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Author Topic: What to do while on vacation  (Read 6239 times)


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What to do while on vacation
« on: November 10, 2004, 10:25:00 am »
Just thought I'd throw this out there so see what people usually do when they'll be leaving their spa for a week or so.  We're using bromine with Spa Frog and an ozonator.  Should I just let it ride for the the week and deal with it when I get back?  Or should I hit it with something good before I go?  I don't want to get levels too high and leave the cover on the whole week as that may cause more damage than good.  Thoughts?
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What to do while on vacation
« on: November 10, 2004, 10:25:00 am »


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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2004, 10:46:49 am »
Since we bought the spa we haven't been able to afford to go anywhere for a full week.   3 days away is my longest.  How about a big dose of MPS as you are ready to leave  and then turn the tub down to about 80 degrees.  Maybe you should put a small piece of tape on the cover to see if you get any unauthorized vistors!
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2004, 11:09:22 am »
I had thought of the big dose of MPS but it appears that everytime I do even a good sized dose (4tbsp) it sends the bromine level very high and it stays that way for a few days.  I figured that if it gets that high you wouldn't want it all trapped under the cover for a week.

As for the cover, I've got those cheap little straps with lockable clips installed that I'll just lock.  They are there mostly for the kids but I guess it won't hurt to lock them.  They really wounldn't prevent any 'intruders' from getting in if they wanted too but at least I would know.
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2004, 12:38:11 pm »
Recently, I took my first vacation after getting my spa!  I gave it a heavy dose of sanitizer (I use chlorine  :-/ sorry) and turned the heat down to 80.  I understand the sanitizers linger longer with lower temps (I'm not sure about Bromine, but sure one of the experts will chime in).

When I came back, my water was great.  Perfectly clear and no problems.  Turned the temp back up and hopped on in!!!

Have a great vacation!!!
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2004, 12:42:09 pm »
I had thought of the big dose of MPS but it appears that everytime I do even a good sized dose (4tbsp) it sends the bromine level very high and it stays that way for a few days.  I figured that if it gets that high you wouldn't want it all trapped under the cover for a week.

As for the cover, I've got those cheap little straps with lockable clips installed that I'll just lock.  They are there mostly for the kids but I guess it won't hurt to lock them.  They really wounldn't prevent any 'intruders' from getting in if they wanted too but at least I would know.

Your Optima should have a lockout feature on the control panel.  It prevents the pumps and blower from being activated.  This won't prevent someone from popping the locks on your cover, but will make the spa experience pretty boring.  The filter cycles still work when the panel is locked.  If your lockable cover is like mine, the locks can easily be re locked with a small screwdriver, or the like.


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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2004, 02:31:43 pm »

Your Optima should have a lockout feature on the control panel.  It prevents the pumps and blower from being activated.  This won't prevent someone from popping the locks on your cover, but will make the spa experience pretty boring.  The filter cycles still work when the panel is locked.  If your lockable cover is like mine, the locks can easily be re locked with a small screwdriver, or the like.

Yup... We likely have the same 'locks'.  Good idea about the control panel though.  Guess I'll have to do digging through the manual to figure out how to do that.  (and how to unlock too :) )
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2004, 02:34:50 pm »
My wife and I especially enjoyed Florence, Venice and Rome, and on the other side of the globe, Queenstown, Aukland and Sydney. The dollar is weak in Europe right now, and I wouldn't get anywhere near Bagdad if you can avoid it.

Wait! You were asking what to do with your SPA while you're away on vacation. OK. Sorry.

Toss in some Dichlor, turn the heat as low as it goes, and shock when you return.

And send us a postcard.
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2004, 03:03:26 pm »
..... And, as always, thank you for using Chas Travel Services.  Where you always get more for your money.

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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2004, 03:55:46 pm »
Sorry...  nothing quite so exotic.  A week in Florida to visit family for Thanksgiving and then a week in Canada to visit other family over Christmas.  Bacially we're talking about a couple weeks worth of driving either north or south.

Chas, the Florence Venice Rome trip sounds great.  If you get us a deal maybe we can do that next year.   ;)
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2004, 03:58:43 pm »
Make sure you stop by and try out Windy Bob's Master Spa while your down there...

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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2004, 04:34:29 pm »
Make sure you stop by and try out Windy Bob's Master Spa while your down there...


Assuming the flimsy panels havent blown away by then.  :)
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2004, 04:40:59 pm »
Assuming the flimsy panels havent blown away by then.  :)

I thought you were done bashing MS, Mr.Boogerhead >:( ;D
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2004, 07:29:43 pm »
Sorry...  nothing quite so exotic.  A week in Florida to visit family for Thanksgiving and then a week in Canada to visit other family over Christmas.  Bacially we're talking about a couple weeks worth of driving either north or south.

Chas, the Florence Venice Rome trip sounds great.  If you get us a deal maybe we can do that next year.   ;)

I have a relative who set up a group trip to Europe, and she got great prices on everything - and a tour guide for free. Maybe we should try something like that: would there be enough of us interested in going somewhere as a group ?? I bet the if we chose a destination like New Zealand, and if we could book a half an airplane (or whatever we would need), we could get a real deal. And if the dealers would mail out a card, offering the trip to all of their customers, we might have more people than we need!!

Hmmm. This might actually work. And don't worry, I have been on many of these trips: you can stay with the group or go off on your own.
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2004, 10:27:55 pm »
From some of your recent posts, you sound like you are in serious vacation mode. When is your next one? Not soon enough?

With all this brain power on this board, maybe we can invent better locks for the covers. The plastic is a bit lame. Then with the money we rake in for our great invention, we can take a vacation....


Bulmer4nc- good luck with the driving and kids!
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2004, 07:53:57 am »
Make sure you stop by and try out Windy Bob's Master Spa while your down there... 8)

Absolutely, bulmer.....if you are traveling anywhere near the Tallahassee area and have the time, we will be home during T-giving, flimsy panels and all!  Just a quick PM and we can be in business.....

And thanks for remembering, HTM....of course you are welcomed to come as well as salesdvl though he might end up laughing himself to death when he gets here.......
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Re: What to do while on vacation
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2004, 07:53:57 am »


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