Just preparing to start the new tub up this coming weekend. I used a Taylor Test kit (for the first time) to test my tap water (city water). Did a lot of reading on this subject... maybe just enough reading to confuse me

This is what I found..
Free Chlorine 0
Total Chlorine 1
PH 7.4
TA 70
Calcium 70
My questions are:
1. Do the above numbers sound reasonable for city water or did I mess something up.
2. Can I leave my PH alone since it is at 7.4.
3. My TA and Calcium sound low. What should I raise them to? I'm thinking 90 and 150 but am not really sure.
3. Can I assume that I will get the same reading from the tub when I fill it?
Maybe dumb questions but am just double checking my thought process.
Oh ya, I'm going to Nature 2... do I need to test for copper and should I be managing it?