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Author Topic: Would you do it again?  (Read 7849 times)


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Would you do it again?
« on: November 12, 2004, 03:07:17 pm »
Reading about the unfortunate accident that KC-SWO had with his tub, I got to thinking.  If your tub was to suddenly disappear and you were going to replace it right away, would you buy the same, shop around again, or go for something different?

As most of you know, I have a Dynasty that I am happy with and I continue to be happy with the dealer.  I would probably shop around looking for deals and would be biased toward going with my dealer again. Though, Lori can tell you how much dealer loyalty can be worth  ;)

I made my purchase before finding this forum, so I feel I would be a little more informed this time around and dealers would know I am a serious buyer and I think the deals would be faster coming. (The deal was a big factor in my original decision).

Prior, D1 was high on my list, that dealer now sells COAST spas exclusively.   My local Hot spring dealer also carries Cal Spas and Viking Spas, and tends not to deal on the Hot Spring with the exception of sometimes pointing people to the Tiger River if they balk at their price on the Hot Spring.

There was a bullfrog dealer that opened up after I bought my original spa, but the website doesn't list it anymore so I would shy away.   LA spas nearest is 60 miles away, so that is out.  Coleman's closest listing is 90 miles away in West Virginia so that is probably out. I didn't hear about Hydropool until Steve started working for them. Locally they are carried by the Master spa dealer who sent me an offensive email back when I was shopping.  I would possibly give them another chance, but they would have to work for it. The local Sundance dealer seems to have a good reputation, I would consider them.  They also carry Jacuzzi.  Buckeye from this board bought a Jacuzzi from them.  Calderra is 85 miles away, I don't remember if I found a dealer closer back then.  Any others I should try if I had it to go all over again?

As far as size, color, and style.    I probably would go for another 6 person spa with a lounger. However, I didn't wet test then. I probably would never buy another spa with a lounger without wet testing.  Mine now is ok, but I say that with knowledge gained here.   I probably would go with a textured surface again, but  I still find some of those pearlescent tubs and that copper one from Hot Spring attractive. (The wife would probably overule me on that one)

HUMOR NOTE: I had to post this message twice. I almost had it finished and accidently closed my browser, so the second time I saved it knowing I could proof it and modify it when posted.   I'm glad I checked it.  

« Last Edit: November 12, 2004, 03:13:52 pm by wmccall »
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Would you do it again?
« on: November 12, 2004, 03:07:17 pm »


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2004, 03:21:18 pm »
 ;) I can tell you about dealer loyalty!  If I had it to do again, the nearest HotSpring dealer is 2 hours away!  I probably would go with the LA.  I haven't noticed any new spa stores lately.  Well, there was one called "Spas To Go" but it only lasted 6 months, then it was gone!!!

I'll have to check and see what is in my area now!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2004, 05:25:34 pm »
I thought you were very satisfied with your Hot Spring or am I missing something?
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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2004, 05:34:07 pm »
T.U.O.  Don't get me wrong!

I LOVE my Hotspring!  I was just taking the hypothetical, as wmccall suggested "What if?"

My dealer is no longer a HotSpring dealer.  They don't sell tubs at all anymore.  That was why I said that.  I am very happy with my Vanguard.  I wouldn't trade it, but if a fire (like KC) destroyed it, I would have to wonder what choice I would make now!

Just some random thoughts!  I just meant I needed to see who is selling what.  I remember someone was on here a while back from Oklahoma City that went to the LA dealer that I went to.  When I was looking, they also sold Artesian.  I believe (and I'll have to do a search to verify) that they are selling Marquis now, instead of the Artesian.  I just meant I ought to do some investigation, for information purposes.  Like wmccall is always saying, he likes to take a look at what is available in his area to keep up with trends and the like.


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2004, 05:53:58 pm »
Yes, but with an upgrade.

I bought my spa based on my own personal mantra. It has to be the finest and  most well engineered product available within my price restraints. My price restraints are not based upon my income, but rather what i am willing to pay for said product. I drive a toyota not  a lexus for that very reason.  

I did my research and still feel that Marquis offers the best quality and value out there. I went with what I believed and still do believe to be one of the best spas for the buck out there, but after 2 months of ownership I think that  I would be happier with a SA Euphoria.  Not sure. The diff in $ is big.  But I'll tell ya, 6K, 7k, 8k, 9K,10k.  If you get it home and it is not what you want, you will be wanting all over again.

Just thoughts from a redneck in Texas



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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2004, 06:07:03 pm »
T.U.O.  Don't get me wrong!

I LOVE my Hotspring!  I was just taking the hypothetical, as wmccall suggested "What if?"

So, uh Lori, let me see if I understand> you're saying you love your HotSpring spa then? ???
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2004, 07:08:15 pm »
My dealer is no longer a HotSpring dealer.  

Sorry, I missed that part.
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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2004, 08:06:32 am »
If my dealer would offer a replacement at the same price with the same options/services, I would purchase the same tub again, even at the risk of persevering the Master Bashers yet again.  ;D  I'm extremely happy with the LSX therapy and, so far, it has operated perfectly.  Should I experience problems down the road, my opinion may change but for now..........

I shopped for 8-10 months before making the purchase and, since the tub is a 2004 model, I've seen nothing from other manufacturers that I didn't see before making the purchase.  Maybe down the road after looking at newer tubs with different designs, I would be more inclined to look at others.  For right now, I've got the tub for me and I'd buy it again.
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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2004, 09:06:43 am »
The next tub I purchase,will offer the latest in technology. I'll be looking for a tub that offers a reefer/freezer built in.....and uses the heat from the cooling system to heat the tub.

The exception to that rule will be if the spa Nazi is producing it. I could never do business with a known con-artist,nor with a person who hates his entire industry.


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2004, 09:10:29 am »
I could never do business with a ... person who hates his entire industry.
That is a puzzler - why not move on to a 'better' industry. Like law or something.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2004, 10:36:19 am »
As the spa Nazi "acts" as if he knows the industry inside and out.....Being a lawyer and debating thermal dynamics via the legal way......might be his calling card.

Heck,in the very least,if he learns something bout law,it can only help him,when(not if) he is sued by his creditors and customers.

Anyone know if he defended himself,or did he hire a lawyer.....regarding his creditor suing him for over 30g's?
Is his brother a lawyer?


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2004, 07:22:20 pm »
I would buy a HS again, from my same dealer.  No problems so far, I love the spa, and the dealer is very good.



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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2004, 09:28:36 pm »
I've pulled this topic up several times and thought about it a lot. Not only do I own a store selling spas but I use my spa every day and purchase a new one every 3 to 4 years. I have the same dilemma that regular consumers do in buying a spa, I make the same decisions for the same reasons but hopefully with a bit more insight to the purchase. It really isn't about how much you spend as much as it is about your spending your hard earned money and want to get your money's worth.

I’ve owned a Marquis Journey 3 pump system for over three years now and love it. It was a trial material that had potential to fail and did so it needs to go back to the factory and I need a new one. Regardless of why I’m replacing it I would anyway just due to industry changes and advances that I feel I need to stay current on if I’m going to sell from the heart, I don’t just want to tell people how cool features are but want to share my personal experiences with them.

So this is what the dilemma has been over the last year;
1. They don’t make my spa anymore like they did then and I love what I have.

2. I tried the D1 Chairman and fell in love with it but missed my HK40 jets.

3. I tried the Marquis Euphoria and Reward SA and likewise thought they were great but not quite up to my Journey.

4. I wound up with a 2004 HotSpring Grandee at the store brand new and thought I would just take it home and use it as I didn’t have much invested in it but it just didn’t give me everything my Journey did.

5. I had a friend that offered me a great deal(He wanted to trade for a Marquis) on a Caldera so I went and tried it but liked the 2 Marquis, the HotSpring and the D1 better.

6. I finally decided on the D1 Chairman and ordered it in but had a sale at the store and didn’t get one in to show on the floor so I put it out for the weekend and it sold. I figured that I would just order another when things settled down and I got back from the show.

Here’s the clincher, I go to the AUQA show and Marquis has all of their new models in and the new Reward seems to be everything my Journey was and more! So now I have a new Reward coming in to wet test and if it tests like I think it will, I will have a new Reward coming to my house! This has taken almost a year… 8)


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2004, 08:41:05 am »
Well, considering they don't make the Landmark anymore(a mystery to me!!!!), I would most likely go for the Grandee or the Vista, but I would definitely make it another HotSpring!!!!


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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2004, 10:55:45 am »
Well, considering the fact that I seem to have had a hand in starting this thread, I better chip in.....

(Remember that I only had my BC750 spa for a little over 2 weeks at the time of the fire.)

My wife claims that of all the loss and inconvienience of the fire, she misses the hottub the most.

I know that I miss it.  I would buy the same tub with maybe one change, if the HP upgrade on a BC750 increases the HP to the foot jets, I would likely get it this time.  We seem to like to have the foot jets on with the rest of the pump 2 jets.  A diverter valve selects seat/foot/both.  On the "both" setting the jets could maybe use a bit more power.  Individually selected they are fine.

We definately would like to have our tub replaced ASAP.

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Re: Would you do it again?
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2004, 10:55:45 am »


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