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On second thought, I'm calling BullSh__ on this. no way will water left for 2 years looks that good. This tub was recently filled.
On second thought, I'm calling BullSh__ on this.
On second thought, I'm calling BullSh__ on this...no way will water left for 2 years looks that good. Â This tub was recently filled.
You might be surprised...my father has an old 2 person (4-6 when I was a teen ) tub in his basement. Every 2 or 3 years, he'll drain it and wash the filter / refill it. He doesn't "get" the sanitizer thing, and will usually throw some chlorine in at the fill, and promptly forgets about it. After a LONG time, it still looks crystal clear except for dead spiders and what looks like underwater webs in a few corners (slimy webs!!). Never gets cloudy. True story.Steve