Welcome to our forum.
I've relented to being passed, it might as be someone as usefull and helpful as Chas.And the counters are going back to zero soon anyway.
My guess is that we will change the day before I get into the millenium club..... kinda how my luck goes!
Is that Spa-K Tech? An if so, is it the real or unreal version?Brewman
I have always wondered what ST tuo looked like!
Thanks for your kind words, but -I can't even believe that would happen. Man. The one thing I can lay claim to - posting more than the moderator - and it's being stolen away from me. Robbed. Wrenched from my grasp. Ripped from my very life, cut off, dismembered, dissected, amputated, broken, burst, cleaved, cracked, damaged, divided, fractured, gashed, impaired, lacerated, mangled, ragged, rent, ruptured, severed, slashed, sliced, slit, snapped, split, torn assunder, shredded, scattered and tossed to the wind like dust.
BTW, I've often wondered, what another word for thesaurus?