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Author Topic: Master Spa LSX or something else?  (Read 8156 times)


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Master Spa LSX or something else?
« on: November 27, 2004, 09:46:21 am »
I was quoted $9000 before tax on a 2004 LSX with stereo, led lighting, stainless steel jet covers, cover and cover lifter.  The spa felt great during the wet test, but I'm just not sure if it's worth close to $10k after tax.

I also wet tested the Caldera Niagara.  The spa felt good but the LSX was more therapeutic.

Is there any other spa manufacturer that I should be looking at?  I'm looking for a spa that has good neck/shoulder and calf massage.

Other models that I am considering are the Coleman 706 and Artesian Grand Bahama, but I haven't had a chance to wet test them.

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Master Spa LSX or something else?
« on: November 27, 2004, 09:46:21 am »


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 10:02:48 am »
Try the D-1 Chairman II or Chairman.  Also do not overlook Hot Spring, as the Vista and Envoy might be able to feel your needs, as well as the Marquis Euphoria.

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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 10:34:20 am »
IMO the LSX is a $5000 spa with $4000 of worhtless junk in it.  No offense to LSX owners, my opinion here.

My vote...something else

HotSpring = better spa and good hydrotheraby
Sundance = better spa and great hydrotherapy
Dimension One = better spa and great Hydrotherapy AND fantastic ergonomics.  (love my chairmanII ;D).

On your wet tests spend a good amount of time in each and see if it is providing you with good HYDROTHERAPY not just gobs of power.  do the jets hit you in the right spots?  Are the seats comfortable?  Is the spa a great big "marketing" farse or a well engineered spa?  those are the questions to ask yourself.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2004, 10:35:01 am by d1chairmanII »


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 11:24:22 am »
We have the Artesian Grand Bahama.  We bought it for the neck and thigh jets.  It completely fills our hopes.  We use it every evening for 40 minutes +  Wet test one, that's what we did and just love it.  Have had absolutely no problems and our dealer has been the best as well.  And he doesn't bad mouth other spas either.  Says there are a lot of great spas out there.  Just find one that you like the best and go for it.  (Course our Grand Bahama was $4000 less than the Marquis your looking at.  $6200 delivered, with everything. LED lights, cover lifter, steps, chemicals, etc.


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 03:06:39 pm »
We have the Artesian Grand Bahama.  We bought it for the neck and thigh jets.  It completely fills our hopes.  We use it every evening for 40 minutes +  Wet test one, that's what we did and just love it.  Have had absolutely no problems and our dealer has been the best as well.  And he doesn't bad mouth other spas either.  Says there are a lot of great spas out there.  Just find one that you like the best and go for it.  (Course our Grand Bahama was $4000 less than the Marquis your looking at.  $6200 delivered, with everything. LED lights, cover lifter, steps, chemicals, etc.

Look again it is MASTER they are looking at not a Marquis....


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2004, 05:05:41 pm »
In my opinion,after hereing and seeing how poorly made master is.I would'nt pay 5,000  for that spa.Stick to your bigger name company's like MARQUIS,HOTSPRINGS,SUNDANCE,DIMENSION 1,and a few others.This is just my opinion.


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2004, 08:12:20 am »
IMO the LSX is a $5000 spa with $4000 of worhtless junk in it.  No offense to LSX owners, my opinion here.

Sorry, I take GREAT offense at that statement.....you certainly could have made your point without such inflammatory comments.....you are definitely watering down your own opinions with such.....take stuart's lead and make your points without being such an ____.

And BIG PAPA said:
In my opinion,after hereing and seeing how poorly made master is.I would'nt pay 5,000  for that spa.

You should share facts instead of spewing.  Learn some manners.....

I am a VERY happy LSX owner.  I've had my tub in place since 7/11/04 and I am very pleased with its therapy and performance.  Please read my review of it at this site for specifics.  I do not have the stereo, which I did not opt for and glad I didn't, but I did get the other options you mentioned plus steps.  I paid $8000 before taxes for mine so yours with the stereo sounds about right.  If you find the LSX has the best therapy for you, as I did, and if you are comfortable with the dealer, I say rock and roll.  In reality, I want you to get a spa....ANY SPA....that gives you as much pleasure and is as trouble free as my LSX.......weigh this with the other comments you've read on this and other threads.  Good luck.
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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 11:02:25 am »
IMO, the Caldera is a better value. Yes the LSX has lots of therapy however I would avoid some of the things that you mentioned; the stereo has been more then a little problematic for Master and they have had to replace a ton of them. This would be a big concern considering that your warranty on the audio system is not very long. I also would avoid the Stainless Steel jet escutcheons, they really serve no purpose other than to sell the spa, they can and will come off eventually and can also collect debris and/or bacteria behind them. I personally have a scar on my leg from jumping in a spa that an escutcheon had come off and I hit when getting in. Besides, you won’t see them under water.

If you have had a chance to try the new Marquis Reward, throw it into the mix. I think it is going to be the best of the best next year but whether you look at the Marquis or not I believe you can find several other brands with better reputations and history in that price range. I really didn’t get a good look at the Artesian this year but will be looking at them on Tuesday and will give you a heads up.

This is a big purchase and if you do it right, a long commitment to relaxation. You seem to be willing to spend the money to get the best so spend the time to find the best. I suggest that you extend your horizons and do some more shopping….


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2004, 12:47:20 pm »
IMO, the Caldera is a better value....   ...I suggest that you extend your horizons and do some more shopping….
I agree with the Stu man.

Keep looking.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2004, 01:37:47 pm »

Here's a link to some pics of my tub:


As you can see, the stainless escutcheons show very nicely--I get many comments on them--and at night, with the LED light, they really stand out.  I've not had the failures to which stuart alluded--maybe they have been redesigned since he sold them.  As far as bacteria lurking behind them, I'd say there may be some merit to that though, after almost 5 months, I've not seen anything overt to lead me to that conclusion.  Certainly the circulation is limited underneath them.

Best of luck and let us know how you fair.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 01:48:08 pm by windsurfdog »
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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2004, 02:17:23 pm »
The LSX is not the only tub from Master that offers good neck/shoulder and calf jets.  How many people are planning on using the spa at one time?  Don't get me wrong the Xtreme seat rocks, but the rest of the Master/Down East line almost all have the Reverse Molded Neck and Shoulder seat.  We haven't had any major problems with stereo's (they use car decks).  

You will probably notice that a lot of people on this forum have bad opinions of Master Spa....notice they are all competing dealers.  I will admit, I ocaisionally hate my competition...especially when they out-sell me!

Keep looking, there is a plethora of spas you haven't looked at.  And of course WET TEST!



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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2004, 04:50:25 pm »
You will probably notice that a lot of people on this forum have bad opinions of Master Spa....notice they are all competing dealers.  I will admit, I ocaisionally hate my competition...especially when they out-sell me!

I understand a Master owner or dealer being less than enthused when professionals downplay their brand in some manner but this statement above is ridiculous. If someone has sold Master previously and from that experience has become a dissenter to that brand you can't simply brush it off as jealousy. That's their opinion and they're entitiled to it (especially if its experience based). If the Master owners/dealers want their positive position heard they have to understand that others may have a differing opinion. Brush off the criticism and pass on your positive review.
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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2004, 05:16:16 pm »
"Look again it is MASTER they are looking at not a Marquis.."

Mendocino101:    Your right.  Sorry for that mistake.  Was going by memory, and not being totally familiar with all of the spas on the market, I just used the wrong M.  
I have learned a lot on this forum though.  Appreciate the feedback.


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2004, 06:28:33 pm »
Windsurfdog sez: GRRRRRRR

Get 'em DAWG, get 'em!  Me thinks you were PO'd by that comment?

BTW, as I said before, your tub looks great! Thanks for the compliment on mine. Stainless steel all the way...

Keep cool...


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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2004, 07:26:10 pm »

Here's a link to some pics of my tub:


As you can see, the stainless escutcheons show very nicely--I get many comments on them--and at night, with the LED light, they really stand out.  I've not had the failures to which stuart alluded--maybe they have been redesigned since he sold them.  As far as bacteria lurking behind them, I'd say there may be some merit to that though, after almost 5 months, I've not seen anything overt to lead me to that conclusion.  Certainly the circulation is limited underneath them.

Best of luck and let us know how you fair.

Windy buddy!
I have to ask you, do you really believe the escutcheons add to the value of your spa? My comment on stainless escutcheons was not directed towards Master rather towards any brand that puts them on. There is not need for them past the point of purchase! They look great in a showroom and should be taken off from that point. In 16 years of doing this I have never, ever, ever seen them last and no they are not made that much different. Spend your money on therapy or sanitation upgrades not cosmetic ones!

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Re: Master Spa LSX or something else?
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2004, 07:26:10 pm »


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