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Author Topic: need help asap  (Read 12866 times)


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2004, 11:54:02 am »
Jacuzzi Premium was created by Sundance who builds them and is wholly owned by Jacuzzi Brands Inc.  They are different from the original Jacuzzi Spas built by Jacuzzi Whirlpool Baths and discontinued in 2002.

Sundance, and I would imagine JP also, includes the jet bodies in the plumbing components.  The jets themselves, many of which are removable, are only warranted for two years (or less with JP and SW).  They are relatively easy and not expensive to replace.

Thanks Tony.  I didn't think my warranty was quite as bad as made out on this board earlier.  Intereresting about the Prodigy jet selector.  

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Re: need help asap
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2004, 11:54:02 am »


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2004, 11:56:02 am »

Actually on the Prodigy...

Canuck did not mention the Prodigy in his post.  He/She referenced this as a problem for all Hot Springs spas, which really *is* patentedly untrue.

The Prodigy can run all jets with the diverters in the middle position. Yes, it is noisy (but not as noisy as some other tubs diverters) and the ability exists even if *gasp* it is not in the manual! 8)



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Re: need help asap
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2004, 11:58:14 am »
still can't decide and realy need help. price is exactly the same for both tubs including, steps, cover, coverlifter, start up chemicals and ozinator. my other half says it's my decision


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2004, 11:58:33 am »
In my market, Hot Spring is pricing themselves out of the market.  They are charging upwards of $ 16K (reportedly) for a Grandee !!  I believe the 385 in Canada is only $ 12K.  I'm sorry it's not a $ 4K better tub.  

I own a grandee and I paid around $8 (tax and all) for it. The 2004 quoted price for a grandee is around $10k with them actually going for around $8800-$9500 depending on location.

Maybe we are talking Canadian dollars, because your numbers up there don't make sense to me.  

Any Hot Springs dealers on this board trying to sell a Grandee for $16,000??



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Re: need help asap
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2004, 12:04:35 pm »
still can't decide and realy need help. price is exactly the same for both tubs including, steps, cover, coverlifter, start up chemicals and ozinator. my other half says it's my decision


 It is a big decision to make, but I don't know that the combination of salesmen and proud owners here will help with the subjective side of things.

 I would try this:

1) Go back and wet test again.  It is OKAY to wet test multiple times.

2) See how you feel about each dealer. They are the ones servicing your tub.

3) Hot Springs (my opinion, and I am a HS owner) is better, but pricier.  The Jacuzzi certainly has more room.

Here are some questions to ask to see how each dealer responds.  There is probably no right answer, other than your gut.

1) How much will my tub cost to run?
2) How long will my chemicals last?
3) What is the cost of replacement parts for parts < 5 years under warranty?
4) Do you do water testing?
5) Can I wet test again?

Questions 1 - 3 are subjective, based on usage and a bunch of other things, but maybe by looking at how each dealer responds to them you can get an idea of who makes you more comfortable.

If it is just the two of you, or maybe 1 or 2 more (but *not* 5) then get the Prodigy.  If you entertain often, get the larger Jacuzzi.  While I prefer HS, no-one is saying that the Jacuzzi tub is in any way a lemon.

If neither choice seems like anything other than a compromise, take a deep breath, step away from the research for a few weeks, or months, and save a little more and come back to the buying table with some more options available to you.  Or wait to see when the sales are, or wait til the new 2005 models come out and get a 2004 model at a discount.

Best of Luck!

« Last Edit: October 29, 2004, 12:12:24 pm by ebirrane »


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2004, 12:05:24 pm »
I also believe that the items warrented at time of delivery, such as the light lenses, pillows, filters, etc are the replacable items and are most likely damaged from improper use or chemisty.  And it does say CABINET FINNISH, not cabinet.


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2004, 12:07:20 pm »

I though most warranties covered pillows for a 1 year warranty on them.  These will go over time, and some feel having an ozonator contributes to their demise.

I think on my tub pillows are $30-$40 to replace.



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Re: need help asap
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2004, 12:10:01 pm »

Maybe your brain is saying go with the hotspring and your heart says jacuzzi premium (or vice versa).  Go with your heart.

You won't go wrong with either.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2004, 12:11:25 pm by tony »


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2004, 12:21:21 pm »

Sundance and JacuzziPremium both only warrant headrests at time of delivery.  Mine are over two years old and still look good.  I alway considered them to be an item that would have to be replaced sometime.  The main part of the headrest will last a long time, I think.  The little inserts in the centers look like they may need to be replaced sometime.  If I recall, they are only about ten to twelve dollars each.



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Re: need help asap
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2004, 02:30:34 pm »

The Prodigy can run all jets with the diverters in the middle position. Yes, it is noisy (but not as noisy as some other tubs diverters) and the ability exists even if *gasp* it is not in the manual! 8)


I understand.  As a HS dealer I just don't present it as they can run all the jets at the same time.  If you follow the HS brainwashing, I mean selling system, they use the "Reality of everyday usage" as being able to have quiet zones where there are no jets running.  That is the design.  Putting the diverter in the middle is absolutely do-able.  But having what I think sounds like stress on a diverter that wasnt designed to have water flowing through it that way isnt worth it.
As top shelf as Watkins is, I wish they would change the diverter valve to one that is much smoother to turn. When the jets are running they are the hardest diverter on my showroom floor.
Measure once, cut twice.


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2004, 08:34:25 pm »
It is not my intention to turn this into a great debate.  Choice and preference is a wonderful thing.  As a consumer I already made my choice and the Jacuzzi J385 was the perfect tub for our needs.

I should have specified that it was the Hot Springs Grandee that we wet tested.  The salesman was extremely helpful and I almost felt bad for not buying his product.  The two main deciding deciding factors were:
1)  My wife floated out of the seats.  Not really a Hot Springs problem just a lady thing.
2)  We were told that if we had all the seats occupied, we would not be able to have all the jets on.  The salesman explained that Hot Springs took into account that some people in the tub would not want jet action.  I have found quite the opposite.  Everyone likes 15 or 20 minutes of jet action, then shut all the pumps off and have a time of quiet conversation.

Hot Springs is a great tub but it just wasn't for us.


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2004, 12:45:15 am »

 Thanks for clarifying.  As a Grandee owner, however, I can tell you that on my 2004 tub with the diverter in the middle there is not alot of noise and all jets work.  

 If you move the diverter to an angled position (i.e. not 12,3,6, or 9) there is noise. But if it is "up and down" instead of "left and right" all seems to work very well.

 Perhaps you tested a different model year.


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Re: need help asap
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2004, 12:45:15 am »


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