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Author Topic: store design dream list if you could  (Read 12169 times)


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store design dream list if you could
« on: December 09, 2004, 04:37:46 pm »
Since I am possibly opening a new store- yet to be built what's some advice for design- what are some absolute things I should be considering that I might miss. I have all options available since the place doesn't exist yet. Info- 3500-4000 sq ft primarily hot tubs, chemicals and possibly billards and aboveground pools- very limited display cuz I think you can lose the " high class" image I want to kinda go for. I'm thinking people will think - this is like a "day spa"- smells good - looks good idea.

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store design dream list if you could
« on: December 09, 2004, 04:37:46 pm »


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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2004, 04:54:31 pm »
I love the look of a nice western red cedar gazebo. Very classy, and eye catching.

Oh yeah, and a Beachcomber inside it.  ;D



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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2004, 05:04:55 pm »
A nice water testing station is a must!

Try to get the place wired so that you can have as many wet tubs as possible, keeping in mind you need to have dry ones of the same models. I like the idea of one wire being long enough to reach 3-4 tubs nearby. This way when you have a potential wet tester you can wire up that dry tub and pump water from one to another.

As Joe said, a gazebo or two looks great, with or without a Beachcomber  ;)

Gotta run add more later if I can
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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2004, 05:23:50 pm »
Since I am possibly opening a new store- yet to be built what's some advice for design- what are some absolute things I should be considering that I might miss. I have all options available since the place doesn't exist yet. Info- 3500-4000 sq ft primarily hot tubs, chemicals and possibly billards and aboveground pools- very limited display cuz I think you can lose the " high class" image I want to kinda go for. I'm thinking people will think - this is like a "day spa"- smells good - looks good idea.

Check out Mendencino's store at http://www.indulgeyourselfspas.com/ The best advice I can possibly give you is to not start without a POS system, it's way to hard to set it up later. I know we are going through it now!


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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2004, 05:27:24 pm »

Check out Mendencino's store at http://www.indulgeyourselfspas.com/ The best advice I can possibly give you is to not start without a POS system, it's way to hard to set it up later. I know we are going through it now!

POS=must have. Running a store without it is chas, I mean chaos.
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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 05:47:03 pm »

chas, I mean chaos.

Same differance at times..... ;)


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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2004, 06:49:21 pm »
I agree with Chas and Stuart on the POS system...........we're installing one, oye vey, major PITA!!!!   Definitly want to have a nice inviting front counter area, plus open, yet private desks for closing deals.  When i was in Ca last Feb for a Caldera training seminar at the watkins plant in Vista we went to a show room in lake san marcos.  They had an AWESOME wet test area, where they could close it off to give the customers more privacy...........very classy, and we could definilty see where if a customer tested a spa there, they were buying it.  A good space for a water analysis station to serve your A/G pool and Spa customers needs.  I know there are "quick & EasY" water labs such as the dip and read ones.............but we've always preferred the "OLD WAY" with a good reagent and tittration lab setup.  Not only is this the most accurate, but also most companies out there today no longer use them so it will definilty set you apart from them.  This should not be underestimated.  Attention to details like this gain customers confidence and keep them coming back.

Another piece of advice, and this may sound stupid, but make a "path" in the store the customer has to follow.  Put your sales counter, water analysis counter, and care products and accessories towards the back of the store.  This forces customers to wander through the spas and billiards tables.  Grocery stores employ the same concept in that they have the bread and milk at the back of the store.  One of our stores is setup like that.

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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2004, 08:32:30 pm »
I agree with Chas and Stuart on the POS system...........

Chas? Where?
 They had an AWESOME wet test area, where they could close it off to give the customers more privacy...........

Yes, excellent suggestion. Slipped my mind.
"OLD WAY" with a good reagent and tittration lab setup.  Not only is this the most accurate, but also most companies out there today no longer use them so it will definilty set you apart from them.  This should not be underestimated.  Attention to details like this gain customers confidence and keep them coming back.

This sort of lab really seems to garner more respect. Many are in awe of the testing procedure that is a routine I could do in my sleep. Children seem to love the colour show too!

« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 08:33:35 pm by HotTubMan »
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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2004, 08:35:58 pm »
Chas? Where?

Relax now, if he wants to give me credit for something I didn't say - as long as it's a good thing - it's ok with me.


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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2004, 08:52:43 pm »
Chas? Where?

There he is.... oop, gone again... no, wait! here he comes!



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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2004, 09:12:11 pm »
Maybe I'm thinking too detailed here but here's a couple of thoughts;

- Have a business plan...great businesses can easily fail without a well thought out plan

- Carefully explore the company you choose to do business with

- Remember location, location, location

- Consider the fact that the manufacturer will have certain branding suggestions. Paint, POS, Signage, suggested flooring and sales and marketing tools. Your rep should be able to get you set up and operational quite easily once at that point.

- Get approved for financing your floor such as Textron or Transamerica

- Design a professional water testing area with a sink

- Consider proper flooring to accommodate as much product as possible without being cluttered.

- Have financing for your customers available for "do not pay for 3/6/ or 12 months as well as monthly financing at a competitive rate.

- Establish a quality POS system with a data base that can track leads, control inventory, control checks incoming and outgoing, track existing customers as well as your water care customers.

- Get a water care program from your supplier

- GET GOOD STAFF! This is the key to a successful business.

- Develope an advertising champaigne for the year with pre-determined sales events.

- There's a great deal more and each one of these mentioned can be detailed extensively.

If you're in Western Canada and want Hydropool as your spa line, I'll personally come out and help you do all this! FOR FREE!!! ;D



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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2004, 10:47:29 pm »
sorry......good point HTM.  My bad, sometimes i just get typing away and i get confused at times.


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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2004, 08:11:59 am »
Hwo about a broad band internet connection so on slow days you can catch up with Chas.
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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2004, 09:50:19 am »
Hwo about a broad band internet connection so on slow days you can catch up with Chas.
I do have that -  which has it's merits aside from when I get bored. For example, I can walk a customer over and show them a competing warranty online, show them a wood product, or just do a mapquest of their neighborhood and point out all the other HotSpring owners nearby...

Also don't forget to add a kids area. Keep the little rug rats out of your hair. Put in a DVD combo unit and play something like "Veggie Tales," which are not as common as most other kids' things, and will usually hold the little blighter's attention for more than five seconds...or have some old toys they can destroy. They love that.

Also a DVD player with a monitor. This not only makes the place look more up to date, but it can help when the inevitable happens: you will never have couples come in one at a time. There is some law of the universe that says that two or more couples MUST arrive at the same time - at least when you are solo in the store..

Many spa makers have DVDs with a long commercial now - keep it playing at all times. Or make your own: a rolling PowerPoint of your award-winning installs. If you haven't got any award-winning installs yet, your manufacturer may be able to provide you with some pics, or you may want to put together some sort of commercial about your biz, or your last trip to Secaucus.

Oh, and some cheap swimsuits in a wide variety of sizes. I have kept the same ones around for years - nobody ever takes me up on my offer to use them and then keep them as a gift, but it makes a real point about how serious I am about the value of a wet test.  

A wet-test area is a must. My Ventura store had one when we opened, but about a year or two ago we took down the walls to make the floor feel more open. I'm sorry I did. In fact, I'm looking for a larger store so I can have both: a more open floor and a private soaking area.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2004, 09:58:00 am by Chas »
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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2004, 10:35:55 am »
I'd love to spend some time on this, but I'm working on a proposal right now so I can't.  :-/

One thing: Get the wet test tub temp between 102 and 104.  I recently did 3 wet tests with a buddy of mine and 2 were at 98 or 99.  The Jacuzzi dealer was at 104 and encouraged him to have a long soak.  Guess what tub he bought?  His words: "NOW this is MORE like it!"

It's a HOT tub... anything else is just a POOL!

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Re: store design dream list if you could
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2004, 10:35:55 am »


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