putting their collective HD rear's in gear.
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In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: Home Theater
Reply #21 on:
March 22, 2005, 01:23:01 pm »
I hope DTV does get their act in line. I had DTV for 3+ years in Albuquerque. The problem I had with them was the constant delay of "we will have your local channels next month" to equipment problems on our DVR' some loss of programming at times. Overall we were satisfied with them but the final straw came when our DVR which we purchased through them just stopped working 1 year and 2 weeks after the initial purchase. After numerous calls and back and forth's with the manufacturer it was going to cost us more to have it fixed than it would be just to get another one.
So...since we moved here to San Antonio...the cable folks here have the local channels in HD and they have a very nice selection of HD programming. DTV does not carry local HD broadcasts.
With that being said we are going with the Cable folks who also dont charge any extra for an HD DVR as opposed to a regular DVR.
We are looking at several places in town for recommendations on how to set up the room for the theater. They range from millions of dollars to very reasonable.
Since we are at the building stage, our builder will either allow me to wire it before sheetrock, allow the "sound folks" to do it, or they will do it with me providing the cables etc and showing them where to put it.
I am leaning on providing them (the builder) with the cabling. that if they mess it up or a wire gets undone behind the sheetrock the builder will take care of this in the warranty. In addition it will cost us under $200 for them to do this all, provide the added vent in the equipment closet, and get it set the way we like.
Any ups or downs to what we are doing that you see???
Take care and will look at the In focus machines too!!!
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4092
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #22 on:
March 22, 2005, 01:59:40 pm »
That sounds like a good price for that kind of work.
I'd be tempted to pay the $200.
I'd carefully plan out how many speakers you want, what style (wall, ceiling, bookshelf, floor standing) and run all wires accordingly. Also consider how you will mount your projector. The cable for that can be roughed in also.
Don't forget a ceiling outlet by the projector, if you do a ceiling mount.
The component cable I just got is pretty big around, possibly an inch or so diameter.
Be sure that any wire you run in the walls for your speakers is listed for in wall use. Regular speaker wire isn't, and your building inspectors may not allow it. I pre wired our house a few years ago, and didn't get flagged for using the "wrong" speaker wire, but that was 6 years ago.
Have fun shopping for your AV components. Things have changed A LOT since I put in my humble pro logic reciever 6 years ago.
The sky is the limit as far as what you can spend.
I found the various HT bulletin boards very helpfu.
Still consult them a lot.
Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 02:00:43 pm by Brewman
Full Member
Posts: 196
In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: Home Theater
Reply #23 on:
March 22, 2005, 02:17:33 pm »
what are the HT bulletin boards??? Link?
Also...what is the component cable that you used? What does it have in it...where did you get it from?
Thanks a billiion....
We are wiring for a 5.1 system although I will most likely drop for side speakers for a 7.1 system for future upgrades!!!
Speakers in the front will be wall mounted and the ones in the back will be wall mounted as well. The rear ceiling has a slope so still looking for rec's from the pro's as to where to put that at and where to build the supports.
Our builder is really great...working hand in hand with us on this one...maybe cuz there have been some delays in the foundation pouring..who knows but they are really helpful.
Did you do anything special with the walls such as acoustic treatments etc?
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Posts: 115
2005 Optima! (indoors)
Re: Home Theater
Reply #24 on:
March 22, 2005, 09:56:22 pm »
If the Building codes in the area allow it, get the builder to install conduit, instead of wires. That gives you the ability to upgrade later. I just upgraded my A/V cabling using Belden.
In a 5.1 system, you want to start out with side surrounds, 90 degrees from the listening position (either direct or dipoles). A 7.1 system would add the rears at around 130 degrees (check the Dolby digital web site for more info)
See my responce on page one with some links.
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4092
Lead me not into temptation- I can find it myself!
Re: Home Theater
Reply #25 on:
March 22, 2005, 10:40:30 pm »
The component cable is the one with the three seperate cables (RCA connectors, I think) in one bundle. It's a step above S-Video cable and several steps above the single "composite" (Yellow RCA plug) cable for signal quality.
I ordered the cable (as well as most of the whole system) from B&H Photo and Video.
Unlike many Manhattan or Brooklyn based electronics dealers, they are honest and put customer service first.
I have not done much with acoustics treatments, actually nothing at all. The room isn't a dedicated theater room, it also is a rec room, with a pool table.
And a rear walk out to the patio, which our spa sits near.
I find this group particularly useful:
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Re: Home Theater
Reply #25 on:
March 22, 2005, 10:40:30 pm »
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