This message is directed at the makers of portable hot tubs.
My wife and I usually like to make a week-end getaway 2-3 times a year at one particular hotel. A very nice hotel I might add. We find one of the nice features or attractions is the 2 outdoor hot tubs. They are the commercial type, made of concrete and ceramic tile. In fact, it was the enjoyment of these tubs that led us to our decision to buy our own portable tub. We have owned our tub for approx 10 weeks.
I felt that upper level commercial tubs would be the benchmark that portable hot tub makers would strive to achieve. Boy, was I wrong. We spent this weekend at the hotel. As usual it was a very nice stay, however we did not enjoy the hot tubbing as much. We found it did not compare in seating comfort, massage therapy, etc. It made us think about our own tub, ... not exactly the goal of the get-away.
Anyway thanks alot!!!
