DEAR Friends:
THANKS so much for your KIND words of encouragement and understanding. Here are the answers to your questions:
NO, I wasn't on America's funniest home videos. BUT, if you taped it and you're willing to split the prize money, well, I'll THINK about it.
NO, I didn't "back" into any Christmas lights. It was bright enough out there, I didn't need any more lights shining up my a**!
YES, I did own a Weber, but I just bought a gas grill to replace it and it was locked up in the garage.
NO, it wasn't that cold out, but after 104 degree water for 30 minutes I could have been humming "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" while I was running (WHY do you think the neighbor's wife WINKED at me?).
YES, I'm glad the story is being shared. Spouses and children need a laugh TOO. NO, I don't have low self esteem (do you think I'd have told this if I did?).
NO, this wasn't JUST a STORY. As one of my friends said, "Drew, this stuff just seems to happen to you ALL the time." WHY yes, it DOES, thank you.
YES, the neighbor's wife IS cute (about 27, long brown hair, WELL tanned). I was actually thinking about inviting her and her hubby over for a social BUT now, I'm a little SHY.
YES, that portable phone was a little "light" on coverage. I'm a least a "7" bar guy... OH yeah, I can HEAR you now!
And finally, THANKS Windsurfdog, for "getting" the quote. You feel my PAIN brother...
Sympathy appreciated, jokes encouraged, comments about my physical attributes IGNORED...

Still "getting" back to nature...
Buck Naked