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Congrats. It's nice to see a fellow Cameo owner. What color did you get it in?
Congrats! Great tub, too. May the goddess of Spatopia bless you with crystal water..........
Thanks ! I'm not sure who she is, but I sure hope she shows up !LOL
Goddess of Spatopia? Easy. That would be Lori! Brewman
Thanks ! I'm not sure who she is, but I sure hope she shows up ! LOL
Well, no Cameo for me.............Without going into details, we had a very bad experience at the time of delivery and we refused to take the tub. We are now looking at either Hot Springs or Dimension One tubs. :-/
Sorry to hear that Shoe, I know you were very excited. If I can help in the shopping again let me know.
Yea, but you have a MasterSpa. Why would he want to sit in that? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh... a low undercut. Sorry, you set me up and would have been dissappointed if I passed it up.