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Author Topic: Before or after, which and why?  (Read 5398 times)


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Before or after, which and why?
« on: November 05, 2004, 05:17:29 pm »
I own a HS Vista with Everfresh (Nature 2) and Ozinator and both the HS owners manual and my dealer's hand out tell me to add either Di-Chlor or MPS BEFORE using  the tub.  I see some threads and advice saying to add chems after you get out.

Questions that I have,

Add the chems before or after and why?

MPS or DiChlor for upkeep?

Now, what if I do not use the spa for a 4 or 5 days? Shouldn't I add the chems to the spa before I get in it?  Is the spa still safe to use after 4 or 5 days?  Should I be adding chems daily to the spa even if I am not using it?  HS manual really doesn't tell you what to do if you miss using it for a few days.

I have only have my spa for 5+ weeks now and I still have not figured out what regiment I should be following.  I am all over the place, pH and alk are fine now.  I have had the spa get cloudy on me twice, with a greenish tint to the water.  Shocking helped and cleared it but I wonder what caused it to go south on me.  I was always adding MPS before usage and shocking once a week with Dichlor.  My free chlorine level is non existent when I check it daily, which it what it probably should be since I am using MPS on daily basis.

With the Nature 2 and ozinator, what should the free chlorine level be before getting into the spa?  I read that it should be at 2-3 but that would mean I would have to add dichlor before usage?

If I am to add dichlor before getting in the spa, how much should I put in for a 500 gallon spa?  I am afraid of over doing it and don't want to tell the wife that we cannot go in until Free chlorine comes down.  This is why I think MPS is the daily choice by my dealer.  He says you do not have to wait.  Add the MPS and get in.

I dichlor shocked last night and when I get home I am going to check the free chlorine level again.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Before or after, which and why?
« on: November 05, 2004, 05:17:29 pm »


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2004, 09:36:41 pm »

Have you taken a look at the FAQs at Doc's site (http://www.rhtubs.com/bbs/FAQ.htm)?  There are 2 great regimens there.  I too was having problems with cloudy water and confused on how much and when in my first month.  Now I am following Northman's regimen and have had great water and am alot more relaxed about it.  It really does get easier.   ;)


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2004, 12:32:20 am »
I've read it, but it leaves out some details, like how many gallons his spa is (for dosing)  and what chemical treatment to do if you do not use the spa for a day or so.

SO many questions......



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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2004, 09:10:45 am »
"This is not the only method, just the method I choose to use. Also be aware that any measurements I give are based on a 500-gallon spa, so you may need to add less or more chemicals depending upon the size of your spa in gallons. "

As for the dosing if not used every day, I would think (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) that missing a day for adding dichlor would not be that bad but if say you were going on vacation for less than a week then a good shock before you left would "hold your tub over" til you got back
« Last Edit: November 06, 2004, 09:17:37 am by ttodd1 »


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2004, 12:50:20 pm »
I've been using Everfresh for about 9 weeks now.  MPS before each use, DiChlor weekly.  Water might get slightly cloudy by the end of the week but clearly right up after I add the DiChlor.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2004, 01:58:39 pm »
Both Vermonter and Northman have approx. 500 gallon tubs.  If you are dosing with dichlor each use, add it after you get out.  That way any bacteria that has been added will be immediately taken care of and the N2 cartridge should maintain while not in use.  If you are dosing with mps, then add before you get in.  This way oxidation can take place and free up for sanitation.

I have not had luck with mps dosing.  The water would inevitably cloud up on me.  For me, a little dichlor after use and a weekly shock with mps or dichlor works very well.  I can usually go three or four days without adding dichlor if I do not use my spa with a regular dose.  I have been away for two weeks and come back to sparkling water with a shock dose.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2004, 05:53:23 pm »
Thanks ttodd1, I guess I missed that part.  I followed Northmans advice last night an added 2 tsp of Dichlor  after use.  This morning the free chlorine was almost nil but the spa was crystal clear, better than it has been.  Much less 'green'.  I hope this will be ok.  

I wonder if I could use MPS before getting in and then Dichlor on the way out?


Do you alternate between the dichlor and MPS shocking?



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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2004, 06:21:58 pm »
I have done it every which way....with just dichlor, with just mps, with sodium hypochlorite, alternating between the two.  Now I shock with 1 tblspn dichlor and two tblspn mps(non buffered).  Every way works well.  The trouble with just dichlor is it takes a while to get the chlorine levels down so I miss a day of soaking.  I have never had an issue with MPS, except that I first used Renew from Leisure Time which is buffered and you use a lot and it is expensive.  Now I use an inexpensive non chlorine shock.  I like using the dichlor with the mps now because it gets my free chlorine level to about 5 ppm which I think is important to do once every week or two with a low level dichlor dosing routine.  It also somewhat follows Northman's shock and the enhanced shock used by some on this board.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2004, 06:25:55 pm »
Thanks ttodd1, I guess I missed that part.  I followed Northmans advice last night an added 2 tsp of Dichlor  after use.  This morning the free chlorine was almost nil but the spa was crystal clear, better than it has been.  Much less 'green'.  I hope this will be ok.  

I wonder if I could use MPS before getting in and then Dichlor on the way out?


Do you alternate between the dichlor and MPS shocking?



The nil reading is normal.  I think doing both MPS and dichlor at the same time is not a good idea.  Just follow the FAQ and it should be fine.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2004, 06:55:41 am »
I also like using a combination of MPS and Dichlor to shock. The use of MPS helps to reduce my CYA levels a bit. A strickly dichlor routine puts my CYA level through the roof in about 2 months, where as MPS added to the mix can stretch that for 3-4. After use and during a normal week I dose with dichlor only, but sometimes don't use my tub everyday and can go for a few days with no problems with not adding dichlor. The N2 and O3 keep the water clean and clear. I also don't shock until I have used the tub at least 4-5 times, in other words I can go a couple weeks even 3 before I shock depending on use.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2004, 09:10:07 am »
Most excellent advice in all posts in this thread.  The only thing I might add is the MPS + dichlor shock routine that tony discusses.....I believe there is much merit to it but I like to think of it as shocking with the MPS while simultaneously adding sanitizer.....I don't think the dichlor contributes to the shock with the small amount used but it certainly contributes to the sanitization in the same way that MPS strictly oxidates and does not sanitize.  I've started using about 3 tbsp. MPS with 1 tbsp. dichlor and have been pleased with the results though I will alternate that with the dichlor only shock.
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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2004, 09:22:50 am »
Drain and refill. I recommend this to all of my customers somewhere about the end of the first month. You will be amazed at how it helps.

I have many customers who follow the Freshwater system as spelled out in the owner's manual from HotSprings - dosing with MPS before use - and it works great. I have many others who follow the same regimen with the slight change of dosing after use: works just fine.

I have still more customers who have switched to a small dose of Dichlor (granular chlorine) after each and every use - and it seems to work best of all. But the main reason most people chose to get the ozone system at all was to get away from the daily use of chlorine, so you decide.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2004, 06:42:25 pm »

The HS owners manual (pg.52) states that the Free chlorine level should register between 3-5.  But everytime I check the next day my level is about zero.   The manual says to not use the spa if it is below 2.0.  

Is it safe to enter the spa with a reading of zero?

I am going to drain the water at the end of the month, I live in NY and December is coming, which means cold and have to figure the best time to drain so I can get it to last until mid to late March.

The dealer gave me a container of Spa Guard Enhanced Shock and a container of Spa Guard granulated chlorine.  When should I use the stronger chlorine in place of the enhanced shock?   He gave it to me the first time my spa turned on me and I added 3 tsp and it cleared it up.

The posts are gining me excellent advice, there are many many ways to skin this cat.  I just want to find the easiest (don't we all).



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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2004, 09:29:03 pm »
With the Everfresh (Ozone and Silver Ion)  I only get a reading after my weekly DiChlor shock.  Maybe it would read after I add the MPS before entering but I've never checked.  Here in NW NJ, I also plan on changing the water in early Dec. and then again in March.


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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2004, 10:30:51 pm »

The HS owners manual (pg.52) states that the Free chlorine level should register between 3-5.  But everytime I check the next day my level is about zero.   The manual says to not use the spa if it is below 2.0.  

Is it safe to enter the spa with a reading of zero?
Yes, IF you have the ozone, silver Ion cartridge and you dosed with MPS after use the day before. Otherwise, no.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Before or after, which and why?
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2004, 10:30:51 pm »


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