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Author Topic: Weird Hydropool spa problem  (Read 13868 times)


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Weird Hydropool spa problem
« on: December 10, 2004, 12:48:13 am »
Hey all,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here having some weird issues with a Hydropool 575 Gold. It's been problem-free since it was installed in May of 2000, but now I'm having some serious trouble.

First, about a year ago, I started seeing an FL error message on the panel after the pump was running 10 mins or so and the jets would shut down. Happened sporadically, and I could clear it by simply opening the filter cartridge chamber and then closing it again. It always cleared by itself within a few mins, too. So I let it go, figuring it wasn't a big deal. Filter was pretty clean, though not perfect.

Second, last Friday night, everything died. A friend of mine and three of her kids were in the tub and the GFCI tripped. No obvious reason, but I couldn't get to reset. Had a tech in this week and he first changed the element, which got everything working again, but then the GFCI started tripping again. Second visit he did the disconnect procedure and found the trouble was in the board. So he put in a new board, for a cool $475. Up to almost $600 total now, woohoo.

Third, I'm getting the FL error again now, about 12 hours after I refilled the tub. Brand new filter, no other apparent problems. Great flow from the jets while they're on.

So, any of you pros here have any ideas? Could the FL thing be the main problem? Could a flow switch have been the issue with the GFCI tripping? Is there any chance the FL problem could blow the new board, or mess up the new element? And, of course, how the heck can I get this FL message to stop once and for all???

Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction. I hate relying solely on what a tech is telling me, even though the guy seems both honest and like he really knows what he's doing. And Merry Xmas to everyone!

Hot Tub Forum

Weird Hydropool spa problem
« on: December 10, 2004, 12:48:13 am »


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2004, 10:24:28 am »
The FL is more than likely the pressure switch sticking closed. The head pressure may be keeping it closed for a while or the diaphragm is just getting old and stiff. Either way 4 years old get a new pressure switch.

The circuit board did not cause the GFCI to trip. If all he did was change the board and the tripping stopped it was probably a connection issue.

Service techs like this really get under my skin. This tech needs to go back to Burger King were he is qualified.

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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2004, 11:22:17 am »
I agree with the pressure swich diagnosis. My neighbour had the same message on his tub and it wouldn,t turn on. We thought it might be the pressure switch so we put a jumper wire across it to in effect make it seem like it was working. Right away  the tub came on. New switch. Twenty dollars. hot tub for that nite .Priceless. bobhol


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2004, 01:50:27 pm »
The FL is more than likely the pressure switch sticking closed. The head pressure may be keeping it closed for a while or the diaphragm is just getting old and stiff. Either way 4 years old get a new pressure switch.

The circuit board did not cause the GFCI to trip. If all he did was change the board and the tripping stopped it was probably a connection issue.

Service techs like this really get under my skin. This tech needs to go back to Burger King were he is qualified.


I agree with Gary, this whole situation sounds a bit suspect however we don't have the input of the tech to verify but my first guess would be that you did not need a new board. Then again it's pretty easy to be a "mouse pad mechanic"!

You do need to change the pressure switch.....


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2004, 08:32:53 pm »
Thanks for all the advice. I'll look into changing the pressure switch. BTW, how can you diagnose connection issues like this? The tech took everything off the circuit, then added things back one at a time to find the problem. Is there something else that he could be doing?

If so, please let me know ASAP. He hasn't billed me for the board yet, and if I can give him a couple of other suggestions of how to diagnose my problem, I'm sure he'd be willing to try them. I really don't think the guy's trying to rip me off or anything. He's giving me a new board for cost of $300.


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2004, 08:37:57 pm »
Oh, and my frustrations now go beyond blowing money -- I've been dying for a good soak for a week now, and just when I get the spa back up and running, we get hit with a massive storm of freezing rain and snow in Eastern Ontario. Dammit.  I'm okay with light snow, and love the colder weather, but freezing rain and outdoor spas just don't mix...:-/


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2004, 08:39:13 pm »
I would simply as him to repalce the pressure switch, and try the old board. Pressure switches do go bad, some will leak internally, and on some cirucuits they can trip the GFI.

A board is seldom the cause of a GFI problem.
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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2004, 01:16:59 pm »
I would simply as him to repalce the pressure switch, and try the old board. Pressure switches do go bad, some will leak internally, and on some cirucuits they can trip the GFI.

A board is seldom the cause of a GFI problem.

The problem now is how will you know it was your board. I try and keep anything that I have to replace on any item I own long enough to test it myself or get a second opinion.

I can give you a very good example of this, lightening hit my house last year, I called the garage door company (at the insurance companies request) and told them that the little beam sensors at the door where fried and needed replaced (I had already tested everyting else). When I got home the tech was just leaving and he had replaced the boards in both openers but the boards where still on the floor of the garage. I called a supervisor and told them the boards did not need replaced so he said he would stop by and take a look himself. When he got there he pulled a "fried" board out of his van and told me it was mine and wanted me to see how bad it was (remember, I still had mine)! Then he wanted to argue that the two boards I had were not from my units.

Funny, I pulled the replacement boards out, put my new ones back (which worked fine) and told them to come pick them up, it's been a year and they are still on the shelf in my garage.


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Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2004, 12:59:29 pm »
Intermittent GFCI tripping can be hard to nail down.  I agree with the others, Replacing the board is the last course of action.  If you are certain there is no flow restriction, or air getting in through the skimmer, you most likely need your pressure switch replaced.  If you replace the pressure switch and the GFCI still trips, disconnect the heater and turn the GFCI back on.  If it holds, it is likely your heater that has caused it to trip. It is far more likely that a heater will fail after five years.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Weird Hydropool spa problem
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2004, 12:59:29 pm »


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