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Author Topic: Hot Tub April Fool Joke  (Read 3997 times)


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Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:12:51 pm »
Although I didn't hear this April Fool joke until now, it did strike me as funny.  I apologize if you heard it before.


Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there.

Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Dihydrogen monoxide:

· is also known as hydroxl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
· contributes to the "greenhouse effect."
· may cause severe burns.
· contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
· accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
· may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
· has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Contamination is reaching epidemic proportions!

Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

· as an industrial solvent and coolant.
· in nuclear power plants.
· in the production of styrofoam.
· as a fire retardant.
· in many forms of cruel animal research.
· in the distribution of pesticides.
· as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.

Unsuspecting citizens have gone so far as to heat tubs of DHMO and sit in them for long periods of time in the mistaken belief it will ease their pains!

Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact on wildlife is extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!

The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance to the economic health of this nation." In fact, the navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.

"DHMO" is a synonym for "H2O," the scientific name for water. Replace every instance of "DHMO" and "dihydrogen monoxide" in the message above with the word "water," and you'll get the joke (if you didn't already).

Can't you just imagine the envirnomental wackos & global warming nuts running around organizing marches on Washington over this? LMAO

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Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:12:51 pm »


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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 04:51:06 pm »
*lol* cute....does this mean I can refill my tub now?  ;D ;)


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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 07:53:57 am »
Check these two sites:

Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 11:13:44 am »
Check these two sites:


Yeah, it's an oldie but it's alwas a good one to those who haven't read it and it is always better when you reference that some kid got one over on everyone.

BTW, SNOPES.COM is one of the greatest websites. I'm always referencing it when someone summarily accepts something as fact just because they've heard it was true (especially if the internet is their source for this "fact").

A couple months ago I was at my brother's house and there was a Daddy Longlegs spider. My sister-in-law freaked a bit and when I laughed she said "Those are the most poisonous spiders in the world". I laughed harder when my nephews and brother all chimed in that it was true!! Why was it true? Because they'd heard it multiple times I guess. I showed them Snopes where it debunked it and then a week later I saw mythbusters (a great TV show) debunk it yet again.

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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 12:59:57 pm »
Love the Myth Busters show. I'll bet they would love to debunk some spa myths. What should we submit, Full Foam vs TP?   ;D
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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 01:08:55 pm »
Love the Myth Busters show. I'll bet they would love to debunk some spa myths. What should we submit, Full Foam vs TP?   ;D

Full foam vs TP,

Circ pump vs 2-speed pump filtering,

Lifetime warranties,

Ozone effectivity, chamber length/contact time, etc.,

Most of Terminator's photos (rumors are he doctors some of them)

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Re: Hot Tub April Fool Joke
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 01:08:55 pm »


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