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How much water over the filters is "ok"?
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Topic: How much water over the filters is "ok"? (Read 2869 times)
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Posts: 129
How much water over the filters is "ok"?
October 29, 2004, 11:47:37 am »
My tub is on a concrete slab. The filter area is on the "high" side, and there is about an inch (maybe a little less) of water level variation from one side to the other. Ok, my question... the manufacturer recommends 4 inches of water over the top of the filters. If I did that, I would drown on the other side! (well, ok, not drown, but my significant other complains now that is is too deep for her in spots). And even if I did, I think it would be too high overall. So if I maintain about 2 inches of water over the filters, do you guys think that is sufficient for good filtration? That is 2 inches when everything is off, and when it runs, there is still water over the filters too.
Hot Tub Forum
How much water over the filters is "ok"?
October 29, 2004, 11:47:37 am »
Senior Member
Posts: 1154
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #1 on:
October 29, 2004, 11:59:32 am »
I thought at first this was going to turn into another one of those math word problems. But it didnt.
I would say that as long as there is water always covering the filters with jets on you should be OK. I would also say that ultimately it would be better to level the conctrete under the spa so it isnt an issue. ( do not shim the spa )
Measure once, cut twice.
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #2 on:
October 29, 2004, 12:57:34 pm »
Or you could spin the tub 180 degrees the next time you drain it completely and not have a probem. But, of course you would probably have to remount the cover lifter.
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Posts: 517
HS Grandee Owner; Hot Tub Geek
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #3 on:
October 29, 2004, 01:46:01 pm »
Good Lord, Steve, I think you have mis-read the directions!
The water should be a good 4 inches BELOW the filter.
If the water were 4 inches ABOVE the filter.. why... just think how DIRTY they would get.
Seriously, though, it somewhat depends on your filtration system. Some scum sits on the surface, some sinks to the bottom. When the jets are on alot of gets "kicked up". The deeper the filters, perhaps, the easier it is to grab "heavier" scum that doesn't get kicked up to the surface as much.
Is your suction intake at the top or bottom?
I'd try it for 3-4 months and if it works for you then it works for you. I seriously doubt you would be doing any damage to the equipment.
Full Member
Posts: 129
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #4 on:
October 31, 2004, 12:57:16 am »
Leveling the concrete isn't an option, as that's the way it's normally built. Patios are supposed to have a "fall" away from the house for drainage away from the foundation. I suppose that's an issue when building a patio for general use + hot tub vs. a dedicated pad for a tub. But I didn't think a drop of about an inch from side to side was too extreme anyway. Thanks for the input on the water level, that was my initial take as well, just wanted to bounce it off you guys.
I like the orientation the way it is, but I did think of turning it. (although it is pretty darn heavy, the control panel would be on the "wrong side", and it would also require a "redo" on the electric, so that's out).
Thanks Ed, for your opinion too, and if it WAS 4 inches under, I wouldn't have to clean the filters very often (probably at all). You think the wife would mind the sewage smell after awhile though?
With the amount of water over the filters now, it seems to be ok (so far). I just wondered if anyone else had a similar issue, as 4 inches over the filters seemed high to me. Unless you had really short filters!
Lots to learn about these things, hopefully I'll be able to give back some knowledge (someday!).
Last Edit: October 31, 2004, 11:48:42 am by steve771
Senior Member
Posts: 1154
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #5 on:
October 31, 2004, 12:31:55 pm »
I didnt mean to level the entire concrete patio. I have heard of people that have taken the area UNDER the spa and raised it the inch or so in order for the spa to be level. The pitch of the rest of the patio is left alone & still allows water run off. just a thought.
Measure once, cut twice.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: How much water over the filters is "ok"?
Reply #5 on:
October 31, 2004, 12:31:55 pm »
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