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Author Topic: Can a spa hurt you?  (Read 25052 times)


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Can a spa hurt you?
« on: November 15, 2004, 11:04:01 am »
I wet tested some tubs on Saturday and I think the jets made my back hurt more! Maybe I just overdid that little pain in my butt cheek! In other words is it possible I let the jet pound on it too much?  :-/

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Can a spa hurt you?
« on: November 15, 2004, 11:04:01 am »


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 11:08:18 am »
What spas did you test?  Did you feel good right after you got out of the spas?

Strange, mmaybe you ahv et obuild up to it.



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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2004, 11:16:29 am »
Half a dozen tubs at the HS dealer and Sundance dealer.
Felt pretty good when I left each place but I was pretty relaxed at that point.

For reference, I have had surgery but I still have some pain and was hurting most of last week. Just seems worse since the wet testing and was thinking I took too much of good thing.


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2004, 11:18:22 am »
Yes it is possible, although rare. Firstly itching the lowest form of pain. Itching in a spa is the result of poor water chemistry or a jet hitting the same spot (these next to items are very subjective) too hard for too long. Think Chinese water torture! LOL

Seriuosly, this is why I don't like large directional jets on my back. My feet can take it. I prefer a 5" rotating jet but you will find everyone is a little different.

Did you notice the pain while in the tub or just after?

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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2004, 11:22:51 am »
It is definately a personal thing.  I thend to like the larger higher volume jets rather than the tiny piercing ones.
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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2004, 11:25:37 am »
Yes, a spa can hurt you.

Jets that are too strong can be worse than going to a Shiatzu massage specialist. Accupressure in the wrong areas may stimilate nerves in a negative way.

This is why most manufacturers have adjustability so you can control the water pressure with air controls.

Other ways a spa can hurt you:

Hyperthermia- A condition when your body is over-heated and cannot shed heat. The high temperatures can pose a risk to children, to those with heart conditions or women who may be pregnant. The high temperatures may also affect fertility in men as well.

Electrocution- If a ground fault condition exists and your spa is not properly wired with a GFI protection, electrocution could occur.

Drowning- Since the tub is filled with water, the spa poses a drowning risk. Using the tub while under the influence of alcohol or drugs  can result in drowning-- Unsupervized children are also at risk.

Biohazard- Heated unsanitized water can create health risks- Without santizing your spa its possible to grow bacteria and viruses that can make you sick or kill you.

Fall hazard- Some non-textured surfaces make them slippery. With the deeper spas, the higher bar top make them more hazardous to enter and exit.

Did I miss anything?


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2004, 11:28:33 am »
Didn't feel so bad until later in the day. Of course with all the tubs I tested, my enthusiasm, the sales pitches, and demos of all the jets, I got the full force of everything, inluding the tiny piercing and the high volume jets.


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2004, 11:56:09 am »
Sundance tubs have very powerful jets and some "tim the toolman" dealers feel that is the only selling feature and have some need to blast you across the tub.  My wife felt like the skin on her back was being flayed off when we wet tested the optima.

When you wet test, just remember that most of what the salesman says is MARKETING. If something is uncomfortable to YOU it isn't because you don't know how to enjoy something.  As you continue to wet test be firm on what feels good to you and what does not.

Massage is NOT the same as a fire hose on your back.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2004, 01:18:01 pm by ebirrane »


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2004, 12:14:06 pm »
Your discomfort may have little or nothing to do with the particular brands/models that you tested.  If your muscles were extremely tense beforehand and you're not accustomed to regular 'de-stressing' (massage, etc.) then you can have some pretty serious soreness after your muscles are relaxed.  In my experience it can take up to a week of regular massage (or tubbing) to relax your muscles fully.  

I spoke to a chiropractor about this and he said that the body adapts by tightening muscles as necessary.  Typically one side of the back will tense up more than the other to compensate for a spinal mis-alignment, etc.  Unfortunately, when the back is relaxed, the mis-alignment is still there and it can create a pull in the opposite direction.  That's one possibility...

On the other hand, your pain could simply be coming from a deep muscle massage.  A 'sports' massage by a registered massage therapist can have a brusing effect which obviously can be quite painful.

Take this for what it's worth.  I'm not a chiropractor or registered massage therapist... nor do I play one on TV.


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2004, 04:06:48 pm »
I have a bad lower back, 2 degenerative discs to be exact.  My doctor always says that ICE is better then heat when it's bothering me.  It's possible the increased blood flow the warm water caused did in fact inflame your back (more importantly the nerves) which would cause you discomfort.  Just a thought.


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2004, 06:12:30 pm »
When my back is inflamed, I have to avoid the spa. A day or two later, it is of great help.

Heat (of any kind) tends to increase swelling.

I have customers who use ice, then the spa, and then ice. They say it works - and the rest of their muscles all get to relax.

ps - having a spa fall on you not a real good thing either..

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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2004, 09:57:56 pm »
Yes, a spa can hurt you.

Jets that are too strong can be worse than going to a Shiatzu massage specialist. Accupressure in the wrong areas may stimilate nerves in a negative way.

This is why most manufacturers have adjustability so you can control the water pressure with air controls.

Other ways a spa can hurt you:

Hyperthermia- A condition when your body is over-heated and cannot shed heat. The high temperatures can pose a risk to children, to those with heart conditions or women who may be pregnant. The high temperatures may also affect fertility in men as well.

Electrocution- If a ground fault condition exists and your spa is not properly wired with a GFI protection, electrocution could occur.

Drowning- Since the tub is filled with water, the spa poses a drowning risk. Using the tub while under the influence of alcohol or drugs  can result in drowning-- Unsupervized children are also at risk.

Biohazard- Heated unsanitized water can create health risks- Without santizing your spa its possible to grow bacteria and viruses that can make you sick or kill you.

Fall hazard- Some non-textured surfaces make them slippery. With the deeper spas, the higher bar top make them more hazardous to enter and exit.

Did I miss anything?

I'm just hoping you don't do your own advertising!  ;D



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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2004, 10:32:37 pm »
Steve- Yes I do my own advertising... And the negatives dont typically lead my pitch. Just answering an honest question in my pull-no-punches way.


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2004, 06:46:29 am »
dang... first my back hurts and now I'm getting punched  :o

Anda spa is going to help me how?  ;D


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Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2004, 07:53:36 am »
Repeat After Me:

"Spas don't hurt people, people hurt themselves"


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Can a spa hurt you?
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2004, 07:53:36 am »


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