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Author Topic: One thing dealers might not be clear about  (Read 9564 times)


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One thing dealers might not be clear about
« on: December 07, 2004, 02:55:00 pm »
This has been my own observation around Columbus where I live.

Even in the short time I have owned my spa, a couple of dealers have changed the primary spa (or only)  they sell.  My own dealer used to be a Cal Spa dealer 4 years ago, then became a Dynasty dealer before he sold the business to his son and his partner.   The D1 dealer in my neighborhood is now a Cal Spa dealer and has dropped the D1 line.

I'd be curious to hear his reasoning behind that move.  But I'll bet he would say something like "Its a better spa at a better price"  I'm also betting some of his competitors might tell a different story, true or not.  At the very least, they would use it against him that if you had bought a D1 spa then, where would you be now? I guess its similar to what those recruiting against Penn st and Notre Dame will be telling kids.  

You dealers that have changed, why?  What do you tell your customers, have you checked up on what your competitors have to say?  Do you ever send out people to check up on them?

D1 is probably a great spa, they certainly looked like it. They are just the most real and accurate example I can give.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2004, 08:23:05 am by wmccall »
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One thing dealers might not be clear about
« on: December 07, 2004, 02:55:00 pm »


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 03:09:09 pm »
Our Sundance Dealer picked up the line within the last couple years.  They said it was because Sundance dropped the last dealer in this are for not being up to standards.  True or not, I have no idea.  


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2004, 03:48:54 pm »
we recently stopped carrying a line b/c the company made changes to it.  These  changes were positive, but b/c of these changes the spas no longer fit into the price range we wanted them in.  Add that to the fact that D-1 made a lot of great changes to it's @Home Hot Tub Line, so we decided to no longer carry that other line of spas.  We tell customers who purchased this line the same thing.....we service EVERYTHING we sell, reguardless of if we choose at a later date to stop carrying that product.  

Now the flip side, what do we tell potential customers about the compettion that drops and picks up spa lines like a pimp?  XYZ manufacturer makes a very nice product, but it has an unproven track record in our area.  Short & to the point.

We got a lot of questions this past year from customers, new and existing when we started carrying Caldera Spas in addition to Dimension One.  We just told them the obvious, another high quality spa that offers some different features not currently seen on our main line of spas.

Other reasons dealers stop carrying a product:
Issues with the manufacturer(wheteher it's warranty reimbursement, conflicts with reps, change in personal, etc...)
Concerns over quality
isn't selling as well as anticipated
maybe the manufacturer made changes that the dealer didn't like
loyalty concerns
impatience on the dealers part
Competitive balance (some manufacturers don't have spas in all price ranges, and having one manufacturer that meets all of those needs can be a benefit)

These are just a few reasons dealers change brands on occassion.  I'd be more weary of a dealer that has changed their main line of spas SEVERAL times over a period of  time, then the dealer who carried X brand for 10 yrs or more and then suddenly changed brands.  I'm sure wisoki could shed some light on this subject, as well as some of the other dealers who frequently contribute to this board and others like it.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2004, 04:04:06 pm »
Great post Jason, thanks.

Having heard tesimonials about people wet testing and then choosing one premium brand over another, I can see the logic of carrying a 2nd top of the line.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer

When people like you do a good job  representing  their company I periodically check who the dealers are in my area, which is one reason I keep seeing changes.  Currently the closest Caldera dealer is 90 mines away in Dayton. I see there is now a new D1 dealer, the site lists it as a home improvement company. I might stop for a look someday to see what they have on thier floor and what percentage it takes up.

When buying we did stop at another home improvement store, they had lots of wonderful stuff, but only 2 hot tubs.  It clearly wasn't thier main business, I can't even remember what brand it was.  I'll see if I can look that up.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2004, 04:13:11 pm by wmccall »
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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 05:00:09 pm »
The dealer that I originally purchased my infamous Cal Spa from in 1997 was only in business for a few years. He apparently sold the business to another individual or relative in 2000. Since that time they have been carrying Coast Spas.
While I was trying to obtain service for my shell blisters, I visited the store and quizzed them on why they no longer carried Cal Spas. The response was that the Cal Spas had too many warranty problems and that the factory was very difficult  to work with. It seems the dealer had the same experience with Cal Spas CSR's as I did.

I am also noticing that the tech. who is trying to repair my blisters is having simmilar difficulties with Cal Spa in trying to get the correct repair kits and information.

I don't know if Coast Spa is really any better than Cal Spa.  I understand that a former owner of Cal Spas started Coast Spas in Canada.


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 06:11:25 pm »
Rarely do dealers drop a line with a reputation like D1, HotSpring, Marquis and more. It’s more often than not the Manufacture felt the dealer was either performing below standard and goal or they were not representing the product well. There are the odd times that a dealer does drop a reputable line due to personal confrontation with someone at the factory or even lack of attention from their factory rep. Most of those times both parties take credit for the split because they both see it their own way.

I will give you an example, Master Spas; we sold over a million dollars in Master spas in two sales! We were thrilled with the income, the marketing and the potential for growth we had with them in the beginning. We were a bit concerned when every spa we brought in had a problem in the first load, the first spa we filled for display had 2 pluming joints with no glue on them. Our factory rep however was on the ball and assured us that this was a fluke, he made calls for us and got things moving while he was here. Problems kept coming and the only way we could get them taken care of was to call our rep, no one at the factory would return a call.

We loved our rep, liked the salability of the product and therapy performance so we held on but by default started selling more and more of our Marquis line simply because we were getting a bit head shy of the complaints when we sold a Master. Finally we decided to wait and not order anymore for the floor until we went on the factory trip and got to talk to them in person. At the trip we started feeling better when our concerns were addressed in a group and the factory assumed responsibility for the issues saying they had a plan in place to make things better.

To make a long story short, things did not get better but worse! We even had one of the largest dealers in the country preying on our customers and the factory would not help. It became easier to sell against them with the Marquis line then to feel good about selling them. So finally our rep was fired and after not ordering more than 4 spas in almost 8 months and complaining weekly, even daily to the factory for some support we get a letter saying that if we could not show more loyalty to the brand they would have to terminate us. We sent back a letter saying that we obviously had quit trying to win the losing battle of selling their spas long ago so termination was redundant! They made sure to send a certified letter saying that they terminated us for lack of sales.

You tell me, who do you think severed the relationship, us for poor quality products and lack of dealer support or them for our lack of performance?

We told our customers that we liked the spas but the Manufacture did not perform customer service to our standard and was lacking in the area of quality control so we found another brand that would.


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2004, 08:23:02 pm »
They didn't come in pink.

More later - on my way to dinner with a beautiful lady. ;) ;)

Did she lose a bet or something? ;) ;) ;D


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2004, 08:33:09 pm »
One thing I do cringe a bit about is the title of the post.... Most of us have to overcome the used car persona that companies like Calspa and Arctic has given the industry. The words dealer might lie in a topic sentence has a subliminal effect on a new shoppers phsyci that might put up some road blocks in shopping.

Might I suggest something like:


Otherwise I think this is a good topic....


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2004, 09:25:06 pm »
thanks for the kudos Mr. Moderator Sir.  I'ts very easy to post positively and give non-biased advice based on the wonderful training and atmosphere from the owners of the pool & spa company I work for.  It's really the only way we know how to conduct ourselves and do business.  Thank goodness we don't have to sell against stuart, chas, wetone, steve, HTM, and mendo among others who regularly contribute to this board.  It's really quite ironic though.............all of us sell a product either made by Watkins, Jacuzzi, D-1, coleman or Marquis.........and none of us bad mouth our competitors products.  At both D-1's and Watkin's sales training seminars they stress this.  I'd really like to go through the sales seminars for arctic, coast, cal, and master to see how the other guys train their dealers to sell their product.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer


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Re: One thing dealers might lie about
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2004, 11:01:08 pm »
 It's really quite ironic though.............all of us sell a product either made by Watkins, Jacuzzi, D-1, coleman or Marquis.........and none of us bad mouth our competitors products.  At both D-1's and Watkin's sales training seminars they stress this.  I'd really like to go through the sales seminars for arctic, coast, cal, and master to see how the other guys train their dealers to sell their product.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer

that is a great point and is right in line with what Steve was sharing in another thread...that when people who are working at being professional in what they do....  can have a mutual respect and understanding about each others products and can recognize that each brand has its metrits...lol....I am sure there times when  we all have to bite our tongue or our own bias will coming shinning though....


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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2004, 11:45:08 am »
One thing I do cringe a bit about is the title of the post.... Most of us have to overcome the used car persona that companies like Calspa and Arctic has given the industry. The words dealer might lie in a topic sentence has a subliminal effect on a new shoppers phsyci that might put up some road blocks in shopping.

Might I suggest something like:


Otherwise I think this is a good topic....

Thanks for the change Bill! That's much more "warm and fuzzy"!


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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2004, 12:54:52 pm »
We used to sell Beachcomber. We switched this year. The list of reasons is long and political. We dont give the whole story to the customer, nor will I give it here. I will share what I feel I can without bashing them.

In cronalogical order:
1. Beachcomber issues a 5% price increase for 2004. No product improvements.
2. Beachcomber changes how you can order spas. No longer is Protec availible unless you buy an LE model
3. Beachcomber changed their discount structure. In order to receive volume rebates a dealer must now sell Beachcomber branded chemicals (with 1500+ SpaGuard customers this is really tough to swallow)
4. Beachcomber goes on strike for over 2 months, we bring in D-1. At the end of the strike Beachcomber says that we can't sell both and force us to make a choice. We chose D-1, then added Coleman.

We did continue to service our existing warranty customers until Beachcomber terminates our relationship forcing our customers to get service from a neigboring city.

Beachcomber has lost 10+ dealers in Canada's most populous proviunce this year. From what I understand it is much worse in the US
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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2004, 01:08:44 pm »
We used to sell Beachcomber. We switched this year. The list of reasons is long and political. We dont give the whole story to the customer, nor will I give it here. I will share what I feel I can without bashing them.

In cronalogical order:
1. Beachcomber issues a 5% price increase for 2004. No product improvements.
2. Beachcomber changes how you can order spas. No longer is Protec availible unless you buy an LE model
3. Beachcomber changed their discount structure. In order to receive volume rebates a dealer must now sell Beachcomber branded chemicals (with 1500+ SpaGuard customers this is really tough to swallow)
4. Beachcomber goes on strike for over 2 months, we bring in D-1. At the end of the strike Beachcomber says that we can't sell both and force us to make a choice. We chose D-1, then added Coleman.

We did continue to service our existing warranty customers until Beachcomber terminates our relationship forcing our customers to get service from a neigboring city.

Beachcomber has lost 10+ dealers in Canada's most populous proviunce this year. From what I understand it is much worse in the US

In our area Beachcomber has had as many as 5 dealers in a 60 mile radius at the same time. I bypassed them for that reason.


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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2004, 01:29:47 pm »
Prior to the dealers that dropped, there were 6 within a 20 mile redius here too. That didn't help. Out of those dealers, three switched and one closed shop.
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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2004, 01:38:46 pm »
Wow, I am glad that I do not have to deal with that type of competition. The closest Beachcomber dealer in all directions to the store I work out of is almost two hours away. The only exception is another of our stores, but even that is a 45 minute drive away.

Was it only Beachcomber that had multiple dealers close by in your area(s)?


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Re: One thing dealers might not be clear about
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2004, 01:38:46 pm »


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