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What is Cyranic Acid? I test my Clorine, PH, ALK and bring in water sample every now and then to my dealer to be tested.
..ok, you got me..what is pseudomonos filiculitis ?Jc
...which naturally leads to the question...Is this in any way related/similar to 'Legionairres' disease?For a hot-tub forum it seems interesting that this topic doesn't hasn't arisenJc
but once in a while it overwhelms a weak immune system. I always though the name came from say an old leigions club bar with a bad ventilation system but I highly dout that.
What WSD did not mention is the ionizer he uses. Without one I would not recommend soaking w/o at least some sanitizer. I have seen too many cases of pseudomonos filiculitis to endorse that.
I assume that ionizer+ozone is waht allows you to soak sanitizer free. We do not have ionizers here in the great white north, so I have to speculate somewhat.I do know that in each case of pseudomonus I have encoutered the customer had a history of water tests with 0 br/cl and most often admits to ignoring/forgetting to buy more sanitizer for some period of time.I should also add that the 3 tubs here at the store always have some bromine in them. The two tubs with 24/hr ozone require addditions of bromine less often than the other tub. My point is that hot water will breed bacteria. There is a need for something to neutralize this stuff between uses whether it be an ionizer, ozone or sanitizer.HTM