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Author Topic: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice  (Read 3105 times)


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Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« on: October 24, 2004, 07:12:33 pm »
Well let's hope that using my new Optima will be considerably more enjoyable than my purchasing experience.  When I purchased, my dealer was listed on Sundance's website as an authorized dealer.  Shortly afterward, the dealer was removed (that should have been the first hint).  Purchased the tub in June, it was delivered on Friday (4 months, and only after I worked with Sundance to get my order expediated).  I coordinated with and paid for the delivery service.  They knew the dealer and commented that he is or very close to being out of business.  My Electrician came Saturday and will be back tomorrow to complete the hook up.

Several Questions:

1)  The dealer still owes me stairs, hydraulic lifter, ozonator (the delivery service checked and it does not appear that the ozonator has been installed), and start-up chemicals.  If I have to go back after the dealer for reimbursement, how many $$$ should I go after.  Please itemize, because he claims he will be here with the stairs, lifter, and chemicals .... we'll see.

2)  Who installs the ozonator?  Sundance or dealer?  Does the Optima only accept the Sundance ozonator?  Are ozonators worth it?

3)  If I never hear back from this dealer again, what are my next steps (filling it is either at or near the top  :))?  Again, the electrical connections will be completed tomorrow.

Thanks in advance!

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Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« on: October 24, 2004, 07:12:33 pm »


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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2004, 08:19:27 am »
If you are going to sue this business, maybe you'd want to get a couple written estimates from nearby spa dealers on the pieces you paid for but didn't get.  
If the dealer stays in business, they should give you the missing items.  
If they go under, you may be in a long line with other creditors, and may end up with nothing.  

I believe that the dealer installs the ozonator.  I didn't get that option with our spa, so I don't know for sure.
Can't say if ozone is worth it or not.  Opinions are all over the place.  You could certainly skip it for now, and add it in the future.  Don't know if the spa accepts other ozonators.

I'd find out from Sundance who will be servicing you spa during the warranty period.  Hopefully you won't need service, but someone will have to be there for you.  

Good luck to you.  You got a great spa.  



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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2004, 09:40:09 am »
Our delivery guys installed the ozonator and LED light before they took it off the truck.  Once it was in place they installed the cover lifter.
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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2004, 09:48:09 am »
Ray,    Sorry to hear of your experience.   As a dealer I hate to hear of such things.  Anyway the dealer should install the ozone and lifter.  In a worst case scenario you could find those items online and install them yourself.  Ozone is optional, obviously, but it will help alot with keeping the water cleaner.  But if you pay attention to what you are doing with chemical management is isnt neccessary. I think of it kinda like cruise control on a car.  It's a great thing to have in the long run but you can get by without it.  Ozonator should be around 200, you can get a resin double step for 50-75, and a lifter should be 150-200.  Good luck.
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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2004, 10:12:36 am »
“1)  The dealer still owes me stairs, hydraulic lifter, ozonator (the delivery service checked and it does not appear that the ozonator has been installed), and start-up chemicals.  If I have to go back after the dealer for reimbursement, how many $$$ should I go after.  Please itemize, because he claims he will be here with the stairs, lifter, and chemicals .... we'll see.”

I believe you should be reimbursed, but it depends on how much you should be reimbursed.  Step prices vary.  Start up chemicals vary.  Hydraulic lifters vary.  Ozonators vary.  

Assuming you got those items for “free” with the purchase of the spa.  If you had to go to court, how much are those items really worth?  If he goes into bankruptcy, it isn’t worth your time to try to go after him if you don’t get those items.  

“2)  Who installs the ozonator?  Sundance or dealer?  Does the Optima only accept the Sundance ozonator?  Are ozonators worth it?”

Did you pay for installation for the ozone?  Obviously, most dealers include that in the price of the spa or accessory package, but if your dealer is being difficult you will probably have to install it yourself.  It isn’t that hard.  Yes, I would only recommend you to use the Sundance ozonator.

”3)  If I never hear back from this dealer again, what are my next steps (filling it is either at or near the top   )?  Again, the electrical connections will be completed tomorrow.”

Call Sundance and b*tch like there is no tomorrow and also find out who is the next closest dealer.


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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2004, 12:05:53 pm »
There are several steps I would take before taking I to a “legal battle”. Send a certified letter to the dealership outlining what you are expecting and a time frame, this will probably be enough to get their attention. Be polite and realistic in the letter and by all means don’t “threaten” that will only start a battle, the fact that you're sending a “certified letter” is threatening enough and it’s even more intimidating if it’s a polite yet stern one.  

Are they a BBB member? I would start there, if Sundance has already dropped them than they won't be much help on what’s owed.

Did you pay with a credit card? That would be my next step. Write your card company saying you've paid but haven't received all of the components to your satisfaction.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2004, 12:28:40 pm by stuart »


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Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 08:12:11 pm »
Stuart is on the right track here.  Your best best is if you paid on a credit card.  If not, taking them to court isn't going to do you much good, I bet his landlord, Sundance, the utility company, etc.. are in line with you.

I am a big fan of paying with a credit card and then paying the bill.  This way you have the credit card company to back you up.

Good luck.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Optima dealers/owners .... need advice
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 08:12:11 pm »


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